Outside of Elite STF missions, the Borg Processors and the Ancient Power Cells are rarer than a featured lockbox ship. Is there going to be a fix for this? Not everyone is geared up for Elite STFs, nor are we all part of a fleet that regularly runs STFs.
A short-term fix could be to add Mark X Omega/Honor Guard/MACO items to the reputation project with the same requirements as the Mark 12 versions, but without the requirement for Borg Processors. Then players could conceivably then upgrade them to Mark 12 (or 14). While not ideal, it would allow people to earn them without running Elite STFs and possibly complete the now impossible to finish STF gear accolades.
Another option would be to add a Borg Processor to the drop for completion of a Hard mission in the Defera Invasion Zone.
The resolution to the lack of power cells with the Delta Reputation would be to add a daily mission to the Kobali ground zone wherein the player has to defeat the Boss Tank under the landed Vaadwaur Frigate.
One thing I was thinking up was being able to trade an amount of marks for the reps special item, IE undine marks for Iso Injectors, Omega marks for BNP and so on, would mean folk who are not able to do the elites can do lesser stuff and simply trade up
One thing I was thinking up was being able to trade an amount of marks for the reps special item, IE undine marks for Iso Injectors, Omega marks for BNP and so on, would mean folk who are not able to do the elites can do lesser stuff and simply trade up
I love that Idea too! Maybe even exchange some of the extra Reputation XP as well.
From what I can tell, Cryptic would rather you step up your game by upgrading your gear and/or getting a newer better ship than make those back to how easy to get the BNPs were before. That's the only thing I can figure with the constant buffs to space PvE.
Ancient Power Cells are a different story than BNPs, it used to be Bug Hunt Advanced was a nice simple ground slugfest, but past the 5th Anniversary it's been constant team wipes for me. After re-gearing twice I'm still struggling on my Sci char to get the APCs I want for the Delta set. Borg Disconnected Advanced isn't much of a DPS race, nor much issue for tanking, but it requires co-ordination and the spawns not to bug out to have a successful run. So, not quite sure how Cryptic is monetizing APCs.
I'll be honest, I haven't really had a problem getting the Neural Processors, but that's because I'm in an active fleet that runs Adv STFs regularly, and several members have 30k+ sustained DPS. While I don't have good DPS, I have the CC needed to stall the probes and Nanite Spheres. Fastest one I run for BNPs is Cure Found Adv.
APCs I haven't really worked on yet, so I couldn't tell ya.
I thought I saw a discussion somewhere with talk of adding these to the ground zones for each rep? That would make them easier to get for sure. I know most of my Voth Cybernetics come from the BZ...
Maybe we'll get lucky, and this will actually happen.
I thought I saw a discussion somewhere with talk of adding these to the ground zones for each rep? That would make them easier to get for sure. I know most of my Voth Cybernetics come from the BZ...
Maybe we'll get lucky, and this will actually happen.
The lack of any Battlezone for Delta Rising was disappointing to me, as I've liked them much more than 'Adventure Zones' like the Kobali world one. If they made a new one for Delta (unlikely), I hope they make it drop APCs, and it would be particularly great if they dropped at about the same rate as the Undine and Voth BZs dropped them.
Each Defera hard mission now gives one BNP. You can get four a day off a complete tour of the zone.
Capturing certain points on Kobali Prime gives a single APC. Presumably these will be limited to the points farther into the zone, based on where I got one.
BHE = I believe it's the full counter command set that gives a LOT of toxic damage resistance. Key to survival on those. Sci toon can just dish out damage and heal themselves all the time.
Another fix would be to restore the FULL versions of the Borg STF missions. The ones where you had to complete both a ground and a space portion with completion of the mission always giving a Borg Neuroprocessor. With the new level cap increase , it should be stupidly easy for a team of three Pugs to grind them once a day each for a total of three a day. The Vice Admiral version could give 2 or 3 and a Fleet Admiral Elite version could be created with the NPCs at +5 player level for those power gamers and give 5 for completion. This Elite Fleet Admiral Version would have to be locked out and only accessible to players who have completed the Omega/MACO/Honor Guard accolades that require the player to complete the STF optionals on ALL Borg STFs.
Each Defera hard mission now gives one BNP. You can get four a day off a complete tour of the zone.
Capturing certain points on Kobali Prime gives a single APC. Presumably these will be limited to the points farther into the zone, based on where I got one.
Oh, that would be great. Kobali Prime seems useless to me if it doesn't grant APCs. Getting delta marks is easy, getting Ancient Power Cells is not.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Each Defera hard mission now gives one BNP. You can get four a day off a complete tour of the zone.
Capturing certain points on Kobali Prime gives a single APC. Presumably these will be limited to the points farther into the zone, based on where I got one.
If that makes it to live and stays there, that would be a great thing to counter those two issues. Particularly with the recent buff to Tachyon Beam making Sphere groups difficult for anyone not in a high-DPS group.
BHE = I believe it's the full counter command set that gives a LOT of toxic damage resistance. Key to survival on those. Sci toon can just dish out damage and heal themselves all the time.
Problem is usually that when your heals are on cooldown, anyone remotely under-geared will die quickly, followed by the second least tanky, and then the next, until it's just you in very quick succession. Post 5th Anniversary it's not the Toxic that's been the problem for me, but the Physical damage (Claw Slash) or Mental (Pest physic blasts) that's been getting me. I will have to try with the CC set, I already picked up the shields and armor, as well as a [armor][shield][will] Science kit (4x medical, 1x Research) as well as higher end healing modules, but I'm not sure that'll be enough for PuGing the thing... If the changes come to pass for the Kobali I may not even try with how bad of luck I've had.
well, that is not true, its 100% drop rate on advanced. Elite is not required.
I agree, however: the stfs should drop 100% on normal mode ... for, you know, ppl that NEED GEAR TO DO ADVANCED.
8472 Counter-Command and Romulan Rep stuff is pretty solid for gearing, which thankfully don't require Advanced or higher PvE to get. Crafted stuff with the Solanae set is enough to handle most Advanced STFs as well as most Borg Omega Rep sets do (i.e. you're still going to have your shields ripped off if you aggro a Sphere group).
I love that Idea too! Maybe even exchange some of the extra Reputation XP as well.
Ancient Power Cells are a different story than BNPs, it used to be Bug Hunt Advanced was a nice simple ground slugfest, but past the 5th Anniversary it's been constant team wipes for me. After re-gearing twice I'm still struggling on my Sci char to get the APCs I want for the Delta set. Borg Disconnected Advanced isn't much of a DPS race, nor much issue for tanking, but it requires co-ordination and the spawns not to bug out to have a successful run. So, not quite sure how Cryptic is monetizing APCs.
APCs I haven't really worked on yet, so I couldn't tell ya.
Maybe we'll get lucky, and this will actually happen.
The lack of any Battlezone for Delta Rising was disappointing to me, as I've liked them much more than 'Adventure Zones' like the Kobali world one. If they made a new one for Delta (unlikely), I hope they make it drop APCs, and it would be particularly great if they dropped at about the same rate as the Undine and Voth BZs dropped them.
Member since December 2009
Each Defera hard mission now gives one BNP. You can get four a day off a complete tour of the zone.
Capturing certain points on Kobali Prime gives a single APC. Presumably these will be limited to the points farther into the zone, based on where I got one.
Some are bugged, but not all. However, if they're adding BNPs to said missions it's possible they will fix them.
Oh, that would be great. Kobali Prime seems useless to me if it doesn't grant APCs. Getting delta marks is easy, getting Ancient Power Cells is not.
If that makes it to live and stays there, that would be a great thing to counter those two issues. Particularly with the recent buff to Tachyon Beam making Sphere groups difficult for anyone not in a high-DPS group.
Problem is usually that when your heals are on cooldown, anyone remotely under-geared will die quickly, followed by the second least tanky, and then the next, until it's just you in very quick succession. Post 5th Anniversary it's not the Toxic that's been the problem for me, but the Physical damage (Claw Slash) or Mental (Pest physic blasts) that's been getting me. I will have to try with the CC set, I already picked up the shields and armor, as well as a [armor][shield][will] Science kit (4x medical, 1x Research) as well as higher end healing modules, but I'm not sure that'll be enough for PuGing the thing... If the changes come to pass for the Kobali I may not even try with how bad of luck I've had.
well, that is not true, its 100% drop rate on advanced. Elite is not required.
I agree, however: the stfs should drop 100% on normal mode ... for, you know, ppl that NEED GEAR TO DO ADVANCED.
8472 Counter-Command and Romulan Rep stuff is pretty solid for gearing, which thankfully don't require Advanced or higher PvE to get. Crafted stuff with the Solanae set is enough to handle most Advanced STFs as well as most Borg Omega Rep sets do (i.e. you're still going to have your shields ripped off if you aggro a Sphere group).
I was referring to the Grand Prize ship such as the Cardassian Galor, Ferengi D'Kora, Hirogen Hunter, etc.
I consider the secondary ship to be in a lower tier and the Lobi ship isn't even in contention.