I'm getting back into STO and was wondering if it was worth upgrading my Blockade Runner Retrofit escort to 5U or just buying a new T6 ship. I'm also behind on a few of the rep tiers. Is there any one rep to concentrate on for weapons or equipment? I usually use AP.
If you really really like it, the boff layout and all just fits you then yes upgrade it. If its just a collection of stats to you though, then the Phantom is the new gold standard in Fed escorts if just for its crazy-strong Trait alone.
The steamrunner is an overlooked gem in sto, probably due it's steam exclusivity. Just buy an upgrade token off the exchange, a few (9?) million EC the last time I checked and gear t up with DHCs and turrets.
Not 100% sure but I think it gets a 5th tac console at 5U so you should get some decent firepower out of it.
Also, as reginamala78 said the Phantom is worth it for it's seriously OP trait alone. Though I'd recommend to obtain via dil-grinding and the zen-exchange. Cryptic really does not deserve the money at the moment for all the TRIBBLE they broke and nerfed....
the steamrunner is totally worth the T5U upgrade, it was the first ship that i upgraded to that.
it does get a 5th tac slot, and when properly outfitted, it 'steamrolls' through practically everything.
with the right buffs, traits, ect, one can get the hull hp pretty high making it a tank-scort.
it brings the pain, and can take the pain
Not 100% sure but I think it gets a 5th tac console at 5U so you should get some decent firepower out of it.
Also, as reginamala78 said the Phantom is worth it for it's seriously OP trait alone. Though I'd recommend to obtain via dil-grinding and the zen-exchange. Cryptic really does not deserve the money at the moment for all the TRIBBLE they broke and nerfed....
it does get a 5th tac slot, and when properly outfitted, it 'steamrolls' through practically everything.
with the right buffs, traits, ect, one can get the hull hp pretty high making it a tank-scort.
it brings the pain, and can take the pain