Just in case your having problems using skills from bridge officers, I found a way around it.
Remove your bridge officers, select the skills you want then reinstate them. I know that some players are saying something about a reset button, I am unable to find it but this works.
Just in case your having problems using skills from bridge officers, I found a way around it.
Remove your bridge officers, select the skills you want then reinstate them. I know that some players are saying something about a reset button, I am unable to find it but this works.
In reference to the Reset button...keep looking because it's there and it's definitely the solution you need so that you no longer have to remove your BOFF's and then reinstate them.
In reference to the Reset button...keep looking because it's there and it's definitely the solution you need so that you no longer have to remove your BOFF's and then reinstate them.
Good luck, comrade!