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Not again... New lockbox escort screws old ones again

samt296samt296 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
I recently happily purchased the Contortrix escort a few weeks ago and was loving the hell out of it, being superior to pretty much everything including the much vaunted bug ship. Now a new ship comes along that is the exact same type of escort but just a touch better at everything! One point higher turn rate, one more BOFF slot, slightly better shields etc.


I will probably ending up buying the new escort eventually since I compulsively collect and own the best escorts, but I'm still pissed the hell off at cryptic for TRIBBLE my poor little Contortrix right in the arsehole!

I thought yall were trying to be creative and original when making lockbox ships, usually you make something new and interesting for us to play around with. Not a slightly better clone of something else...
"When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."

Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!

Post edited by samt296 on


  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    samt296 wrote: »
    I will probably ending up buying the new escort eventually since I compulsively collect and own the best escorts, but I'm still pissed the hell off at cryptic for TRIBBLE my poor little Contortrix right in the arsehole!

    You wanted to know why... and there is your answer.... power creep plus people not paying with their pocketbooks... equals Cryptic doing this over and over and over again...

    Until you and everyone else stops paying Cryptic for doing this.... they'll keep doing it because it's a blank check for them that they're already walking to the bank with.
  • omgbamf00omgbamf00 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    samt296 wrote: »
    I will probably ending up buying the new escort

    You answered your own question.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In Venom 2, Star Fox is shocked to find that Star Wolf has upgraded to the new Wolfen 2, a fighter with superior shields, maneuverability, firepower and g diffuser. Technically, Fox McCloud's Ar-Wing is no match. But as Nintendo's Star Fox 64 player guide teaches us, despite any technological advantage, with enough skill, guts and heart you may yet be victorious.

    That is kind of like how it is in STO. Newer, shinier ships coming along all the time. Always for a another price tag. But you don't need them to crush your enemies. Until you learn to do 40k dps in a Galaxy R, you still haven't peaked. You still have untapped potential just waiting to be exploited. Hone your skill to perfection. Cryptic can't put a price on that.
  • baxhatrixbaxhatrix Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    You wanted to know why... and there is your answer.... power creep plus people not paying with their pocketbooks... equals Cryptic doing this over and over and over again...

    Until you and everyone else stops paying Cryptic for doing this.... they'll keep doing it because it's a blank check for them that they're already walking to the bank with.

    ^^ This ^^
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,608 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Until you learn to do 40k dps in a Galaxy R, you still haven't peaked. You still have untapped potential just waiting to be exploited. Hone your skill to perfection. Cryptic can't put a price on that.


    Well said. I don't need to spend $200 or 550 m EC to have "the best" ship just because it might be slightly better than the ship I fly now. Play for fun, not to show off your gear.
  • cabezadetortugacabezadetortuga Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    samt296 wrote: »
    I recently happily purchased the Contortrix escort a few weeks ago and was loving the hell out of it, being superior to pretty much everything including the much vaunted bug ship. Now a new ship comes along that is the exact same type of escort but just a touch better at everything! One point higher turn rate, one more BOFF slot, slightly better shields etc.


    I will probably ending up buying the new escort eventually since I compulsively collect and own the best escorts, but I'm still pissed the hell off at cryptic for TRIBBLE my poor little Contortrix right in the arsehole!

    I thought yall were trying to be creative and original when making lockbox ships, usually you make something new and interesting for us to play around with. Not a slightly better clone of something else...

    I have news for you:

    The quest to have the best toy in an MMO is a never-ending one. No matter how great your toy is, a new toy which is objectively better will eventually be introduced. This reality is not going to change. It is the very nature of a living MMO.

    New content=new toys

    You'll be much happier if you stop trying to keep up with the Jones' and instead focus on just having fun.
  • lored2deathlored2death Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    You wanted to know why... and there is your answer.... power creep plus people not paying with their pocketbooks... equals Cryptic doing this over and over and over again...

    Until you and everyone else stops paying Cryptic for doing this.... they'll keep doing it because it's a blank check for them that they're already walking to the bank with.

    This, this, this. They are going to *keep* treating the players like addicted marks until they start speaking with their money.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    samt296 wrote: »

    I will probably ending up buying the new escort eventually since I compulsively collect and own the best escorts, but I'm still pissed the hell off at cryptic for TRIBBLE my poor little Contortrix right in the arsehole!

    You answered your own question OP. Stop spending and let Cryptic figure it out on their own if they care to.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sonnikku wrote: »
    In Venom 2, Star Fox is shocked to find that Star Wolf has upgraded to the new Wolfen 2, a fighter with superior shields, maneuverability, firepower and g diffuser. Technically, Fox McCloud's Ar-Wing is no match. But as Nintendo's Star Fox 64 player guide teaches us, despite any technological advantage, with enough skill, guts and heart you may yet be victorious.

    That is kind of like how it is in STO. Newer, shinier ships coming along all the time. Always for a another price tag. But you don't need them to crush your enemies. Until you learn to do 40k dps in a Galaxy R, you still haven't peaked. You still have untapped potential just waiting to be exploited. Hone your skill to perfection. Cryptic can't put a price on that.

    Nice analogy there, made me smile.:)

    There's something else Fox and STO players have in common now, we're all doing barrel rolls.:D
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Honestly, you only have yourself to blame if you got that Contortix when T6 was already becoming the new standard.

    And I'm sure there was plenty of rage and spite from players prior to the Contortix appearing who were pissed when it first came out as well, that their formerly legendary/newfangled/escort was suddently outdone and outgunned by a faction-less ship.

    On the bright-side; at least it isn't capable of even OsS and IT1, much less SS1.

    And on the brighter-side; some future Primary Specialization will have a escort to beat the Vaadwaur escort. But at least it'll still be T6. Just with a different specialization seat.

    And on the sunny and rosy side; the same will happen for many other ships if it hasn't already (technically, Eclipse and Qib pretty much take the lead in combat-oriented cruisers).

    And on the sunny side of Mercury, it's practically guaranteed that new ships will be released that outdo the old standard. Unless you're Romulan or KDF, upon which you might never see a new T6 Sci ship. Which is still higher than ever seeing a Bird of Prey descendant/successor.

    Slight sarcasm aside; nothing stays at the top forever, unless the game is dying, close to dying (those MMOs that shut down their cash shops or made them all free until the servers go down), or undead (one of the other PWE games, IIRC). The sooner you get used to that fact; the happier you'll be as far as MMOs go.
  • alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've had a tempest on my main for over 6 months and wouldn't mind a change if a decent escort came along.

    The new Vaadwaur escort? The 5/2 set-up is nice, and so is the extra boff slot. I could use the intel seating. The turn rate buff and mastery trait are meh. That it's not a fed ship and I kinda like having a fed ship on my main toon is bad. The lower hull and lack of lt comm tac seat are deal-breakers.

    Still waiting to replace my little tempest....

    And oh yeah ditto on what everyone else on the thread is saying. If people didn't spend enormous gobs of real world money for keys to get a *chance* at winning one of these ships, then Cryptic would stop making so many. Even if you buy them with EC (and I have too, not judging), then you're driving up the price that some people see on the exchange that motivates some of them to buy keys.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Honestly, you only have yourself to blame if you got that Contortix when T6 was already becoming the new standard.

    Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix Escort was annoying has hell anyway, with that ridiculously long tail, constantly TRIBBLE with your camera pos (unless you zoom out real far).
  • alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix Escort was annoying has hell anyway, with that ridiculously long tail, constantly TRIBBLE with your camera pos (unless you zoom out real far).

    It looked cool on the teevee, but what does that tail even do?
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    On the bright-side; at least it isn't capable of even OsS and IT1, much less SS1.

    And on the brighter-side; some future Primary Specialization will have a escort to beat the Vaadwaur escort. But at least it'll still be T6. Just with a different specialization seat.

    Um, hywat?

    Vaadwaur escort has Lt Intel / Sci slot so it can at least slot the first two abilities. Arguably the Phantom has an edge thanks to its stronger Intel abilities.

    Anyway, @OP; unless your skills are top-notch, all your gear is gold, and you're a PVPer, then the qualitative difference is academic. Pretty well any decently-handled T5U escort will kill all nonPVP content - the rest is overkill.
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    For the top PvPers this ship is in direct competition with the Phantom, the Bug and the Contortix are a little behind those two since DR dropped.

    I do like this one though it's lack of cloak means it's a bit more risky to use.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
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