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How many Devs tried to help us and left?



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    eltatuseltatus Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    well, new Executive Producer has been crowned, a guy involved in the original creation in this game. if a guy like that cant throw a bone to pvp, no one can.


    And what makes you think he even wants to help PVP? LOL man.. the devs that even tryed that are out of STO now.

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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    eltatus wrote: »

    And what makes you think he even wants to help PVP? LOL man.. the devs that even tryed that are out of STO now.

    he helped create the game, with a ship and ability system created for pvp interactions, with pve that works with that system by default tacked on too. otherwise there's no justification for sci ships and sci caps, or even eng caps really, to exist. to this day they still have basically no place in pve, but pvp has always revolved around them.

    so like i said, if he isn't up for doing something with pvp, no one is.
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    metalkorekingmetalkoreking Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Sorry to steal your thread for a moment....I used to pvp a little, I was barely ok, but when I was, I had fun. Many of the names in this thread were people I followed on the forums extensively.
    ive been away for over a year now.
    things look worse? can I catchup on all these new powers/abilities/wtf's?
    Im patching now, but id love to know if I should sink any time into trying to "get good" again.
    Thanks in advance.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Sorry to steal your thread for a moment....I used to pvp a little, I was barely ok, but when I was, I had fun. Many of the names in this thread were people I followed on the forums extensively.
    ive been away for over a year now.
    things look worse? can I catchup on all these new powers/abilities/wtf's?
    Im patching now, but id love to know if I should sink any time into trying to "get good" again.
    Thanks in advance.

    its unplayable, not just because of 1 thing, but at least 6 major things, 5 of which are all new for DR.

    not even the pve is worth playing, unless your up for doing a new grind that at least as large as the entire rest of the possible grind in the game combined.
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    metalkorekingmetalkoreking Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for the info fellas.
    I had a 1v1 with a fello fleetie who showed me whats new.
    first off, hes a fed engineer in a T6 and he killed me in under 3 seconds,sometimes under 2.
    and he could repeat this process as many times as he liked, although one power he had to wait 3 myns to recharge if he was to just wipe me straight away.
    my poor outdated alpha BO DHC build couldnt knock him to the halfway mark.

    im not complaining or protesting, it was just astonishing how much has changed.

    I know my fleet mogai wasnt amazing, but it was ok.
    Ive looked into the new rom ships but none seem to appeal.
    I will admit to being very lost in all the rep/r&d/skills/?!? That ive got in front of me.

    would love a T6 mogai :-)

    heard we are getting new T6 command ships.. will look for info before I buy something with my LTS zen.
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Hawk... not sure what he did.

    Hawk did a huge amount for Ground PvP. He and Borticus pushed through a huge number of fixes via the concerns directories we put together. They also looked at the space concerns directory, but the space version didn't get as much traction as the ground versions. Hawk also created shuttle PvP and was truly a great dev. Same goes for Borticus.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Have you read the Systems Designer opening they've got?

    Every day you could be:
    • Designing combat-related systems and features that realize the vision of the creative director and lead designer.
    • Balancing variables to create a combat experience that is fun for diverse playstyles.
    • Contributing to AI design.
    • Implementing data for character and NPC abilities.
    • Providing an example of professionalism and excellence to the rest of the team.
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    sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Have you read the Systems Designer opening they've got?


    interesting. something is moving.
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    sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Have you read the Systems Designer opening they've got?


    This is most certainly not for STO. Must be Neverwinter or the other secret project they are doing.
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