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I don't even bother to load my BOffs anymore...

forcemajeureforcemajeure Member Posts: 212 Arc User
So many times my BOffs just go AWOL, like every 4-6 times I zone.

First off, thanks to the several people who posted in threads on this issue that if you open your ships Stations menu, select a station as if you were going to pick a BOff for it, THEN load your loadout, you will get all your BOffs loaded.

Prior to that, the intensely buggy loadout system would generally load 2-3 of my BOffs, leaving me to figure out who I had in those stations before.

(Also, I noted the trick people used for naming their BOffs Sci Station 1, Tac 2, Torp Tac, etc. although I prefer not to do this)

Even with the above workarounds, re-loading my BOffs every 30-40 minutes is just ridiculous. Now I just fly around without any boffs on the ship, and only load them if I am going into battle.

Anyone else have a better/different workaround for this?
Post edited by forcemajeure on


  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I cut back on the number of toons I'm playing so I don't hit this very much. That being said it does happen on the three characters I'm just focusing on and half the time the saved config from the ship equipment thing restores em. Key words being half the time mind you. The other half the config gets messed up completely because their save outfit code is buggy or whatever.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I do what you do. I don't have it that often, but I have it at least once a day. The trick you mention of clicking on a station then using your loadout works so I just do that as needed. I guess I feel grateful that the tray isn't messed or the active duty doffs etc...
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I do what you do. I don't have it that often, but I have it at least once a day. The trick you mention of clicking on a station then using your loadout works so I just do that as needed. I guess I feel grateful that the tray isn't messed or the active duty doffs etc...

    It used to mess up my doff assignments as well. Thankfully that hasn't happened in a long while. *knock on wood*
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This bug is hitting me very rarely. When it came back, it hit every time, but after the first few hours of it, its settled down and only hit three or four times. A bit odd, but I can't complain.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You shouldn't even load them when you go into combat. Makes things more interesting.
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Anyone else have a better/different workaround for this?

    I have one that is working 100%: hit the uninstall button.

    Seriously, it's not going to get patched. Things in STO only get worse for years...
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It's not just the Boffs who go missing every now and then, skills keep disappearing again also. :(
  • zensutrazensutra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This loadout system is more trouble than it's worth. I can go for months without swapping out ships, but having cleared out BOffs every couple of days is getting quite annoying. We shouldn't have to incorporate a systems check and workarounds every time we log in.

    It's your 5th anniversary, STO, can we have a skill bar that doesn't disappear on us? That's a guessing game every time I log in that I don't want to play.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I really only use 1 ship. I don't bother with setting a load out because I always use the same thing. And I don't have any issues with losing boffs or equipment. My best advice would be to just pick a ship and a load out that you like and stick with it.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This has really been starting to hit me regularly. Coming out of running FEs, zoning into orbit, going into STFs. It's not just a random occurrence, it's pretty much 50% of the time at this point.
  • nervehammer1004nervehammer1004 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    One thing that some of my fleetmates mentioned was if you were using an Intel BOFF and didn't need the intel powers train up a regular (non intel) BOFF and slot them instead. Apparently the combination of Intel BOFFs and the loadout bug make it hit more often. Using all non-intel BOFFs doesn't make it happen as much.

    I'm trying this currently but no feedback at this point.
  • ightenighten Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've just gone back to concentrating on one ship - alts can go die.. No rhyme or reason to why this bug happens but this does seems to control it "touch wood"
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ghyudt wrote: »
    I really only use 1 ship. I don't bother with setting a load out because I always use the same thing. And I don't have any issues with losing boffs or equipment. My best advice would be to just pick a ship and a load out that you like and stick with it.

    I have done this on 10 toons.

    And yet my boffs go AWOL 1-2 times a day. Per character. And I have to replace all my power buttons.

    STO - strange game, the only winning move is not to play.

  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    LOL STO is the revamped No Win Scenario...
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yep just like the last time they screwed this up and ignored fixing it for months I like many others will simply not play. Login daily, convert dil and leave.

    Cryptic are such TRIBBLE-ups it's not even funny anymore. But ya lets release our already admitted new broken boff system and merge it into our already broken boff system. Genius!!!!!! :mad:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Anyone else have a better/different workaround for this?

    I don't save loadouts on Ground maps. Each time I login, I unslot an item and reslot it - then save the loadout again. Then I play for hours on end without issue.
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