So I've been dabbling in science for a while now and I've worked up and it's been known to parse at 8k, from what I gather in other science help threads below average so I'm looking for ways to improve it.
Details not on the link are below:
Base power:-
W: 95
S: 35
E: 35
A: 35
Two Purple EPtX, two Blue Deflector (Sci ability cooldown), one blue sensors officer (Sensor scan debuff), one purple grav sci (Extra grav wells)
The skill tree is older than season 8 when I was PvPing so I'm thinking of dropping SsD in favour of more points in beam prof and APs.
that looks like a decent build. However, it looks like you put emphasis on weapons damage. Do you have the particle manipulator yet? If yes, you could run max aux power (overcharged warp core, obelisk core) and focus on exotic damage. To boost this further equip the solanae deflector (or any other deflector with high part gens) and maybe slot Ep2Aux1 or 2 (this gives more aux power as well as part gens, grav gens and ssd).
The kinetic cutting could be useful as you already have the console (2-piece set helps you to keep up your weapons power).
I would maybe use another doff instead of the sensors doff, because you can use this ability only once every two minutes. If you run EP2Aux, then there is a Xindi technician that boosts exotic damage. He is quite expensive though.
Something like....
CDR Sci HE1, ES1, GW1, TR3
LT Sci TSS1, ES1
Ens Sci TSS1
You could trade an energy siphon or two for tractor beams if you prefer it that way.
BFAW3/ APB1 is generally more DPS than BFAW2/ APB2, though I'm not sure if you are using reciprocity to make best use of them as well as tac team.
Since you only have a LT engineering BO station, and the other active duty roster slots are already used up, it may be better to stick with 2 or the same EPTx ability if you can settle on one to keep the buff constantly going. Since you have 2 transfer shield strength's in science, you might consider dropping the EPTS1 and double up on EPTW instead if you can keep the shields up.
A few fleet embassy threat reduction particle generator consoles that add plasma damage should also be on your list to obtain. The extra plasma damage is nice, but the threat reduction can help reduce dependency on needing EPTS.
I hope that gives you some ideas.
You could also go for threat increasing consoles. The more you get hit, the more you will benefit from conservation of energy.
If you use the neutronic torpedo, then go for the full set. The isokinetic cannon (3-piece set ability) depends on part gens as well, has 1 min cool down and 100% shield penetration. Also, the plasma emission torpedo from R&D is great to boost dps (and depends on part gens). In general I like torpedoes on sci vessel for damage. This way you can run full aux, which further works nicely with the T4 Nukara trait. Beam weapons are still nice to apply procs though, that is polaron, tetryon or phaser proc, everything that helps to weaken the target.
I could be wrong but it seems to me that it's better to have that than to get up to 2.25k for the grav well and seriously hurt my other damage sources.
Can you link this build please? In which mission did he get this high dps?
Oh I see. That sounds quite pricey
(What deflector, engine and shields?)
ES1 is broken garbage because of the junk power boost compared to ES2, ES3, or the Breen Siphon.
I was unaware that ES1 isn't doing much for me. Humph. I've never been a fan of TBR since it makes teammates unhapppy when you move their target, and tachyon beam always seemed to be very weak. I'd still like to gain some chances to lower the CD on grav well and tykens rift. Would you suggest tractor beam2 instead of energy siphon or am I really misinterpreting something else in the build?
As for TBR, it really depends on what you're doing. It's a high damaging power, and it's best used with the doff, IMO. You can drag targets into place, tow them away from a target/spot, or just center them on your position for other tactics. I've many times just tractored them within the same vicinity, so as not to remove them from the kill zone, but at the same time, a team won't argue over dead targets.;) And against stationary targets, it matters even less. I'd get the doff and practice with it.
Tachyon beam can be good, but relies heavily on flow caps and other abilities to leverage a dedicated build, IMO. It won't make or break a build by itself, but if you pair it with tractor beam + doff and other skills, you can get something nice going. Last I checked on my Scryer flow caps build, Tachyon Beam 2 did a bit over 53k to shields unbuffed, and about 77k buffed, before resistances. Given the fast recharge, that's not bad at all, but requires investment. With secondary deflectors now available, it's a good ability, IMO. Of course, I won't argue if the devs want to buff my guest.;)