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Hey Cryptic devs/ com managers ..have you played Battle of Korfez?

hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
This is just for devs and community managers ...have you finished this stf ..have you had a fun time ? and nice experiences ..... please share it with me. Thanks in advance.
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  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    :D love to know how you guys play this wonderful stf?
  • olliereportolliereport Member Posts: 721
    edited January 2015
    just a player here, korfez is great,

    it's a turkey shoot, just kill everything in sight as fast as you can, it's great


    it's still a bit dangerous too, I have to self-heal a lot and if I'm caught in those nukes they throw out I die

    but, you have to be with people who have upgraded gear, it's dilthium-paywalled

    only bad thing is the benthans, it's dynamic content so the enemies at a given wave can change, if you get the benthan wave everyone leaves the game and tries to start over. it's near un-do-able
  • minmacdougalminmacdougal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    just a player here, korfez is great,
    only bad thing is the benthans, it's dynamic content so the enemies at a given wave can change, if you get the benthan wave everyone leaves the game and tries to start over. it's near un-do-able

    Ditto, this section needs a HUGE nerf/revamp it's not even funny.
  • olliereportolliereport Member Posts: 721
    edited January 2015

    korfez - benthans

    vce - anomaly

    those 2 things serve no purpose other than to make people think about quitting the game

    (I'm being dramatic, but also not really, people really dislike those 2 things, especially when they get them multiple times in a row)
  • paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    but, you have to be with people who have upgraded gear, it's dilthium-paywalled

    Well, there are players at higher channels doing high performance runs that are free to play. The issue is that players who usually complain about this lack of either the discipline to grind, the preparation to get those stuff to make the grind less tedious or pay with real money. You can get anything you want regardless your free to play or pay to play.

    Its like getting elite/epic gears without or barely doing anything. It is by my definition a leecher, players who get stuff without/ or barely doing anything.
    those 2 things serve no purpose other than to make people think about quitting the game
    (I'm being dramatic, but also not really, people really dislike those 2 things, especially when they get them multiple times in a row)

    Dont do elite content if you cant do elite content. There are normal and advanced to do that. Players who complain feels too entitled that they should do the same elite content as those who can do elite content. If players want to do elite content, improve your piloting skills and build.
  • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You do know you're asking a massively loaded question right?

    The typical response to this question would be...

    "No, we haven't played Korfez" - Hostile response for not playing the game

    "Yes, we have played Korfez" - Hostile response for playing the game and not fixing the Benthans
  • olliereportolliereport Member Posts: 721
    edited January 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    Dont do elite content if you cant do elite content. There are normal and advanced to do that. Players who complain feels too entitled that they should do the same elite content as those who can do elite content. If players want to do elite content, improve your piloting skills and build.

    not sure you are up on the facts here, the top 1-5% of the players (with respect to dps/gameplay) routinely start these games with the caveats

    BoA - bail on anomaly (for vce)
    BoB - bail on benthans (for fez)

    it's not really a "well the elite players have no problem" situation, even if some players can push through it in some groups, in regular play they just bail and reform

    in fact, I think most people (who play these) would be in favor of making the gameplay in those two pve que even _more_ challenging, what I'm talking about here is something different
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    not sure you are up on the facts here, the top 1-5% of the players (with respect to dps/gameplay) routinely start these games with the caveats

    BoA - bail on anomaly (for vce)
    BoB - bail on benthans (for fez)

    it's not really a "well the elite players have no problem" situation, even if some players can push through it in some groups, in regular play they just bail and reform

    in fact, I think most people (who play these) would be in favor of making the gameplay in those two pve que even _more_ challenging, what I'm talking about here is something different

    ^^ This.

    I've had the honor of having had several of the top 0.01% tp players on my team occassionally, and they BoB too. Benthan Korfez missions are simply bugged: everyone knows that, and everyone bails.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've been in several good groups which just fold beneath the Benthan round. Even escorting, healing and protecting a single ship still fails the mission. I still don't really get what's meant to be done in that round.
  • chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    THIS is STO's version of Final Fantasy XI's Absolute Virtue. Welcome to the big leagues. (I never did get AV beat to this day. We tried several tiems and came so close.) And I have yet to beat the groups I've been in. It's becoming a frustrating challenge. One I love to hate.
    Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You should know by now that the devs don't play the game. :rolleyes:
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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