Just entered In to the Hive elite, my toon jerked around and everyone else fumbled too. I wondered who these guys where, and they probably wondered if I had stumbled in there too. Then disconnect, and when I entered chat was disabled for a long time.
Disconnected as well. Login and Login2 timeout failures. Indianapolis area here.
Posting general location since smirk suggested it on livestream when the Europeans were having problems the other day.
Star Trek Online
Holodeck Logins are temporarily down. We are sending our Elite Devteam to repair the problem. We will update you when the servers are back!
looks like those liberated borg are outta luck, i've been hit by technical difficulties
But seriously, Login_Timeout2.
Posting general location since smirk suggested it on livestream when the Europeans were having problems the other day.
That's probably a pre-patch for the anniversary and the upcoming storyline.