NOT EVEN SURE this is the correct section for such a request!
Yes, I am fully aware of what I'm asking for is actually a rather large amount of work, but I figured, with the amount of content Star Trek Online is pumping out on a regular basis, a small team should be able to accomplish it, or even borrow existing assets in the game to make this possible.
So what I'm requesting is:
Q: What does that mean!?
A: What it means is I'm requesting expansion of the interiors for the existing lock box ships, and that they be expanded beyond the bridge!
Q: But you already have the bridge, why would you want more?
A: OTHER ships other than lock box ships, which is to say, the base starships have their own bridges which are additionally customizable. THEY ALSO have access to a "turbolift" which allow you to travel up and down to different levels of your ship. I absolutely love checking out the engine or the sickbay and other sections of my ship, because it adds a level of depth.
The Lockbox ships only have the bridge, which isn't much to explore, and I feel a little cheated on the amount of money I've put forward towards a lock box ship if it's not even a completed craft like the base ships are. I'm in fact, paying for less.
Q: So you would like to explore your ship, but what uses does that have?
A: For some, it's purely for the purpose of exploration, and showing their friends a really cool ship. For others, I know there's plenty of Roleplay fleets in operation, and they would probably love to see this happen too!
So hopefully, a dev at Cryptic has a look at this, and they put forward the go ahead to complete these ships. I'm a -very- proud owner of an Adapted Tal Shiar Destroyer, and I would very much like to explore and roleplay with my friends the interior of a ship completed converted with Borg technology! How cool would THAT be!?
I want the Origin interior... And a C-Store B'rel interior. All Lockbox ships would be an incredible amount of work for something that's currently useless.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
AH. I didn't see that. Thank you very much. *Sigh* A guy can dream, though.
Don't even expect a Fed interior.
Still daydreaming of an Origin-style default ship interior.