Crafting at level 15 requires the use of Specialized Duty Officers i.e. Gumarre. How do you manage to obtain these Duty Officers for crafting at Level 15?
If using the exchange, shop carefully and over several days. Especially if you want a Beams R&D person (Doptid, Ririna, etc.)
The prices can vary wildly from day to day, especially for beams. One day the cheapest Doptid was up for 75 million EC! I offered a spare I had at the bargain price of only 44 million, but sadly there were no takers
Try each name, over several days -- that might mean paying "only" 1 -2 m EC for a Beams doff instead of 10+.
Cannons is next most expensive, then Science for the exotic partcle gen crafting. Ground and Engineering seem to be cheap when I shop, sometimes under 100 K.
The prices can vary wildly from day to day, especially for beams. One day the cheapest Doptid was up for 75 million EC! I offered a spare I had at the bargain price of only 44 million, but sadly there were no takers
Try each name, over several days -- that might mean paying "only" 1 -2 m EC for a Beams doff instead of 10+.
Cannons is next most expensive, then Science for the exotic partcle gen crafting. Ground and Engineering seem to be cheap when I shop, sometimes under 100 K.