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Been away for a long time. So whats new and stuff?

tcbys1tcbys1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I know about the Delta Rising Exp pack and increased Level Cap but what other things has changed?

Is there anything I should be imminently be aware of?

Wheres the best places to level to the new cap?

Is there anything new for endgame content?
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is a "grind" between the missions to gain levels. But its not that bad since your playing anyways. And don't stick to the same one the others doing. And fuss about doing it repeatedly. I only done that place 3 times so far. Since you have other planets. I keep it fresh. By doing it repeatedly your asking for a burn out and complain.

    I don't know the best places, I just play. My Fed is 55 by doing DR missions and patrols of different places. My Romulan is 53 and she hadn't reached DR stuff yet. Still doing the other Reps. KDF is 52 and he just started DR. Doing Doff stuff helps out as well. So just play it.

    Endgame I don't know, since I usually don't get into those.

    The new ground combat zone is great. I have a blast each time I go there. Lots of fun.

    Overall the story so far is good and well thought out. Very nice VOs used and cutscenes. I been enjoying playing the game and the new DR expansion.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Welcome back!

    A lot is new, and a lot has changed too. A bit hard to summarize it all, but have a look around through some of the front page blogs, forum postings, or just make it a mission to explore it for yourself.

    Have fun, or do your best to :)
    Devs: Provide the option to Turn OFF full screen flashes from enemy ship explosions
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    -Level gap between missions. You have to earn XP the way you want in between (by far, patrols are the best, Argala is suggested as being the fastest)

    -Patrols mission used as "story" missions. IE you have about half the story being story missions, and half being patrols. Good patrol, better than what you are used to have, but not the same quality than story mission.

    -Story is the same for everyone, with slight differences in dialogues (even less than what we had before), and a different "handler".

    -Voyager guests for voice acting (Harry Kim, Neelix, Seven, the Doctor, Tuvok).

    -Upgrind system. Mk XIII and XIV were introduced to the game. Except for some unique/rare occasion, you can't earn them. You have to upgrade your gear. Using kit from R&D, dil, and time. It's rather expensive. For example, upgrading a MK XII to MK XIII VR space weapon will cost you between 5K to 10k dil, depending on the item. It's more for higher quality items.

    The upgrind also allow for an increase in item rarity, for example a VR maco shield can become UR, and then epic (gold). Each time earning a new mod. The mod is random for RNG loot, and fixed for unique/named loot. Since it's a random chance to increase in rarity, and the chance given by a kit decrease as with higher item rank, if you are aiming for epic quality, start at the lowest rank possible.

    -New rep for DR.

    -T6 ships. Arguably more powerful than T5, they usually offer a new BOFF seat : intelligence. Intelligence BOFF can also be used on the ground, with a set of new skill. Since they are hybrid (IE old class like tac + intelligence), you can freely mix the abilities, both in space and ground.
    Command BOFF and seating are coming (on tribble).
    T6 ships also features a "mastery trait" which, once unlocked (through killing stuff) can be used with any ship (up to 4 mastery ship trait can be used at once).
    T5 can be upgraded (free for box/lobi/event ship, 700zen for others, none for some) to T5-u, making them better than T5, but without access to the new BOFF seating. Obviously, no mastery ship trait either.
    Both T5-u and T6 have access to ship traits that are linked to the ship itself (IE you can swap them from one ship to another). Kill stuff to unlock.

    -Specialization tree. You can use 1 primary and 1 secondary, and switch the tree at will. With enough time, you can fill the entire trees.
    You start to earn spec point at lvl 50 (lvl51 being the first you earned). One level mean 1 point.
    You'll need 90points to fill all the trees once the command tree will be released (already on tribble).
    It's supposed to be earned as you do other activities, and more a "side" thing, but the current xp earning is messed up.
    You need 150K xp /point at lvl 60, and earn around 2K xp per STF (6000stf for a lvl 60 to complete the trees). 8K for the Argala patrol (1500patrol to complete the trees).
    Nothing for alts, so that's per character.

    -Coming on holodeck, already on tribble. Revamp of the BOFF training. Through crafting, you'll be able to build PADD that can be used to "teach" a BOFF a skill. It is permanent, and you can switch BOFF abilities when not in combat/STF at will, amongst the one you have. Those padd can be freely traded.
    The padd itself cost 500dil/4h, and a few R&D mats.
    It's rather similar to kits now, except that's for BOFFs.

    -More powercreep. With the introduction of the upgrind system, new boff abilities, new ships, ship traits, spec trees... the powercreep have increased a lot.

    -New difficulty setting for STF.
    Normal is pretty much old normal. No rep unique item there (like the borg neural processor).
    Advanced is supposed to be the old elite, but what we had as optional before are now mandatory. New optional were added. You can drop the unique rep item (same for elite).
    Elite for the "best" players. All optional (old and new ones) are mandatory.
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    tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tcbys1 wrote: »
    I know about the Delta Rising Exp pack and increased Level Cap but what other things has changed?

    Is there anything I should be imminently be aware of?

    Wheres the best places to level to the new cap?

    Is there anything new for endgame content?

    The fun factor went the way of the dinosaurs and I hope you've got a credit card...

    Just saying.
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    sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    All you need to know is that you need to get your butt to Argala right now and grind it like a dog while the 2x experience boost weekend is still up. Don't wait!
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