Hello there !
I was just wondering how people go about getting their spec points. I read that some people have even reached the current cap already and was a little bewildered by that. Are they really doing Argala hundreds of times ?
![:confused: :confused:](https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/resources/emoji/confused.png)
I would like you to share your "tactics" with the forum here.
I'm aware that some people might be cautious after the Tau Dewa Debacle when DR launched, so you can P.M. me if you want. I want to make it absolutely clear that I'm not looking for actual exploits, cause those are baddy bad.
Pretty much.
It's the only thing in this game that rewards even the slightest bit of XP. You can gain a level in a couple of hrs of grinding solo normal. But you will want to rip out your eyes afterwards.
Which is a really good feeling for a computer game to want to engender in its playerbase.
The only other method I can advise is doffing. Pick up missions in FED/KDF neutral zone/DQ that grant large amounts of XP. You probably would be able to get 1-2 points a week doing this and is good for alt play but will still take a long time to fill your trees (not to mention the fact that they seem to be adding them faster than the majority can even make a start)
Yes..it might be a bit tedious..but it gets the job done..we average running it about 14
to 15 times..then we level..sometimes..it doesn't take that long..but in the end..we get
what we came for...specialization points.
How do i get specialization points? Doff, Solo big dig and Klingon Scout Force, SB24, fleet alert, a little kerrat and the regular STF. Argala maybe 3-4 times since launch of DR.
Got my main filled up and both alts 2/3
Lol, and soon there's going to be 90 Specialization Points. >.<
I figured that Doffing is a nice contribution, most of my characters reached level 60 while sitting next to DS9 and grabbed every xp heavy assignment.
I did use Argala to level the ship mastery on new ships, because it also gave me the opportunity to test it at the same time.
I'm not sure, I think it took like 6 or 7 runs from zero to level 5, but I was bored out of my mind by then. Not sure how I could manage to do it hundreds of times without becoming suicidal.
I'm kidding obviously but it is pretty painful to get them and is going to take you quite a while unless you grind, grind, grind Argala or a couple other places for XP and even then it takes time and as was said, is incredibly tedious.
On one of my alts, I'm just ignoring chasing the spec tree and trying to just play routinely doffing, a couple STFs or some rep mark chasing and I can tell you, at the rate that alt is getting XP just "playing the game", we will colonize Mars before she even has one Intel Spec filled in. She has, I beleive...3. 3 spec marks since DR went live from just casually playing 30 minutes to an hour each day.
It's ridiculous. Have fun!
I haven't done doffing since I have no IDEA about it... so I only do Argala..
I was an Altaholic until DR came, went from 26 fully geared characters to 12. The bad thing is that I always hated the main/alt idea, but I'm contemplating whether I should pick one to play while the others are demoted to contraband muling and gaining xp passively through Doffing.
I did manage to level up one toon to level 60 by doing missions and Argala in elite/advance mode
but I like doffing more.
It helps me building my kdf starbase
yo ho yo ho a pirate life for me !
I've actually seen many people considering the same, myself included. Maybe if i trim it down to just playing one character, I can get back to feeling some sense of progression/gearing and just mule my alts.
I guess in the long run, it would save me time, some frustration and save some money I would have otherwise spent. I do not understand at all the direction DR has taken STO.
Cautious is putting it mildly. There was a thread floating around a while back discussing this very topic, don't remember where though. All I can add is play on advanced setting, and make sure anyone you team with does the same. I tried elite for a while but the added time required made it not as good as advanced.
Big dig is a ground mission, so unless the mission itself have a huge xp reward, we are looking at pretty much nothing. Regular stf award 2K xp (more or less). Kerrat, I don't know, do we earn a lot of xp there ?
As for DOFF, I haven't made a single spec point with it in about a month, doffing every single day. The average doff mission award between 100 and 200xp, while some rare ones award 1-2K.
Just simple maths here : a lvl 60 will need 6000stf, or 1500 Argala to complete its spec tree. Do you really made thousands of STF since DR ? Because if so, that's crazy.
People keep getting ground stf/bz as a way to earn spec point, when it's not even true. Ground xp is the place with the lowest xp in the entire game. Always was. The only ground content worth xp is bug hunt, and that's because you kill a sh**load of bugs. Yet, it's only 2K xp, the same as ISA.
To answer the OP question, since DR was released, playing every day (at the very least, doffing), I've done about 2-3spec point per character. For my lvl 60+.
Private match, level 60 and standard elite difficulty setting.
Each individual npc is pocket change, but there are literally tons of them. One run nets me roughly half a Spec point and usually takes me 15-30 minutes.
pretty simple math isn't it
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
No way it should take you a couple of hours to do one level. You're doing something wrong. Even in my under powered sci I can usually fill two bars within an hour or so.
The best way to do Argala is on normal by yourself. You should be able to rip through it by yourself fast enough and is the best time/xp ratio to levelling up.
It still bemuses me that people feel there is a need to group for Argala elite to try and gain xp. It's just not fast enough.
oh and dotn forget R&D on the way
Do you get a bonus XP by teaming up rather than going solo? I thought they drastically reduced the team bonus you would get.
Since some are complaining for not getting rewards past max level 60 Specs...highly doable..not impossible as previously thought
Spec points will take however long they take me to earn as no way i'm grinding one boring patrol mission over and over when i could grind other missions that reward dil that can fund me some nice shiney's from the Zen store.
Now if Gorn Minefield/SB 24 and the Space STF's rewarded a equal share of xp then i might play the xp grind game. All these are more enjoyable than Argala, although SB24 isn't as fun anymore since DR and the HP increase.
No bonus XP as such, but the amount of enemies scale with the amount of team members
Commander Science, Lieutenant Commander Engineering, Lieutenant Commander Universal, Lieutenant Tactical, Ensign Science
The amount of XP per kill also drops a little when in a team.