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Cannon Scimitar

horatiofenixhoratiofenix Member Posts: 51 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Romulan Discussion
Hello, I have recently decided to post up my Scimitar build onto Skill Planner to see what people think.
A few things to bare in mind though, I play for fun not for top-notch DPS which is why I use cannons and torps and not beams and BFAW but I still try to get as much out of my build as I can in both damage output and survivability.

This ship has a 28% crit chance thanks to all my BOFF's being superior operatives... Except for Tovan. I also use an A2B build simply as it works very well with cannons, I can keep up my Scatter Volley 90% of the time, usually only with a couple seconds of downtime also thanks to a DOFF that halfs it's cool down. Also I use a Warp Core Engineer DOFF.

All of this means I can solo cubes in advanced Borg STF's no problem and managed to go toe-to-toe with the tactical cube solo for about 5 minutes until others killed the gate and came to help, only knocked off 10% of it's hull but I didn't die :)

In a few games someone has been using a DPS monitor and so far I seem to be clocking in at around 25-27k DPS which I think is pretty decent for a cannon/torp build. Also my turn rate is ridiculous thanks to Helmsmen, some consoles, and the Pilot specialization :)

Anyway I'd love some feedback, mostly to do with the consoles I use a lot of universal consoles and I am not sure I need to use them all but I have little reason not to right now.

Build: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=cannonscimi_9124

Post edited by horatiofenix on


  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Your Universals are in pretty nice shape, all stat-boosters/passive buffs and not clickables that are usually the dropped Universals.

    Weapons wise, I'd swap out the rear turrets for Elite Fleet Disruptors for the shield damaging procs. That or swap out one turret for the Heavy Disruptor turret and then the Zero Point console for a Hydrodynamics Compensator for the rather nice damage bonus to Disruptors, more turn and accuracy.

    BOff wise, I'd consider swapping Polarize Hull for Sci Team for it's more useful clearing of certain Debuffs.
  • horatiofenixhoratiofenix Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the advice, managed to squeeze a fair amount of extra damage out of it.


  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It depends on if you're focusing on Borg STFs. If that's what you're doing, then your setup seems perfectly viable.

    However, if you want a setup that's less specialized, but more universal, it comes down to the Boffs. That being said, i certainly agree with this:
    tom61sto wrote: »
    BOff wise, I'd consider swapping Polarize Hull for Sci Team for it's more useful clearing of certain Debuffs.

    This way, you have all cleanses, along with your Hazard emitters. Then, replace APB with TS1, then your TS2 with APO. That way, you still have your torp barrage, albeit less, but you still have 2 attack patterns and 2 tractor resists.

    I hope this helps.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    IMO, if you really don't need the RSP, I would switch it out for DEM personally but, even an ep2w3 would be nice, or can go for a2sif3 + doff, eliminate ET1 for another ep2w1 for extra dmg cycling.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • alphaomega000qalphaomega000q Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    my DHC pvp setup the 2 scimi console set pieces are replaced if needed but they help alot i find in the play-style i have with it (the set and the consoles improve turn rate which is a problem for the scimi so they work)

    it can pve fine as alot is invested in it

    1 dual beam BO3 and 3 BO doffs for shield pen for all my Elachi cannons a greater ability to shred hull iknow iknow mixing cannons and beams /powers and all that jazz but it works and gives me good burst for not being a squishy tact captain

    doffs in notes of the skill planner

    i regularly defeat 3 on 1 fights with fleeties or friends from a fav channel
  • origin350rorigin350r Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hello, I have recently decided to post up my Scimitar build onto Skill Planner to see what people think.
    A few things to bare in mind though, I play for fun not for top-notch DPS which is why I use cannons and torps and not beams and BFAW but I still try to get as much out of my build as I can in both damage output and survivability.

    This ship has a 28% crit chance thanks to all my BOFF's being superior operatives... Except for Tovan. I also use an A2B build simply as it works very well with cannons, I can keep up my Scatter Volley 90% of the time, usually only with a couple seconds of downtime also thanks to a DOFF that halfs it's cool down. Also I use a Warp Core Engineer DOFF.

    All of this means I can solo cubes in advanced Borg STF's no problem and managed to go toe-to-toe with the tactical cube solo for about 5 minutes until others killed the gate and came to help, only knocked off 10% of it's hull but I didn't die :)

    In a few games someone has been using a DPS monitor and so far I seem to be clocking in at around 25-27k DPS which I think is pretty decent for a cannon/torp build. Also my turn rate is ridiculous thanks to Helmsmen, some consoles, and the Pilot specialization :)

    Anyway I'd love some feedback, mostly to do with the consoles I use a lot of universal consoles and I am not sure I need to use them all but I have little reason not to right now.

    Build: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=cannonscimi_9124

    Not bad. You show good insight with the single vulnerability exploiter.

    I'm at 48k in my cannon Scim, and hopefully will break the 50k mark after I get my last 2 cannons to epic and get a nice lag free run.

    You weapon setup is reasonable, but you need to move away from the borg set and away from a2b if you want to up your dps numbers significantly. You might also consider replacing the neutronium +turn console with a fleet RCS +resall, but that's personal preference.

    1st major improvement for equipment is your deflector...go to Undine.

    If you decide to keep the neutronic torpedo, upgrade it as soon as possible, and pick up an adapted maco shield and engine. It makes the neutronic torpedo quite obnoxious with the 25% torpedo dmg increase from the 2 pc set bonus. I even drop 1 energy weapon tac console for a quantum projectile console on mine. You're already using the hydrodynamics compensator, so you'll get an even bigger boost off or torpedo damage than I do.

    Engineering abilities are actually where you're losing the most dps. A2B makes it impossible to run the aux to offense trait. You need that trait.

    You also need EPtW. Either 2 copies or a single copy with appropriate doffs so that it has 100% up time.

    Lose the ensign engineer. EPtS is worthless with the Valdore console that you're using. Use a ensign tac officer instead, and either a TS1 or a 2nd tac team (if you don't have boffs) so you have tac team up all the time...well, like 90% of the time.

    You need the doff: Marion Francis Dulmar, and at least 1 copy of DEM (any level will do...I use DEM3 personally). Only use your DEM with a damage spike (attack patterns up, target debuffed)...because you ONLY get 8 seconds of reduced weapon power drain after hitting DEM. It's a nice 8 seconds though, which allows your 4th cannon to do something other than pretend it's a nerf gun shooting foam balls at the enemy.

    Yes, I know my suggested changes will make you more brittle and die faster...but the good news is that everything else will die much faster than you will. My only healing abilities are RSP2, and HE1...and I very rarely die, even using the new anchored trait (though the shield penetrating dots are becoming more annoying). I usually just blow everything up and then hit HE1 to cleanse the dots, and move on to the next cluster of targets.

    Anyhow, best of luck...and good to see someone else trying to run an effective cannon Scim :)
  • horatiofenixhoratiofenix Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks, I have started to phase out using A2B and so far enemies do seem to be dropping faster. I got the anchored trait and changed a few Doffs to help recharge rates, sadly it seems the Con Officer to lower attack pattern abilities is extremely expensive on the exchange and only for a 13% or something recharge reduction.

    Also do you use Omega or Beta? I currently use Beta 1 but tried out Omega 1 instead of Spread 3 (changing to Spread 2) and the results seemed effective enough.

  • origin350rorigin350r Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks, I have started to phase out using A2B and so far enemies do seem to be dropping faster. I got the anchored trait and changed a few Doffs to help recharge rates, sadly it seems the Con Officer to lower attack pattern abilities is extremely expensive on the exchange and only for a 13% or something recharge reduction.

    Also do you use Omega or Beta? I currently use Beta 1 but tried out Omega 1 instead of Spread 3 (changing to Spread 2) and the results seemed effective enough.

    I used to use Beta 1, but have been toying with CSV1 in that slot lately. Always having CSV3 or CSV1 up seems to result in bigger parses on some fights, but lower on others. At the end of this testing, I will likely go back to Beta1.

    Omega 3 is nice, but it seems to be a lesser ability than Beta 1 + CSV3. Since I'm carrying a Neutronic torpedo, I also need TS3 instead of CSV2...and CSV1 by itself with Omega3 just won't work that well.
  • barbiecruzebarbiecruze Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I too have opted for the Scimmy Cannon Build. I saw your build and layout, and somewhat similar to mine ...I think I am lacking in the BOFF dept.. but very close on EQ.

    I would like to know if you keybind at all???? and what order are you doing if you are ... I have struggled with activating abilities and its killing my DPS to no end .. Ive tried many combinations, and just not sure what you might be using based on your BOFF layout...

    Also if there is a way to post your skill tree and traits.. would definitely help out ... Iv'e read up on the "RyanSTO" builds... but seem to fall short.. and yes... investment is the correct term to use ......... !! $$$

    Kind Regards ..... Brianna
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