Does anyone know how this thing actually works? The repel component is whatever, I'm referring to the Kinetic damage reflect. The tooltip states that it reflects X amount of damage back onto the attacker.
Does that mean it reflects only torpedo damage? What about mines? TBR? Kinetic Cutting Beam?
- Toggle (20 seconds max)
- Affects Dead of alive foe (2 max)
- 2.5 kilometer Sphere
- to target: +133.3 Repel
- to self: +50 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating
- to self: Immunity to Movement Debuffs Reflects up to 0.51 of incoming kinetic damage back to the target (50% Shield Penetration)
- to self: Immunity to Teleport
Here's a link to it's description.
EDIT: Also, if you're ever bored and want to mess with someone... TBR with Pull DOff + this on at the same time
It also reflects every other kind of damage.
tractor beam and TBR too. Anything that comes form the caster is reflected meaning TBR is but GW which is spawned isn't.
things like mines, pets, players, and targetable torpedoes are pushed back.
It also make one immune to control effects like APO. (I'm actually curious if it works against Ionic)
For extra crazy fun, do TBR (doffed) + the graviton shield.
also, if the T6 vesta rumors are true and if the t6 vesta can use the previous vesta consoles... (slow-motion smile and nod)
This. Tends to make me desync somethin' awful, though. Still worth it.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Very nice to play as Fed in this game it seems.With enhancements brought to torpedoes that are coming with new specialization tree you will have more fun I am sure.
I refuse to be content
Unfortunately you can't use it while in ionic turbulance cloud.
I will have to double check to see if it stays engaged when you anticipate the ionic cloud. But I'm almost positive it will shut it down even if you've anticipated it.
ouch. Noncrit.
lol nice hit m8
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
That console alone makes playing Fed worth the effort. Only the Vesta can reflect torpedoes, and you bet it's dangerous to bring a broken neutronic against it. On reflect it's guaranteed warp core breach, hull breach, space-time breach, log out breach, client breach, computer's screen breach, while you get physically erased from history. Hits so hard that your ship won't dare to respawn.
He was a gr8 b8 m8 but I'd r8 him 0/8 cause he can't pla8.
back on topic, I use the graviton shield nearly everyday. It reflects every source of kinetic damage, isocannon included, scales with particle generators. I can get to reflect more than twice the damage back to the attacker. Waiting to get the Solanae secondary def for even worse effects.
is it worth slotting? YES.
It's funny how things change. When that console first came out people said it sucked, because well, there wasn't much use for it outside of a random torpedo boat. Now, however, it's way more useful.
as for the t6 vesta rumors... my hopes were crushed last night with logic and facts...
Clearly, this is proof that the kinetic reflect shield is OP and needs nerfing!
/starts a Vesta shield nerf thread for every single Neutronic torp nerf thread there's ever been
If only I could put that console on my Charal or Tempest...
good luck with that.
bad comparison is bad...
I know right?