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What's wrong with my set up?

banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Romulan Discussion
So I've done relatively well with the game so far, but I've noticed that even though I try to keep things upgraded, my ship always seems to be very weak. I'm fine in ground combat, and at times I can even sit back and let my bridge officers have all the fun, but when it comes to space combat I always seem to be the weak link in fleet alerts :-( My weapons just never seem to make a dent, even though they are as close to the best that I can get with my rank. The Elachi were a nightmare

I've thrown a lot of EC at trying out different weapons and combinations, but the end result always seems to be me being the first ship to die in fleet alerts, and not being able to deal any damage when I am alive, which after a while can be a bit embarrassing when surrounded by players who just seem to be shooting fish out of a barrel. it's actually reached the point where it is affecting my enjoyment of the game, so time to nip it in the bud. Obviously there is something about the game mechanics I am not understanding, and just wondered if someone could advise how I could improve my space set up.


Player level = 51 (Vice Admiral)

Ship = Ha'feh Assault Warbird

Fore Weapons = Disruptor Beam Array mk xiii [dmg], Chroniton Torpedo Launcher mk xi, Quantum Torpedo Launcher mk xi, Disruptor Beam Array mk xiii [acc]

Aft Weapons = Tetryon beam array mk xii, Chroniton mine launcher mk xi, Tetryon beam array mk xii

Shields = Reman Prototype Covariant shield array mk x

All weapons are tied to a single key, so I always fire whichever weapons are in range at any given time.
Post edited by banikslave on


  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is an excellent tool at STO Academy's website called the skill planner. You can put your skills as well as ship and layout. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/
    Please use it to create a virtual copy of your setup. At the end, you can save it as a web link. Post the web link to this thread and other players can help give you some advice.

  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    While I strongly advise to use the link provided, I'd say at first glance this is some kind of mixed build from various parts you found on the way. No offense.

    First, avoid mixing energy type. Either go tetryon or disruptor. The reason is simple : the tac console provide a better bonus to a certain energy type.

    2, I'd say either make a bomber or an energy build.
    3, mixing beams and torpedoes are not a good idea, most of the time. They don't share the same arc of fire.

    As for why you die, well, your shield is a MK X, and not the best one either. Aim for either the MACO/KHG shield from the Omega reputation, or, even better, the fleet shield (maximum capacity, resist b, I think, to resist plasma from Borgs).
    Another solution is the dyson reputation shield, but it's more tricky to use IMO.

    We will be able to tell you more once we see the build on the link that was provided.
  • bravecatherinebravecatherine Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This videos are a little old but they cover the basics for novices who just reach level 50.:)


    Helpful Consoles for Romulans aligned with KDF.

    Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator Tier 3 Valdore Heavy Warbird 1000 Zen
    Plasmonic Leech Tier 3 kdf Vandal Destroyer 1000 Zen
    Aceton Assimilator Tier 4 kdf Draguas Support Vessel 1500 Zen
    Enhanced Induction Coils Tier 1 kdf B'Rotlh Bird-of Prey 500 Zen
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have to concur with what everyone else has said. Your energy weapons should be all the same type, because the tac consoles that increase weapon damage by energy type are more effective than the ones that just increase general beam damage/torpedo damage. Focusing your beams to either tetryon or disruptor, and equipping the appropriate tactical consoles, will increase your damage output by a fair amount.

    But you've already started comparing yourself to other players. Don't ever judge your build by someone else's unless you know that they are using the same ship, weapons, abilities, playstyle, and have the same career officer as you (sci, eng, tac). These variables, along with others inherent to them, make for extremely different setups and playstyles. Dual Heavy Cannons are the highest damage weapons at the moment. If you're looking to join the mile high dps club, then you'll have to change your playstyle and your entire loadout to make it happen. DHCs up front, turrets in back. And best find yourself a ship with a 5/2 or 5/3 weapon layout.

    If you want to keep your basic setup, if you like using torpedos and beams, and using different abilities, then there are setups for that as well. They aren't high dps, but they are flexible and most of the time fairly tanky. But your biggest obstacle is to fine tune whatever you build. Keep in mind, most of us have been working on the one perfect setup for years, based on our own playstyle and loadout preference. I've been frustrated too, and did take a long time off to reset and just get the whole game out if my system. I went through the forums and YouTube video a few months later, and came back with a new perspective. I didn't change my ship or the equipment I used, but I did make some changes to doffs and boffs, as well as how I use it.

    Regardless of what you decide to go with, you should leave a breakdown of everything you use. If you don't know about or how to use the skill planner, just leave a clear list, including boff abilities, doffs, consoles, etc. Everything is relevant.
  • nychusnychus Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    As previous people have said get your weapon typs matching and use the relevant consoles to boost. Add making sure the weapons are up as high a quality as you can get them, I use all purple myself since I'm not really in the mood for grinding upgrades to push my Rom Disruptors to UR or Epic quality.

    Secondly your using basic beam arrays on a escort style ship these tend to work best using dual heavy cannons and turrets but if beams are your thing consider shifting fore beam arrays to dual beam banks and go nose to nose.

    Survivability is more a function of bridge officer/DoFF/trait setup in my experiance rather than equipment (though having the right stuff does help its just not the primary.)
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    banikslave wrote: »
    Obviously there is something about the game mechanics I am not understanding, and just wondered if someone could advise how I could improve my space set up.

    the game mechanics are extremely complicated, and it takes a while to understand all the pieces. Also, the game sort of begins at 50, and a player just getting started is *greatly outclassed* by orders of magnitude against players that have been at it for a long time.

    Fist off, your ship. It is a level 40 ship, and it is starting to fall behind at the level 50+ content. You may want to start working on earning a new ride. It can DO the content, even do it well, but be aware that it should probably be replaced when you can afford to do so. Do not replace it NOW. But be thinking about it for later.

    Second: staying alive. There are 3 basic concepts here: defense, resistance, and bridge officers. Defense is tied to your speed, so if you are sitting still, you get hit more often, taking more damage. DEFENSE is how hard you are to HIT, and misses do NO damage to you. It is important... not being hit is far better than tanking hits for this class of ship. Be sure you captain skill tree has at least 6 points here. Also, keep moving in combat, unless the target is not shooting at you or is trivial in difficulty. If you are taking damage and sitting still, you are wrong (lowers defense a lot). Second, resists -- this comes from many sources but you can see it on your expanded ship stats page. Armor consoles, deflector, certain other gear all help, as do some officer skills. And, officer skills ... you need a mix of self healing for both shields and hull, as well as damage resist buffs. Things like hazard emitters --- heals your hull, removes plasma and other nasty effects, or polarize hull, which offers high resists, or science team, to heal your shields.. a mix of them, depends on what you can seat on the ship. A bit of defensive gear, like the square whitish deflectors that add to shield hit points and hull and all, for example, maybe a kinetic/all energy armor console, those sorts of things, and a few officer skills, and you should be staying alive much better. Tac team is another good one, it helps move shields from all 4 faces to the one that is being shot up.

    staying alive, part 2: It is worth saying that doing, erm, "risky" things gets you dead. Flying up the middle of a bunch of enemy in a beam array escort and mashing "shoot everything" (fire at will) just makes all 20 of the guys mad at YOU. In your "not a tank" ship. You will die. Your ship is not for tanking, so do not make all the enemy shoot at you --- whether that is by being their only target in proximity, or whether you shot them all and made them mad, whatever, don't do that :) If you get in a bind, use your skills -- evasive move, brace for impact, the officer defense skills we discussed above... you can usually run away with evasive and tac team with brace for impact, even from many attackers, you can get out and try again after healing up.

    Third, damage.. a big subject. But some basics... here again officer skills and gear are important. Others have already said that beam arrays and torps do not mix well, and to use 1 type of energy weapon only (plasma or phaser or disruptor or whatever). They may not have wondered why you have beam arrays on what is effectively a heavy escort... your ship is better suited to use beam banks (possibly with ONE torp up front) than trying to broadside. Power levels... your weapon power needs to be maxed. Officer skills... you want to stack them, things like attack pattern beta, power to weapons, fire at will or overload, etc. Tac consoles that match your weapon damage type (disruptor consoles with disruptor beams, for example).

    Your captain skills also matter. There you find things that help make your ship more durable, do more damage, etc. Depending on what you did, you may need to change this, but before you do, get detailed help here so you only spend the money once. You may have a free respec, I don't even know who gets them and when.

    Read the "how to do damage with starter gear" threads, or the old "where to get free gear" stuff. Replay missions to get quality purple and blue items. You can do a lot with modest gear in this game.

    We can go into details... ask more questions.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've been that guy too whose ship did so little damage that things were difficult. Here comes some suggestions.
    4 weapons up front, same type. Shoot for Dual Heavy Cannons, use dual cannons until you can get DHCs. Dual cannons are cheap on the exchange and will get you started. No torpedoes.
    Turrets in the rear.
    Whether you go for plasma, antiproton, disruptor, pick an energy weapon base and stick with it.
    Get 4 consoles that boost that weapon damage type, such as antiproton mag relays or disruptor induction coils. Whatever damage type you pick for weapons, match the 4 consoles you put in the tactical consoles with it.

    In engineering, EPS flow regulators and neutronium consoles are nice to have.

    In science, boosting shields is good to start, until you are slotting universal consoles.

    As for deflector, engines and shields, run the mission a Step Between Stars 3 times to get the set. It's not the best in the game, but it's free and usable.

    If you are working on an antiproton set, run Sphere of Influence 2 times to get the warp core and ancient AP omni beam since the pair boosts AP damage.

    Work on your omega reputation and pick up the assimilated module and then the cutting beam. You want both of them eventually because they make a nice 2 piece set and their addition should make a noticeable improvement.

    Bridge officers...

    CDR Tac TT1, APB1, CRF2, APO2 or 3
    LCDR Tac TT1, APB1, CRF2
    LT Eng EPTS1, ET2
    ENS Eng EPTS1
    LT Sci ST1, HE2

    Active Duty Space Roster
    2 Maintenance Engineers to reduce ET cooldown
    2 Development Lab Scientists to reduce Science Team cooldowns

    Cycle Tac teams and EPTx abilities as often as possible, maybe include CRFs too.

    If you happen to have at least 2 purple damage control engineers that reduce cooldown of emergency power to subsystem abilities, you can change it up a bit in engineering.....

    CDR Tac TT1, APB1, CRF2, APO2/3
    LCDR Tac TT1, APB1, CRF2
    LT Eng ET1, EPTW2
    ENS Eng EPTS1
    LT Sci ST1, HE2

    2 DCE's, 1-2 Maintenance engineers, 1-2 development lab scientists

    That should give you some more ideas to work with
  • dakkalvar1dakkalvar1 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Taste The Rainbow!
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