Would it be possible to modify existing Science Powers, to deal Exotic Damage, rather than Kinetic? Seeing as Science ships/Science Captains heavily rely on Exotic Damage skills, gear etc, it makes sense to have the majority of Science Powers modified by Exotic Damage modifiers.
Abilities which currently deal NO damage, but could have a damage component added to it:
Tachyon Beam (currently deals NO damage)
Charged Particle Burst (currently deals NO damage)
Now, to me it makes more sense to add a Damage component to Tachyon Beam, and actually REMOVE the Damage from an ability like Tractor Beam. But if you want to keep Tractor Beam with a damage component, why not make the Damage scale according to your ship speed? Since this game doesn't allow players to "tow" a target with Tractor Beam, one would assume the Tractor Beam would deal some kind of "shearing force" by trying to pull the target (higher speed, higher force).
Last point to this post:
Feedback Pulse (currently reflects damage back to target)
I would suggest modifying the pulse, to reflect the damage back to target AS EXOTIC DAMAGE.
None of these changes will outright make "Science Ships" damage dealing power-hitters, nor should they. Highest DPS should always be reserved for Tactical/Escort Ship builds. But the above changes, would allow Science Captains/Science Ships to be a bit more offensive, and not only support/control.
Would it be possible to modify existing Science Powers, to deal Exotic Damage, rather than Kinetic? Seeing as Science ships/Science Captains heavily rely on Exotic Damage skills, gear etc, it makes sense to have the majority of Science Powers modified by Exotic Damage modifiers.
Abilities which currently deal NO damage, but could have a damage component added to it:
Tachyon Beam (currently deals NO damage)
Charged Particle Burst (currently deals NO damage)
Now, to me it makes more sense to add a Damage component to Tachyon Beam, and actually REMOVE the Damage from an ability like Tractor Beam. But if you want to keep Tractor Beam with a damage component, why not make the Damage scale according to your ship speed? Since this game doesn't allow players to "tow" a target with Tractor Beam, one would assume the Tractor Beam would deal some kind of "shearing force" by trying to pull the target (higher speed, higher force).
Last point to this post:
Feedback Pulse (currently reflects damage back to target)
I would suggest modifying the pulse, to reflect the damage back to target AS EXOTIC DAMAGE.
None of these changes will outright make "Science Ships" damage dealing power-hitters, nor should they. Highest DPS should always be reserved for Tactical/Escort Ship builds. But the above changes, would allow Science Captains/Science Ships to be a bit more offensive, and not only support/control.
Okay I'm guessing you have no idea how Sci powers deal damage let me explain how what you posted is already how it works. Okay the powers you listed that deal Kentic damage is considered Exotic Damage. Exotic damage is Govenered by Part gens in the skill tree. So when you use Grav well tbr or fbp you are already dealing what the game considers Exotic Damage and your post makes no ****ing sence.
Okay I'm guessing you have no idea how Sci powers deal damage let me explain how what you posted is already how it works. Okay the powers you listed that deal Kentic damage is considered Exotic Damage. Exotic damage is Govenered by Part gens in the skill tree. So when you use Grav well tbr or fbp you are already dealing what the game considers Exotic Damage and your post makes no ****ing sence.
Neither does yours (since you fail at properly "quoting" my post).
But at least I don't resort to verbal insults (like your ****ing comment at the end).
I quoted your post word for word. Learn the game before you make stupid posts. Fyi I have a sci ship that does over 20k dps with a sci captain if you would like to see it I'd be more then happy to show it to you.
I quoted your post word for word. Learn the game before you make stupid posts. Fyi I have a sci ship that does over 20k dps with a sci captain if you would like to see it I'd be more then happy to show it to you.
You COPIED my post word for word. There's a difference.
And for the record, my main is a Science Captain, flying a Science Ship. I've played Science since the game launched 5 years ago, and I still find it utterly confusing why it says "Kinetic Damage" on most of my abilities, when it should read "Exotic" Damage. I don't give two cents to your verbal trashing. Abilities may currently WORK like Exotic Damage, but the tooltips say otherwise. If it's a matter of changing the texting, so be it. If a 5 year veteran of flying Science ships can get confused about it, imagine a NEW player just starting up?
Now, crawl back under your troll bridge, and let others comment on my above questions/suggestions, would you please?
I play sci as my main I have a sci in an escort that can out dps any tac one on one and I have sci's in sci ships that I use for pve and pvp I have played since the game launched in feb of 2009. If you find it confusing then I would say you need to read and understand the game better friend. Sci powers are fine the way they are. stack part gens and use the traits for exotic damage run high aux and you'll do just fine for damage. stack a beta or 2 and ionic turblance to go with your sensor scan and you can kill groups no problem and if you tbr to pull just slot the dof that changes it from push to pull throw in an eject warp plasma with the doff that imbolizes and the grav well dof and there you go all the damage/control you could ever want and if you want even more dps but a tac in the ship cause attack patterns boost part gens which means you guessed it more exotic dps
Would it be possible to modify existing Science Powers, to deal Exotic Damage, rather than Kinetic? Seeing as Science ships/Science Captains heavily rely on Exotic Damage skills, gear etc, it makes sense to have the majority of Science Powers modified by Exotic Damage modifiers.
Abilities which currently deal NO damage, but could have a damage component added to it:
Tachyon Beam (currently deals NO damage)
Charged Particle Burst (currently deals NO damage)
Now, to me it makes more sense to add a Damage component to Tachyon Beam, and actually REMOVE the Damage from an ability like Tractor Beam. But if you want to keep Tractor Beam with a damage component, why not make the Damage scale according to your ship speed? Since this game doesn't allow players to "tow" a target with Tractor Beam, one would assume the Tractor Beam would deal some kind of "shearing force" by trying to pull the target (higher speed, higher force).
Last point to this post:
Feedback Pulse (currently reflects damage back to target)
I would suggest modifying the pulse, to reflect the damage back to target AS EXOTIC DAMAGE.
None of these changes will outright make "Science Ships" damage dealing power-hitters, nor should they. Highest DPS should always be reserved for Tactical/Escort Ship builds. But the above changes, would allow Science Captains/Science Ships to be a bit more offensive, and not only support/control.
Concerning case 1, all the powers you mention actually do do Exotic Damage. However, this damage is noted as Kinetic-type in their descriptions. Anything said to affect exotic damage, such as particle generators skill, already boosts their damage. Test it for yourself .
On your second case, CPB and Tach Beam will deal additional exotic damage on top of their shield drains with the right Secondary Deflector equipped - they are on Tribble already.
Concerning Feedback Pulse, note that what is reflected is a proportion of damage inflicted to you. This proportion is modified by the exotic-damage boosting abilities you have, and Aux power levels. For example, fit a console adding Particle Generators, and the proportion of damage reflected rises from 50% to 60%. It is possible to boost exotic damage via partigens etc. such that FBP reflects more damage than inflicted. In fact, IIRC, FBP damage can crit, and it is modified by the Particle Manipulator trait.
It's been stated by the devs that any damage inflicted without the use of a weapon in fact is and counts as Exotic Damage. It just isn't described as such in the descriptions. Perhaps someone else could link you to that statement.
I don't have any comment on the Tractor Beam suggestion.
Trust me I have played since launch pretty much I offer as proof the fact that when antiproton 1st came out it had a proc that could by pass shields. and that you used to get marks of valor and exportation to get gear from the old cluster missions and the stf's when they 1st came out had 3 parts to them you got 5 marks for completeing them and you also had a chance to get a borg medical anzlayer from defeating the ground boss in cure which you needed a sci to tank. Oh and don't forget the old borg weapons mod that never really worked right but you had a chance for a weapon space or ground when you beat the old missions or the fact that in season 2 they put the borg space set in and ageis space set when they revamped crafting the 1st time. need I go on?
So many typos in that post, made my head spin. Who are you trying to convince here? I am well aware of the number of Marks of .... that were in the early game, before the "Let's revamp currencies because we have too many currencies", before they added MORE CURRENCIES.
I understand you disapprove of my initial post (probably because I was rightfully confused by tooltips that read KINETIC Damage, when they should be EXOTIC Damage). But for the love of THE INVISIBLE BOOGEYMAN, can you leave my thread alone, Troll?
I am not a troll. If Trust me if I wanted to troll you I would pvp and blow you up over and over and laugh about it in zone chat. I bet your lucky if your ship can do 3 k dps
Case in point:
Gravity Well (currently deals Kinetic Damage)
Tyken's Rift (currently deals Kinetic Damage)
Tractor Beam (currently deals Kinetic Damage)
Tractor Beam Repulsors (currently deals Kinetic Damage)
Abilities which currently deal NO damage, but could have a damage component added to it:
Tachyon Beam (currently deals NO damage)
Charged Particle Burst (currently deals NO damage)
Now, to me it makes more sense to add a Damage component to Tachyon Beam, and actually REMOVE the Damage from an ability like Tractor Beam. But if you want to keep Tractor Beam with a damage component, why not make the Damage scale according to your ship speed? Since this game doesn't allow players to "tow" a target with Tractor Beam, one would assume the Tractor Beam would deal some kind of "shearing force" by trying to pull the target (higher speed, higher force).
Last point to this post:
Feedback Pulse (currently reflects damage back to target)
I would suggest modifying the pulse, to reflect the damage back to target AS EXOTIC DAMAGE.
None of these changes will outright make "Science Ships" damage dealing power-hitters, nor should they. Highest DPS should always be reserved for Tactical/Escort Ship builds. But the above changes, would allow Science Captains/Science Ships to be a bit more offensive, and not only support/control.
Okay I'm guessing you have no idea how Sci powers deal damage let me explain how what you posted is already how it works. Okay the powers you listed that deal Kentic damage is considered Exotic Damage. Exotic damage is Govenered by Part gens in the skill tree. So when you use Grav well tbr or fbp you are already dealing what the game considers Exotic Damage and your post makes no ****ing sence.
Neither does yours (since you fail at properly "quoting" my post).
But at least I don't resort to verbal insults (like your ****ing comment at the end).
You COPIED my post word for word. There's a difference.
And for the record, my main is a Science Captain, flying a Science Ship. I've played Science since the game launched 5 years ago, and I still find it utterly confusing why it says "Kinetic Damage" on most of my abilities, when it should read "Exotic" Damage. I don't give two cents to your verbal trashing. Abilities may currently WORK like Exotic Damage, but the tooltips say otherwise. If it's a matter of changing the texting, so be it. If a 5 year veteran of flying Science ships can get confused about it, imagine a NEW player just starting up?
Now, crawl back under your troll bridge, and let others comment on my above questions/suggestions, would you please?
Not your friend, no intention of being your friend. Try again.
Concerning case 1, all the powers you mention actually do do Exotic Damage. However, this damage is noted as Kinetic-type in their descriptions. Anything said to affect exotic damage, such as particle generators skill, already boosts their damage. Test it for yourself .
On your second case, CPB and Tach Beam will deal additional exotic damage on top of their shield drains with the right Secondary Deflector equipped - they are on Tribble already.
Concerning Feedback Pulse, note that what is reflected is a proportion of damage inflicted to you. This proportion is modified by the exotic-damage boosting abilities you have, and Aux power levels. For example, fit a console adding Particle Generators, and the proportion of damage reflected rises from 50% to 60%. It is possible to boost exotic damage via partigens etc. such that FBP reflects more damage than inflicted. In fact, IIRC, FBP damage can crit, and it is modified by the Particle Manipulator trait.
It's been stated by the devs that any damage inflicted without the use of a weapon in fact is and counts as Exotic Damage. It just isn't described as such in the descriptions. Perhaps someone else could link you to that statement.
I don't have any comment on the Tractor Beam suggestion.
I understand you disapprove of my initial post (probably because I was rightfully confused by tooltips that read KINETIC Damage, when they should be EXOTIC Damage). But for the love of THE INVISIBLE BOOGEYMAN, can you leave my thread alone, Troll?
I have no interest in PVP in a completely broken system. But thanks for playing.