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Official Captain Specialization Tree: Command Officer Feedback Thread



  • eldioraeldiora Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I heavily dislike the current Specialisation System. Not only do I need to buy a new ship every time some new spec comes out, but there is a HUGE grind for spec points to it to use the new abilities to its fullest. Why do I need to spend 26 points in a tree to be able to use the Very Rare powers?

    From a selling perspective, would it not be better to lower to entry barrier in order to use the best new powers, so people would be more interested in buying the new ships?

    I am not interested in any of the new ships, because it would take ages for me to get 26 spec points, even if they were interesting, I simply refuse to do that grind for spec points to be able to then fly a new ship properly.

    Please consider lowering the spec points needed to use purple powers to 10 instead of 26.

    Your new boff system is great, got me thinking. Why can we not have the same for our ships?
    Intel Upgrade token, in 500/1500/2000 zen varieties, would unlock a lt/ltc/cmdr intel/whatever slot on your current t5-u ship. Could mix multiple specs but only have 1 active like boffs.

    I am sure many players would buy that instantly. Getting new ships to fly with new abilities is often not really feasable and I am pretty sure there wont be any ship that will make me consider not using my Scimitar over anything.

    Why is Delegate Devastation +40% to energy damage.

    Many players who are doing endgame content rely on the TR-114 or the new Shotgun. There are some specs that rely more on physical damage.

    This also does not help with stuff like endothermic field and other science abilities.

    Could we please get Delegate Devastation as +40% to Damage simply that applies to any and all damage? You need to make up for an offline weapon to boost everyone on your team and not only the few that use Energy Weapons.

    Also please consider if you change it to all damage to apply the buff to yourself too. It would be possible to make a pretty decent support oriented Science Character that still can dish out some damage with Hypertonic Radiation and exothermic field.
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