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Things that are completely broken vs what needs tweaking [CRYPTIC, please respond]

skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PvP Gameplay
Totally Broken and Overpowered:
  1. Surgical Strikes 2 and 3 - does way too much damage (with too high of accuracy) when compared to players' shield and hull HP, even if the player has a massive amount of resistance. Additionaly, you are able to fire this energy weapon attack from enhanced battle cloak, which is clearly a bug and makes an already broken skill even more ridiculous.
  2. Nuetronic Torpedo Spread 3 - does way too much damage (especially to shields) with 100% accuracy across multiple targets. One fully buffed spread can kill an entire team with full shields and full hull.

Needs to be Adjusted:
  1. The Disable functionality in general - There needs to be immunity to disables for a set amount of time after you have been disabled the first time. Currently, with all the new disables available, it is possible to be chain disabled forever, and if you are fighting multiple ships with the disable torp ship trait combined with ionic turbulence, it is very likely that your tray will be disabled more often than it will be available.
  2. Disable Torpedo Benthan Starship Trait - Not the worst idea in the world but the implementation creates a scenario like I described above. The cooldown of only 20 seconds on this ability is way too short, especially when fighting multiple people with it. It needs to be increased to about 1 minute instead of 20 seconds to create any kind of semblance of balance.
  3. Console Swapping - The cooldown of 30 seconds is a joke. In an ideal environment, the cooldown of exact-same-type-consoles should just carry over if an identical copy is equpped, but it doesn't seem that Cryptic knows how to implement this. Since this appears to be the case, there should be a 2 minute cooldown on any new console equipped to completely make swapping a non-issue (1 minute and 30 seconds would probably be adequate, but 30 seconds is like putting a band-aide on a broken arm - it does nothing to fix the problem).
Post edited by skurf on


  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    how to make pvp playable again

    first, address the above concerns, hard disables need a hardcore immunity period, im talking like 2 minute, or just remove them completely.

    second, make pvp matches turn all your gear levelless, and reset your character level to 50

  • omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the viral torp and emp stuff can be addressed by the BO skill that usually clears things like this and even in the shows fixes this typ of TRIBBLE engineering DERP Cryptic enineering team shouls clear disables like viral torp and emp probe just like it does viral matrix.

    Nutronic torp well eff that dumb thing i can get more damage outa a spread from that then i can a hy tricobalt i mean wtf mate lol...
    Your Neutronic Torpedo - Spread III deals 64185 (124039) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Miss Sa.Tan.
    Your Neutronic Torpedo - Spread III deals 18758 (9387) Radiation Damage(Critical) to Miss Sa.Tan.

    SS they are strong but are able to be delt with from something like a cruiser, science ship, or a normal escort. Counter with a evade target lock

    I will admit the decloaking power of the new romy ships with SS is way to strong I can get upwards of 60k hits from them per shot.
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    skurf wrote: »
    Currently, with all the new disables available, it is possible to be chain disabled forever, and if you are fighting multiple ships with the disable torp ship trait combined with ionic turbulence, it is very likely that your tray will be disabled more often than it will be available.
    That's exactly what happened to me last night, an entire match without the possibility to click my traybar 'cause it was always disabled and greyed out... :confused:
    I will not post what i really think of this ****** gameplay or they will ban me from the forum lol
    Btw, like i said in this thread http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=21597461&postcount=214 they need to implement a new duality with these t6 abilities.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Broken#1) Regarding the Faeht aspect of it:
    Issue verified. Thanks for the reports.

    For the damage, I can't really say. Lol, well, obviously I've seen folks do heinous damage with it. Have even joked that it's almost a waste, cause targets can be obliterated before the cycle completes...but two things come to mind: Enhanced Armor Penetration and well, I can't remember the last time somebody used Surgical Strikes to vaporize me. Tends to be the Viral Torp, Faeht Lance buff strip/debuff, a BO3, CRF3, R-Tet Cascade, Isokinetic Cannon, and a good ol' Isometric. Perhaps they were doing more, but I've already blown up before more could happen. And with that second thing, it would still get back to the Enhanced Armor Penetration as the first thing I'd address.

    Broken#2) Both TS2 and TS3 are buffed much more than other torps...that's before you work in the Rad damage and when that Rad damage tends to be applied as the damage is processed. As part of this, mind you, TS1 ends up with a lolboost compared to other torps. Same thing happens with HY2/HY3 and lolHY1...but you're going to miss out on the potential shield shredding the Rad can do. Not sure why I haven't done an actual bug report on it...I mentioned it in another thread that I guess it was my FU to Cryptic sort of thing, tired of all the TRIBBLE. But I keep mentioning it all over the place that I can...maybe Cryptic's metrics will start to show, eh? Cause I've had the TS3 along outDPS three folks in ISA and 7-8 folks in CCA. It's just a trip how powerful it is compared to other torps. But again, like the Surgical stuff above...I think they should address the Enhanced Armor Penetration stuff first.

    Adjusted#1) Yeah, it's one thing to go for some play, counter-play, counter-counter-play, and what can be offered there with folks doing all their little dances. And that can be taken out a wee bit and still be an engaging experience. But it can also too quickly become the scenario of where it's just not fun. And perhaps I didn't really follow it far enough out in my post in the other thread, because there is room for some counter-play there. But it could get in to Ye Olde VM territory pretty quick there. I swear Cryptic knows this - I swear they acknowledged at one point (maybe multiple points) understanding folks dislike of the stunlock 100-0 deal.

    Adjusted#2) For a moment, I got the Intel Debuff Immunity on the target confused - but as I was testing and remembered that it was the Intel Debuff and not the Viral Torp, I couldn't help but notice all sorts of things off with what Viral Torp was doing. So it was on a boat with 3 fore torps and 1 aft torp. The first test: each of the three fore torps reset the the duration to 5 and it counted down the full 5 after the third torp. The second test: only the first did the 5s. The third test: the first two did 5s and even after that expired, the aft torp upon hitting started another 5s. The fourth test: just the first two again, not the third nor aft. The fifth test: only the first did the 5s. The sixth test: the first and third. At which point I exited the game in disgust.

    Adjusted#3) They should just apply the orbital/sector thing to it. If somebody's in orbital space or in sector space, let folks switch whatever whenever sort of thing. IMHO, in an instance map they should do as you say - apply the full CD of the same console - even in switching different consoles, as you said - cause there's still some clicky fun one could have flipping different consoles in that way with different things. It would be tough though, cause you've got space social zones..."instance" maps outside of orbital maps where you can switch traits and the like. Ker'rat for instance or the Voth Battlezone. But honestly, for Ker'rat...would that matter as much compared to implementing it for Arena/CnH? They're already doing that zone check to disable switching traits - have that include the CD on console swapping, eh?
  • captainmatt2captainmatt2 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the only thign broken is the players will to compete and actually play the game as ti is made. ban this. ban that. omg u killed me.

    cant wait for 3 weeks new spec tree (that u suck too bad to level) to shame the noobtards even further.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the only thign broken is the players will to compete and actually play the game as ti is made. ban this. ban that. omg u killed me.

    cant wait for 3 weeks new spec tree (that u suck too bad to level) to shame the noobtards even further.

    Do you even try to not sound like a 5-year old throwing a tantrum??!

    Or is this the sum total of the bag of hot air we can come to expect from you? I would honestly like to know - because as alluring as it seems, the thrill of seeing your regurgitated malice and spite has abated.
  • gregkanegregkane Member Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the only thign broken is the players will to compete and actually play the game as ti is made. ban this. ban that. omg u killed me.

    cant wait for 3 weeks new spec tree (that u suck too bad to level) to shame the noobtards even further.

    U sir are one window licking r3tard have a great day :)
  • omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    like i said when the TRIBBLE came out it is not pvp any more it is pvdisabled ship :P
  • gtx9000gtx9000 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I can't believe that some players still can't let go and don't realise what is happening.

    Yes I totally agree with the OP and the suggestions from Virusdancer or what Nando said.

    And the list of broken/OP abilities, that need to be fixed is even longer.

    You guys are all coming up with awesome suggestions but it does not matter at all.

    You have to finally accept that this is no longer a PvP game!

    It's a PvE/RP game now. If you like it or not.

    All your suggestions won't do anything.

    The only way to save PvP, is a complete rollback before they introduced Doffs, or a complete overhaul of ALL abilities. (seperate pvp and pve items/abilities)

    And that is also never going to happen.

    Cryptic needs to make money and only PvE or RP (outfits,pets and other TRIBBLE) is filling the cash box.

    The next grind is already on the way, so is another dilithium sink and more lockbox ships.

    Leave or accept it.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Rubberbanding. I would like to get away from this console today please.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • etherealplanesetherealplanes Member Posts: 414
    edited January 2015
    You know it's funny you can couple the elachi black hole console with a nuke grav well and tractor and get the same result as some of this **** in this game today. I think this list is a lot larger than the op makes it out to be :P
  • riyottsariyottsa Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    skurf wrote: »
    Totally Broken and Overpowered:
    1. Surgical Strikes 2 and 3 - does way too much damage (with too high of accuracy) when compared to players' shield and hull HP, even if the player has a massive amount of resistance. Additionaly, you are able to fire this energy weapon attack from enhanced battle cloak, which is clearly a bug and makes an already broken skill even more ridiculous.
    2. Nuetronic Torpedo Spread 3 - does way too much damage (especially to shields) with 100% accuracy across multiple targets. One fully buffed spread can kill an entire team with full shields and full hull.

    Needs to be Adjusted:
    1. The Disable functionality in general - There needs to be immunity to disables for a set amount of time after you have been disabled the first time. Currently, with all the new disables available, it is possible to be chain disabled forever, and if you are fighting multiple ships with the disable torp ship trait combined with ionic turbulence, it is very likely that your tray will be disabled more often than it will be available.
    2. Disable Torpedo Benthan Starship Trait - Not the worst idea in the world but the implementation creates a scenario like I described above. The cooldown of only 20 seconds on this ability is way too short, especially when fighting multiple people with it. It needs to be increased to about 1 minute instead of 20 seconds to create any kind of semblance of balance.
    3. Console Swapping - The cooldown of 30 seconds is a joke. In an ideal environment, the cooldown of exact-same-type-consoles should just carry over if an identical copy is equpped, but it doesn't seem that Cryptic knows how to implement this. Since this appears to be the case, there should be a 2 minute cooldown on any new console equipped to completely make swapping a non-issue (1 minute and 30 seconds would probably be adequate, but 30 seconds is like putting a band-aide on a broken arm - it does nothing to fix the problem).

    Your head is broken. Cryptic please respond!
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Didn't one of the Devs say Ionic Turbulence was WAI?
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Didn't one of the Devs say Ionic Turbulence was WAI?

    And the bug report thread was closed yes.
  • omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hazards vs ionic boom taken care of
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