"Our goal in 2014 was to aggressively push the game forward, and you can expect us to build on this in 2015. We have more captain and bridge officer specializations coming, as well as further improvements throughout the game. The first of the new specializations is coming with the anniversary update."
have fun grinding more. if u didnt finish the last spec tree, well new one is coming soon.
prepare your ships for the new epic grind with new spec trees comin every 3 month from now

(and dont get cought grindin too many patrol missions you may be considered as exploiter and your progress will be removed as seen before)
Like I said, you guys don't need to take on this grind.
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...be funny if it was a Primary and the Anniversary Ship was a prelude to the next variant of the T6 ships.
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But you can only run a single Primary and Secondary. If you don't need the Specialization, you don't need it...pretty simple. Just because it is there doesn't mean you have to do it...they're giving folks options, if they want to gorge themselves - that's on them.
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Well my dear white Knight, this is the PVP forum.. so.. yea..
Very mature.
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Need is pushing it even there...for folks doing Space PvP, do they need Commando - cause yeah, I'm sure everybody's looking to slot that trait instead of everything else, right? If somebody's doing Ground PvP, Pilot doesn't do a thing for them. Somebody that does both Space and Ground...that's where one might get into that feeling of need for the various passives provided.
But even there, once we move beyond the initial Specializations, with the way they're set up - unless you "need" a trait attached to them - having spent the points in one isn't going to mean squat if it is not active outside of things like Intel providing the ability to train BOFFs/use modules.
It's the same with reputations...unless there's something you really want or feel you need from it, it's all limited.
It's a deck building system...wanting to have all sorts of "cards" not part of that deck or likely not part of any deck, it's just being a completionist....having to have it, not needing it.
Totally agree. Think of the trait pool as your "hand", and everything that feeds into that is just a different card deck.
STO still has some legacy mechanics that don't quite follow that deck-building philosophy, like Accolade bonuses and the Captain skill system. But collecting ships, BOFFs, and more recently DOFFs has always been a big part of the game.
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I guess that was foolish of me.
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No really. Someone got all-out-TRIBBLE in the midst of the Dev Team.
That'd be even cool, if only we were supposed to have a specialization tree done before the next Ice Age. Like a building deck, too bad you can switch between cards that are missing some pieces. a lot of pieces.
Without shame or bias:
I have read your many posts and support the logic of your posts.
The emotional response of your detractors is irrelevant. Their lust for completionist goals will sap their wallets, bring toxic chemicals to the blood in their cranium, and is inefficient.
sad nand
As a person that has a job and only can get on here and there i am so far behind on all my new stuff because the missions only give crumbs for experience vs what i need to level. Also leveling my gear ha not happening very fast.
Even with all that i am not out of pvp game i still go in matches and still do 1vs1s and do very well so the new tree and mkiv epic gear are not everything when i can take people on with mkxi gear and half the new Intel tree and no pilot done i am sure others can to...
lets discuses something less depressing then the grind, what pray tell will be the anniversary faction ships? if last year is any indication, it will be a base tier 6, with a 3/9 pack released afterward at fleet quality.
im guessing tier 6 flagships re-issue, ody bortas and for roms ha'apax.
I hated doing that on my Klingons...just shoot the damn boxes and whichever one bleeds...there's Q!!!
already got mine old ones maxed out and eager for more. cant hack it **** off u wotn be missed, not like **** pandas or so many whiners and crybabies who cant keep up. theres the door, cant wait to smash through it and earn the shinies before everyone else, like last time. like EVERY TIME
You won the internet for today.
Oh where to even begin... My advice - stop trying to justify your prenatal existence.
Let me understand this... you cheering your new e-peeness ... BUT ... PvP is dead...
So I don't get the point of it all. Against WHO exactly are you going to be using them, unless you intend on slating NPCS on patrol missions?!
Wait a sec. Since when is Ha'apax Romulan flagship? Even in episodes it's Scimitar.
And on topic.
I agree with some others that new specialization doesn't mean more grinding, you don't NEED to have it, like at all.
Not having Pilot and Commando trees as space PvP + ground and space PvE captain doesn't represent any tangible disadvantage. Only intel brings useful stuff like flanking for non-KDF. crth and Intel Fleet
I stopped grinding and started doing elite PvE missions for loot and XP, got nothing nowhere near maxed yet, but it feels very different then repeating mind numbing patrol "missions" , not to mention EC benefit.
For completionists, yes, new spec trees=more grinding. For all others it will stay the same.
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A T6 Scimitar for free?
not gonna happen.
Bortasqu'/Odyssey, Kamarag/Ambassador, and the Dyson Science Destroyer variants...
Were BG/RA/SA1 9 console T5 ships, where they offered the 10 console T5 ships via Zen. Yes, they also sold 9 console T5 ships for Zen as well...or they offered the Fleet versions for sale.
So will we see them selling 11 console T6 ships via Zen alongside 10 console T6 ships if they do a 10 console T6 ship for the Anniversary Event and in turn sell the upgrades as they have in the past?
Or is it more likely that we'll see Fleet T6 with the Anniversary Event or shortly after, where they go the Kamarag/Ambassador route rather than the Bortasqu'/Odyssey/DSD route...
...that will be interesting, eh?
normal c store tier6 is 10 console, 3 pack ship would come with 11 consoles. same as it was in the tier 5 days, just -1 console each. so ya anniversary will definitely be a 10 console ship with a fleet or 3/9 pack after.
something that would make these retreads interesting would be slightly varied station setups, like each of the 3 in the 3 pack has a different built in LTC station,in adition to the universal. the free one though would come with sci for ody, tac for bortas, and eng for rom. hopefully it gets an LTC intel hybrid, if not a LTC and LT.
this, and a scimitar as flagship doesn't make a ton of sense, it basically only is to milk and advertise the ship in the c store and because its sooooo cooool.
in game the ha'apax is a stat clone of the ody and bort, save the lack of universal ens, its the real flagship counterpart.
Because in the mind of either Dr.D'oom or Geko (or both) , repeatedly playing one content = repeatedly playing another , without any difference what so ever .
Their metrics said that ppl had no problem playing ISE for a bazillion times , and to them that = that ppl should have no problem playing garren / argala the same amount of times , as content = content (they even changed the awards so that all queues provide the same lame Dil awards to reflect their "content = content" philosophy and to force it down the players throats) .
Metrics can show you one side of a truth ... , bu they will never show you the *why* of it ... , and that will lead you to your next set of false assumptions ... .
... either that , or the shame of their most popular repeated content (old STF's & PVP) still being the most popular 5 years in a row was getting to them and they were determined to change that no matter the cost ...