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Cryptic, you need to show the KDF some love!

eldest13eldest13 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Klingon Discussion
Recently I have said stuff it to my main Fed. I've decided to put more effort into my Klingon character. I'm happy making my charcter as good as i possibly can.

There's one problem. Why should I? There is no point other than saying, HEY GUY OVER THERE! I HAVE A KLINGON! DO YOU!

I want to say things that make me a better player than a Federation Captain. If you put more effort into the KDF you would see more people playing it. Therefore they would start a KDF character to take advantage of the exclusive options. Driving playtime and making them spend more time on the game.

Take care of your KDF players and they'll probably surprise you in more than way. KDF players lets make 2015 the year of the Klingons!
Post edited by eldest13 on


  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Listen, when are you people going to learn? As soon as you type KDF or Klingon in a thread's title it's automatically ignored by anyone with dev power. Just give up. 4 years of it and people still didn't learn.

    Anything Exclusive to KDF will just be stolen by the federation, giving you no reason to play KDF.

    Just something to look at. Sad to see some people are delusional. Either that or they're playing the fun version of STO only the Devs and select few get to play. :rolleyes:
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • drazursouthclawdrazursouthclaw Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I would like you to imagine you're standing in line at a merchant stall, holding a deckchair with a KDF symbol on it.

    You are in this line with two others: A Human and a Romulan.

    Although you and the Human arrived at the exact same time, the Human is first in line and you are second. Even though you're a mighty warrior, you just stand there and wear this insult for some unknown reason, and you watch the Human clears his throat and steps forward.

    That was your first lesson.

    The Romulan is hidden behind you, until he chooses to reveal himself. You only know he's there because he bumped into you after the joined the line - quite some time after you did. So, for all intents and purposes, it is only you and the Human. The Human is now being served.

    "Hello, my good man!" says the Human. "I would like to purchase a starter kit."

    You've never heard of a 'starter kit', so you look on, curious.

    "Very good, friend." says the stall merchant. "Would you like a Cryptic one, or a Steam one?"

    "Why choose? Both." replies the Human.

    The Human is given all manner of things: Weapons, shields, even bridge officers and ships. The Human, now served, moves on. This puts you first in line to be served now.

    "I want to buy a starter kit." you say to the merchant.

    "Nope." says the merchant. "NEXT!" he then says, waving his hands in that universal manner that means "go away".

    That was your second lesson.

    You open your mouth to complain, but no words come out. You recognise the sensation: A stasis field. You have no way to defend or protect yourself now; you have no recourse. As you wonder about the source, it moves into your viewfield, and up to the stall counter. The Romulan has decided to make his presence known.

    "Give me a starter kit." he says to the merchant.

    "Certainly, friend." replies the merchant, as he obliges the Romulan. The Romulan, having been given a similar starter kit to the Human, leaves.

    The merchant stares at you, clearly trying to decide whether or not to help you out of your stasis field. It soon becomes clear, however, that the stasis field is slowly dissipating of its own accord.

    "Let me see if I understand this." you calmly say to the merchant. "Although I got here at the same time as the Human, I was still second in line for serving, even though our Energy Credits are worth exactly the same amount. Then I was told that I couldn't buy the same thing as them. Even though the Romulan can. Even though he came here LONG after me."

    "Yes, that sounds about right. Now either buy something or go away." says the merchant.

    That was your third and final lesson.

    I think it's safe to assume that you know what the deckchair is for now.

    Welcome to the club, warrior.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    atlantra wrote: »
    Listen, when are you people going to learn? As soon as you type KDF or Klingon in a thread's title it's automatically ignored by anyone with dev power. Just give up. 4 years of it and people still didn't learn.

    Anything Exclusive to KDF will just be stolen by the federation, giving you no reason to play KDF.

    Just something to look at. Sad to see some people are delusional. Either that or they're playing the fun version of STO only the Devs and select few get to play. :rolleyes:

    Yeah I agree but you don't even have to say KDF any more because if you look at DR you can tell they haven't been listening to anyone much less the KDF players.

    I figure the fate of this game is going to be like neverwinter they are gonna have Cryptic push out a new lockbox every 2 weeks until no one buys keys anymore and then they will announce some new game title that they said stahl was working on and tell the players about how STO was so great while it lasted and they will end it with a sale on zen and throw in the TNG final title of All good things as their exit strategy.

    Edit: Oh that link it tells it all right there. The relations between Cryptic and Massively where they called them out on the KDF oh man I guess its true no one could report anything good with Cryptic's "Track record" so they took the lowest blow possible but it remains to be seen if Cryptic will get back up.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It is possible to be glass-half-full about the KDF.

    I mean, with PVP essentially dead, the KDF/Fed/Rom "power disparity" is actually irrelevant. As in, makes no difference to actual gameplay options.

    In the meantime, the KDF remains by far the best modelled of the three factions compared to its on-screen counterpart. STO's gameplay is perfect for Klingons but very flawed for the Federation. I refer to my earlier thoughts which I think remain true:


    Yes, the KDF have fewer options and have to "make do" with older, less optimal ships. But that's what the Klingons do - remember that the Dominion War flagship was a B'rel, a 100-year old pattern...
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    staq16 wrote: »
    It is possible to be glass-half-full about the KDF.

    I mean, with PVP essentially dead, the KDF/Fed/Rom "power disparity" is actually irrelevant. As in, makes no difference to actual gameplay options.

    In the meantime, the KDF remains by far the best modelled of the three factions compared to its on-screen counterpart. STO's gameplay is perfect for Klingons but very flawed for the Federation. I refer to my earlier thoughts which I think remain true:


    Yes, the KDF have fewer options and have to "make do" with older, less optimal ships. But that's what the Klingons do - remember that the Dominion War flagship was a B'rel, a 100-year old pattern...

    The game itself has veered itself so far off course from really being star trek anymore that most likely you are just going to see a bunch of lockboxes that are from stuff seen in a 3 second clip or just stuff mentioned and never seen and when people stop buying those the game will die which I predict since the game can't stay up very long and when it does queues are empty that 6 months would be stretching its lifespan to the point of exaggeration.
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hear ya, bro.

    But there is a certain surly pride to be taken in being the unloved , unwanted, left-handed, red-headed, TRIBBLE stepchild of STO, and ramming it up the Feddies' chuff anyhow :)
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yeah but for Cryptic it is going to mean bad news for them since a lot of us who were loyal players for so long are moving onto other things. It has basically gotten to where the grindfests held players who had invested time or money in this game to the point that we will just let that go and move on since it just burns you out and gets extremely boring after time.

    The worst part is the newer players will have to grind harder than we had to being the fact that queues are dead. As far as love for the KDF I fought hard for years but its a futile attempt the only way they will temporarily love the KDF is if they plan to build something for us to be the beta testers of in the KDF to use as a cash grab on the federation side. What I truly hope for is that if Cryptic really does love Star Trek and being this game is pretty much dead that they hand off the task of a Star Trek mmorpg to a company that will do it justice/do a job worthy of the franchise. Not to put them down but the fact of the matter is they don't have what it takes to pull off what a Star Trek fan is hoping to get out of a game with the brand slapped on the side. As well when you look at the company and their products overall its quite clear that the majority of players that Cryptic has would never have played one of their games if it wasn't for the Star Trek brand on it which should tell them something about what they build.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    They did! They went <3<3<3 over your credit card when you bought something from them then promptly forgot you existed. ;)
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    battykoda0 wrote: »
    They did! They went <3<3<3 over your credit card when you bought something from them then promptly forgot you existed. ;)


    In a lot of cases that would be a standard stand up comics opener but in this case of this game and company its nothing other the truth and how things work with them. They get your money and time and then want nothing to do with you except for you to grind a whole year on stuff that took them like a day to make.
  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Folks it is great to read that this passion still exists here. It's one thing to know others hold the same love for what is more than a game to us. What many of us do when we play this game give us a sense of accomplishment. Wheather we are farming dilithium for others to buy and use, hunting down feddie bears for their own good or what ever. The fact that you who are the best of us can voice your concern and than get right back into the fight inspires me.

    When I log on and see yet another perk for the whiners blossom into reality it kind of gets me feeling depressed. Some times I even scream at the screen, "let's prettend I paid you a lot of money for perks that were kool for a time. But really don't use any more. 'What have you got in size klingon warrior.?' Let me in on the secret.

    Now what is it that we want? More ships on par with the feds. No too many though last thing we need is Mr./Mrs. Klingon warrior storming through the house destroying pictures in a rage becouse they don't know what starship to waer to the p.r.o.m. (Post Raid Online Massacure)becouse if the guessed collectors don,'t go with the nacell your evening is ruined.

    The empire has been placed in a holding pattern, probably waiting for us to be alright with equivalent or slightly lesser than statistics on equipment. I hope we a have all been greatful for the good things that that we were presented with.my favorite is the Moh'ta raptor a gunship for klingons that can keep pace with the andorian ships. The qib is my next purchase kind of excited about the battlecruiser design.

    I understand that we need this dahar coat or something like it. Do you know how cold winter wonderland gets to feeling for a poor little orion girl that has nothing but a tramp stamp to keep her warm? Sure when you're older and can compete in the mud wresling pits might be a little easier but it's not the same. Do you want Oattoomi the little orion girl to comback in the new season/update as some one you had to fight. Are you certain you can face her or her crew of misstreated orions bearing down on your possition that you swore unto death to defend only to find out you are facing Oattoomi Captain of the star ship "Tramp Stamp". And it all could have been avoided with a simple dahar master coat for her to warm up in befor mud wreslting auditions. Than taken home in the eco reliable T6 BoP built with family and safety in mind? Great for the weekend family battle royal.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • ibreakbonesibreakbones Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I quit playing because of the blatant hatred Cryptic have for "Those People". They ones with the foreheads and nasty tempers. Honestly why do they have them in the game seeing that Cryptic acts like the owner's wive was boinking a guy in a WORF costume on a table at the company Christmas party in plain site of everyone.

    So I came back just a few days ago and downloaded the endless patches and what not and looked at the puny new 3rd Faction ships they puked (or crapped) out.

    You have to be kidding me. The Raptor is an Andorian Kumari with a rather ugly skin on it and the new battle cruiser is a floating garbage pile compared the the Fed T6 Ships. the raptor is really a T5-U it is not even a true T6 ship. The battle cruiser is only somewhat useful but really not as good as the T5 Bortasqu.

    Really Cryptic? This is the best you can do? And you want $30.00 for this junk? I would be ashamed to have people think that this is the best I can do for one of my factions. Wow I mean you guys have no shame what so ever.

    See I never said the "K" word.:rolleyes:
  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I quit playing because of the blatant hatred Cryptic have for "Those People". They ones with the foreheads and nasty tempers. Honestly why do they have them in the game seeing that Cryptic acts like the owner's wive was boinking a guy in a WORF costume on a table at the company Christmas party in plain site of everyone.

    So I came back just a few days ago and downloaded the endless patches and what not and looked at the puny new 3rd Faction ships they puked (or crapped) out.

    You have to be kidding me. The Raptor is an Andorian Kumari with a rather ugly skin on it and the new battle cruiser is a floating garbage pile compared the the Fed T6 Ships. the raptor is really a T5-U it is not even a true T6 ship. The battle cruiser is only somewhat useful but really not as good as the T5 Bortasqu.

    Really Cryptic? This is the best you can do? And you want $30.00 for this junk? I would be ashamed to have people think that this is the best I can do for one of my factions. Wow I mean you guys have no shame what so ever.

    See I never said the "K" word.:rolleyes:

    What you are doing is counter productive. By using abusive words you bring us closer to being ignored again. Looking back at what we had at launch and what we have now, we are progressing. It is at a slower pace than we would like but more resourses were dedicated to our faction in the past year.

    You came back a few days ago and didn't get instant gratification. Abuse of any kind is never good. Especially on a forum were all you have are words. This is worse than childish, the only thing you have lost is time.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • mrgardenermrgardener Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    qunlar2020 wrote: »
    What you are doing is counter productive. By using abusive words you bring us closer to being ignored again. Looking back at what we had at launch and what we have now, we are progressing. It is at a slower pace than we would like but more resourses were dedicated to our faction in the past year.

    You came back a few days ago and didn't get instant gratification. Abuse of any kind is never good. Especially on a forum were all you have are words. This is worse than childish, the only thing you have lost is time.

    Like I always say....The devs will care about kdf once they fix defera!
  • ibreakbonesibreakbones Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    mrgardener wrote: »
    Like I always say....The devs will care about kdf once they fix defera!

    Seriously it was humor. No Devs read KDF post so no harm done. Remember what I said about the nasty tempers? Calm down.

    People have a right to complain when you asked them for money for cheap worthless goods. in the real world the new ships are virtual goods which are cheap and nasty and I have a right to point that out. If the Devs get butt hurt then they can 1. Ignore all my post (which they do). 2. Do a better job.

    But I admire you jumping to their defense. That shows true courage. Very Klingon. Defend those who stab you in the back.

    They did a poor job. They have done a poor job for a long time. Am I being abusive? No the Devs have been called far worse but other players who feel the same frustration that I feel. I tried playing Fed and it was mind numbingly easy.

    All I want is KDF to have decent ships. That is not too much to ask. A lot of time have passed in the game world and the KDF would have updated their ships by now. If you do not like my post simply do not read them. The Devs learned that a long time ago.
  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Seriously it was humor. No Devs read KDF post so no harm done. Remember what I said about the nasty tempers? Calm down.

    People have a right to complain when you asked them for money for cheap worthless goods. in the real world the new ships are virtual goods which are cheap and nasty and I have a right to point that out. If the Devs get butt hurt then they can 1. Ignore all my post (which they do). 2. Do a better job.

    But I admire you jumping to their defense. That shows true courage. Very Klingon. Defend those who stab you in the back.

    They did a poor job. They have done a poor job for a long time. Am I being abusive? No the Devs have been called far worse but other players who feel the same frustration that I feel. I tried playing Fed and it was mind numbingly easy.

    All I want is KDF to have decent ships. That is not too much to ask. A lot of time have passed in the game world and the KDF would have updated their ships by now. If you do not like my post simply do not read them. The Devs learned that a long time ago.

    Not saying don't complain, I am saying to use some tac. Use phrases like "the content leaves me wanting," or "the ships offered are more of the same of what I have seen before. I feel my voice is un heard." Now to say that the devs are not reading our postings here might be true but some one is reading and implementing a few of our wants and suggestions. The T6 Raptor is exactly what I myself have asked for. My request was simple "5/2 Raptor with 5 tac consoles, something competative with the Andorian type escorts." I was respectful and in time I received what I had asked for. We have been asking for a T6 BoP and I believe we will get one, perhaps even this year.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • mrgardenermrgardener Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Seriously it was humor. No Devs read KDF post so no harm done. Remember what I said about the nasty tempers? Calm down.

    People have a right to complain when you asked them for money for cheap worthless goods. in the real world the new ships are virtual goods which are cheap and nasty and I have a right to point that out. If the Devs get butt hurt then they can 1. Ignore all my post (which they do). 2. Do a better job.

    But I admire you jumping to their defense. That shows true courage. Very Klingon. Defend those who stab you in the back.

    They did a poor job. They have done a poor job for a long time. Am I being abusive? No the Devs have been called far worse but other players who feel the same frustration that I feel. I tried playing Fed and it was mind numbingly easy.

    All I want is KDF to have decent ships. That is not too much to ask. A lot of time have passed in the game world and the KDF would have updated their ships by now. If you do not like my post simply do not read them. The Devs learned that a long time ago.

    I think you should be embarrassed considering I was being sarcastic and I stab kdf in the back? Yes running a dedicated kdf pve channel is traitor material. You must not understand humour so I am not going to bother to explain why I chose the defera part but this is what you do...spend a week at defera as in do the 4 daily hards and ul see why I like that reference. Defending devs? Nope but please continue making ludicrious assumptions that have no fact.
  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm pretty sure he was refering to my posting. I have noticed the forums have been applying the wrong quotes in other areas.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Vulgarity does not help, but I detest the idea of Klingon fans PC-ing their responses in the forums.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    eldest13 wrote: »
    Recently I have said stuff it to my main Fed. I've decided to put more effort into my Klingon character. I'm happy making my charcter as good as i possibly can.

    There's one problem. Why should I? There is no point other than saying, HEY GUY OVER THERE! I HAVE A KLINGON! DO YOU!

    I want to say things that make me a better player than a Federation Captain. If you put more effort into the KDF you would see more people playing it. Therefore they would start a KDF character to take advantage of the exclusive options. Driving playtime and making them spend more time on the game.

    Take care of your KDF players and they'll probably surprise you in more than way. KDF players lets make 2015 the year of the Klingons!

    Better player? What does that even mean? There are some faction balance issues -- ships being a huge one, and romulan officers being nearly game breaking --- but all in all a good player can play any faction well. KDF have tons of good things. The many ways to set up a BOP, like the norgh, which can become a cloaking gunboat supplemented by a decent, not top sci ship level, but decent science magik damage *and* near top tier weapon dps AND flanking. Or the karfi, which is still an amazing ship. Or the maha, which is brute force but nonetheless effective.

    You can do a lot more than just flap around going "im a klingon lookit me". Which you can do as a fed anyway. You can take your pick of a small number of ships and make one shine, build it and go do things. You can join others in a fleet and enjoy the faction just as much as you can the feds. You can see another story line. You can check out some different foundry missions. You can farm contra and dil faster leaving more time for actual game play. And those just scratch the surface.

    I totally agree the rom and kdf need ships -- but most of the rest of the content is fine for us.
  • knightnbluknightnblu Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The devs are missing out on some epic story lines. You can do so much with the Klingon faction and they just let it go fallow. They could continue to explore the Fek'iri, they could do a story line about the House of Torg seeking revenge against the Empire for being exiled by joining the Iconians and seeking it's destruction, or they could explore the lingering distrust and unease between the Klingon and Romulan peoples by framing the Romulans for the use of a weapon of mass destruction that murders millions of Klingons.

    I particularly like the last idea, especially since we now have the return of Sela. Tal Shiar agents could break her out of Republic custody and plant evidence to call the Republic's commitment to changing Romulan ways into question. Follow that up with a couple of well orchestrated incidents to heighten tensions between the two and then follow that up with a frame job on the Republic linking them with the deaths of millions of Klingon citizens. The Klingons would be forced to respond or lose their honor by remaining inactive after such an insult. Imagine operating in a tense and frenzied atmosphere with the lives of countless millions hanging in the balance.

    New consoles and ships for the Klingon faction could be introduced for KDF exclusive use, and I mean exclusive, and the other faction could also participate in these events as an expansion because they seek to avoid an unnecessary war between the two and save millions of lives on both sides and possibly the Romulan people as a race. There could be a re-ignition of the temporal war that necessitates travel back in time to the days fo the NX-01 and the beautiful T'Pol. We could use the already existing NX-01 ship to travel to the Klingon homeworld to head off problems initiated there by the Iconians to heighten tensions in the present. In fact, you could link the Iconians to the Temporal war that Archer participated in by having to confront the Xindi by linking the Iconians to the villains of that time thereby amplifying the threat.

    And while the Fed and Romulans get to participate in 2/3rds of the story, you only get the full experience if you are KDF. That should boost enrollment on the KDF faction. If you are Fed or Romulan, you just get the news of the conclusion. If you are KDF, you get to live it with new Klingon space opened up and races introduced. The Feds may get sporty about that, but tough cookies. If they want to experience it, they can just roll a KDF character and level up and play it.

    They would get to see the past with Archer and T'Pol (mmmmmm...T'Pol) and maybe even get their own NX-01 in the process. Romulans would get the creation of a new intelligence service similar to Section 31 and cloak and dagger gear to compete with the Tal Shiar and other threats to the Republic. We get the new ships, space, and races. Fair trade, I say.

    The question remains, will the KDF side continue to be treated like a red headed step child or will we finally be shown some love? I think we deserve some attention.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Klingons are dead.
    Romulans are dead.

    Cryptic has made it crystal clear the only reason the game exists is to entertain Federation fans. They're convinced nobody plays the game to be anything other than Federation. Who are we to dispute such an incorrect assumption ?

    Vote with your wallets- don't buy feddie c-store items. delete your feddie characters.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I quit playing because of the blatant hatred Cryptic have for "Those People". They ones with the foreheads and nasty tempers. Honestly why do they have them in the game seeing that Cryptic acts like the owner's wive was boinking a guy in a WORF costume on a table at the company Christmas party in plain site of everyone.

    So I came back just a few days ago and downloaded the endless patches and what not and looked at the puny new 3rd Faction ships they puked (or crapped) out.

    You have to be kidding me. The Raptor is an Andorian Kumari with a rather ugly skin on it and the new battle cruiser is a floating garbage pile compared the the Fed T6 Ships. the raptor is really a T5-U it is not even a true T6 ship. The battle cruiser is only somewhat useful but really not as good as the T5 Bortasqu.

    Really Cryptic? This is the best you can do? And you want $30.00 for this junk? I would be ashamed to have people think that this is the best I can do for one of my factions. Wow I mean you guys have no shame what so ever.

    See I never said the "K" word.:rolleyes:

    I gotta say i bought that TRIBBLE and ITS REALLY TRIBBLE SHIPS.

    I WANT MY MONEY BACK I GO BACK TO EVE ONLINE at least there they respect ALL players that pay money and they have their game nicely balanced.

    PWE the worst company took a great game and destroyed it in the name of greed but soon there wont be any pets to amuse you federation TRIBBLE.

    **** YOU PWE i want my 600 euro back
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Klingons are dead.
    Romulans are dead.

    Cryptic has made it crystal clear the only reason the game exists is to entertain Federation fans. They're convinced nobody plays the game to be anything other than Federation. Who are we to dispute such an incorrect assumption ?

    Vote with your wallets- don't buy feddie c-store items. delete your feddie characters.

    yes i agree i am very misspleased and i say QUIT THEIR ****ING GAME LET IT ROOT AND FINALLY DIE.

    BTW pvp seems DEAD already!!!

    OP Builds roam pvp and destroy others without having chance to fight back.

    TORP builds are way much op new torps doff that make torps bypass the shield is so ****ing OP you M?UST REMOVE IT.

    But no i cant really wait for idiot devs to wake up i will just quit the game enjoy my money cause you wont get any more AT LEAST FROM ME!!!!
  • qunlar2020qunlar2020 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Vulgarity does not help, but I detest the idea of Klingon fans PC-ing their responses in the forums.

    On a forum all we have are words, posturing is useless. That leaves us with being better at communication than the others. When we defame some one's hard work we lose credability and voice. If you have an issue or you dislike something speak up, but also be specific about what is wrong and not working. Many postings are blanket statements, when the statement is negative I am left to draw my own conclusions about the content and the author.
    I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
  • starakusstarakus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I actually think there is quite a lot of of revenue to be had from the KDF side, as well as some great content.

    The Orion Syndicate:
    The Orion are littered all over qo'nos, yet all we have with them is a mutual defense pact. We gave them ships, weapons, and a planet supposedly in exchange for allegiance, access to their intelligence network, and technology, yet we get a handful of crappy single bay carriers instead that no one uses in game. With all this intelligence boff stuff out and all of the new command boff layout, where is the Orion syndicate? Why not bring them more into the game? Where is the AT LEAST 2 bay, if not the first 3 bay carrier out from the Orion? Why are the Orion only merely set decoration and eye candy? Sure they are great to look at, but they litter our bases and yet provide little to nothing. In the mission The Undying, where we meet Hassan(the Undying) the only mission we get with them, they are clearly not on our side. The pleasure palace was a great club, can we have one of those, a starbase perhaps. He did have a warbarge dreadnaught, surely this is not the Marauder Flight-Deck Cruiser is it? The flight deck cruisers and all variants are probably the least played ships in game, in addition to our measly supply of limited ships. The orion syndicate is a huge untapped resource for new game play, be it to finally add some value to the KDF or LEAVE! I'd be happy with either REAL access to their underground dealings, illegal purchases, and intel OR split them off into their own faction with a huge player buildable pleasure palace-esk starbase to build. They should be supplying us with far more as they are our only intelligence source.

    We have sneaky dark places on qo'nos, we even have a whole section of the city devoted to back alley dealings, we have ferengi, orion, Nausicaan, the Gorn. We fought the gorn and the Nausicaans, with orions on our side, but does our entire allegiance rely on old enemies, mercenaries, con artists, smugglers, greed, and spys!? IF so, how are we benefiting!? We receive so little from these races and they outnumber us on our own home planet. We even now have Romulans taking up bench space sitting and chatting not very far from our own great hall! What have the romulans brought us in this fight!

    What if the Fek'lhr return!? What if they return in force? Will our allies help us then? Ironically one of the best ships we now have came from our worst sworn enemy the Fek'lhr. So our enemy gives us the best of our carriers but our allies can not provide us a decent carrier?
    We need to start using these "allies" to procure more dangerous weaponry and skills, even if off the black market.

    Summary of all the babble:
    Clearly there is room for the KDF experience to grow with:

    More Orion content.
    More Nausicaans content.
    More Gorn content.
    A contribution from the ferengi and Romulans who only use our city for squatting and making deals.
    if Hassan(the Undying), is truly undying, there is some storyline there as well for more missions.
    A return of the Fek'lhr.

    with these comes ships, technology, and content. oh and did I mention ships?
    I think it is time that we also work on a new bird of prey and carrier to take advantage of these new found bridge and intel professions we seem to have only two ships for.
    *edit* and fix the slavers hanger pets, 10 levels, advanced slavers, not a single loot item.
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