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Vectors (story)



  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    One wonders about the effects of oral Vogon poetry on the Vaudwaar. Or would that be against the Geneva Convention?

    Definitely a crime against sentience.

    And ssshhH!!! Don't give the Vaadwaur ideas!
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm in agreement with everyone else, Tuarek is delightfully evil. He's a lot like Gaul, obviously (my favourite STO villain to date), but without any of the self-righteous megalomania and twice as much cruelty. It'll be interesting seeing him vs the two cats.

    Speaking of whom, I am very much looking forward to seeing how you develop the Meioi and Rrueo bit. I'm guessing you're using the Caitian Diaspora doff mission chain as your main background source for this one?
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,446 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm guessing you're using the Caitian Diaspora doff mission chain as your main background source for this one?
    One day I hope to complete that chain. I never seem to find myself in the right place at the right time for part 8 (of 10).
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    The man on the viewscreen is blue-skinned, with a hairless, high-domed skull topped with a raised crest. "The Temur is missing," the Kadirian representative snaps at me. "This is not the first enquiry we have had, regarding that survey ship - now, it is missing, and the patrol craft sent to escort it has been found destroyed!"

    "I am sorry to hear it," I say. "And concerned, also."

    "I do not think you realize how much this means," the Kadirian said. "Seven of our people missing from the Temur, three confirmed dead on the patroller! Our population is so small, every life is precious to us!"

    "I understand you suffered some kind of plague," I say.

    "A biological infestation of the deadliest and most pernicious kind. It almost exterminated our entire species. Even today, the population of Kadir Prime does not exceed a million, the population of Kadir Secundus and Kadir Tertius, less than a hundred thousand combined! Every Kadirian is a jewel to be treasured!"

    "My people, too, respect life," I say. "This is at the heart of our concerns. A devastating infection of some kind struck a Kobali colony after the Temur visited it. We would like to gather more information -"

    "Our ship could not have been involved," the Kadirian says firmly. "We take absolutely stringent precautions against any kind of biological cross-contamination - we have no wish to spread disease, nor to fall victims ourselves to any alien virus. Contacts with class M worlds and bio-compatible species are carried out exclusively by our survey holograms - and they are carefully designed to offer no footholds for any diseases. The holograms are, necessarily, self-aware and highly detailed... but they have a quasi-biological basis specifically created to have no compatibility with any real life-form. The probes which project the hologram are subjected to decontamination procedures that will kill any living organism. There is no way our survey ships can carry a plague."

    "I understand your caution," I say. "May we approach your systems, to see if we can gather any clues as to the Temur's whereabouts? Our ships have sophisticated sensor systems -"

    "We are restricting our systems as of this incident," the Kadirian says firmly. "Our own vessels are withdrawing to their home bases, and only the most necessary contact will be permitted until we are more certain of our people's safety. Obviously, we cannot stand against your military if you choose to invade -"

    "That is not our way. We will respect your territorial integrity." I must be the Federation diplomat. "Will you, at least, transmit any details of the Temur and her mission that you can? Anything which won't compromise your security - and which might help us find the ship." I look him square in the eyes. "If we can find your people, we will do everything we can to bring them back to you safely."

    It's an appeal directly aimed at his own most obvious concern... and it works. "We will transmit all non-classified information to your data channels," the Kadirian says. "If you find our people... we will be grateful."

    "I hope that we can save other lives, too. Thank you, sir. Timor out." The Kadirian's face vanishes, to be replaced by the starscape of the Delta Quadrant... and the lean, flat shape of the Brathana, hanging a few kilometres off our port bow. I sit contemplating the ominous lines of the Qib battlecruiser for a moment or two, then I turn to Sumal Jetuz. "I suppose our ally over there was listening in on that conversation?"

    "We... are sharing all information with the KDF on this one, sir," Sumal says, a little guardedly.

    "I suppose we have to. All right. Get me a line to that arrogant laboratory experiment, we need to discuss our next move." Sumal raises his eyebrows at that. Well, I have no reasons to like Ferasans, and no reason to make any exception for this Ferasan, so....

    My fur bristles as her face appears on the viewer. "You heard all that, I take it?"

    "Rrueo did. We are transcribing their data transmission now. It is probably incomplete, but it is a start. The loss of the Temur... disturbs Rrueo."

    "Me, too. It can't be a coincidence, surely."

    "Rrueo does not believe in coincidences of such convenience. Our working hypothesis must be that the Temur is, somehow, involved. Rrueo will therefore take the Brathana to gather additional information."

    "The Kadirians have closed their borders. You heard that, I assume?"

    "Rrueo did. Rrueo heard you promise to respect that. Very high-minded, properly Starfleet, your superiors will no doubt approve. Rrueo did not hear you make any binding promises on behalf of the Empire.... In any case, what the Kadirians do not know will not hurt them. Brathana's battle cloak is quite adequate for a discreet survey of the borders of Kadir Secundus."

    I narrow my eyes at her. "I hope you know what you're doing."

    "Rrueo does. How do you propose to occupy your time while Rrueo is performing this necessary task?"

    "Oh, I have some ideas. One thing you haven't thought of, for a start - remember, there was another ship with the Temur on its visit?"

    "The Hazari mercenaries?" The Ferasan frowns.

    "The Hazari are best known as muscle for hire, fair enough. But they're a warp-capable culture with a long history - their civilization must have more to it than that. Goals and ambitions of their own, that sort of thing. Don't you agree?"

    "Rrueo concedes the point... though the whole thing seems most unlikely. But, then, unlikely possibilities seem to be all we have at this point. Very well. We should arrange a rendezvous point, or at least a secure communications channel through which to keep in touch." She shifts a little in her command chair. "Rrueo takes it that no further assistance from Starfleet is forthcoming?"

    "Starfleet is stretched as thin as the KDF in this quadrant. You're lucky to have us."

    "Rrueo contemplates her good fortune daily. The KDF has secured a small asteroid base in the Tramil Gamma system, which might be suitable as a meeting point, if you are interested."

    "Sounds reasonable. Transmit the coordinates, and we'll set up a meeting to compare notes. My bioscience team will continue to work on the samples you provided, of course."

    "You will take no hand in the matter yourself?"

    "My expertise is in subspace dynamics and astrophysics. I'm surprised you didn't look that up in my personnel file. Or are your files on Starfleet officers out of date?"

    "Rrueo has adequate records of all senior Starfleet officers of importance. Transmitting coordinates. Given travel times in this quadrant, I suggest one week from now. Communicate on subspace if you are likely to be delayed. Brathana out." The screen goes blank.

    "That went well," I remark to no one in particular. No one in particular seems convinced, either.

    "What's our next step, sir?" Marya Kothe asks.

    I gaze gloomily at the screen, watching the Brathana turn and flash away at warp speed. "Let's go through the Kadirian data, and identify the Hazari mercenary who was guarding the Temur. Besides that -" I stand up. "I'll be in my ready room."

    I think it's time to activate an irregular asset.
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I do hope these two don't kill each other. :)

    It feels like the Kadirians are involved somehow, no idea how right now, but looking forward to watching the investigation.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    shevet wrote: »
    I think it's time to activate an irregular asset.

    Awww yeah. I wondered when Pex was going to come into all of this.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Le sigh... So we now have to endure a typical Talaxian with typical Talaxian attitude problems going up against a Vaadwaur psychopath...


    Shevet, you're going to have the appropriate-sex gonads to kill off a main, right? Because a Kazon raider against one of those Vaadwaur cruisers is deader than dead.

    Plus it would give Rrueo a chance to be Rrueo at the Vaadwaur, which I would pay good money to see.

    The other option, of course, is Little Miss Disrespects-Cops beats the most deliciously psychotic monster since Hakeev, which I would pay good money NOT to see.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,446 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hey, Worf, how about you just trust Shevet to drive this bus? I mean, until I started writing about Grunt, how likely did you think it was that you'd see a badass Ferengi?
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Hey, Worf, how about you just trust Shevet to drive this bus? I mean, until I started writing about Grunt, how likely did you think it was that you'd see a badass Ferengi?

    About 100%, since I've already seen several.

    Quark was extremely badass in DS9; he courted a Klingon woman and had the guts to stand up to an armed Klingon who openly wanted to kill him and threw away his sword.

    I also saw a lethal Ferengi assassin, Nog, and Ferengi who beat up Riker and a couple of other guys.

    Ferengi have been shown to be as diverse and unique as any other species. Perhaps more so than some, even (looks askance at most portrayals of Vulcans).
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,446 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Then you'll concede that Planet of Hats doesn't have to rule.

    Has Shevet played us false before? Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Responding to you in PM, jonsills.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I must show worffan's post to a friend and beta-reader of mine, who once texted me in the middle of the night to protest at the death of a protagonist, and whose criticisms often include comments along the lines of "I like [name of character] and will miss him when he inevitably dies." :D

    However. I slaughter my characters only according to my own sense of dramatic appropriateness and writerly sadism. It's a matter of principle, dammit.

    On with the show, though worffan might want to avert his eyes from the next bit....
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    The guy sitting across the kajhod table from me is called Glaylvesh Tceihisi-Sh'llagh Ro'khellselan, and that is the least of his crimes against society. He is wider than he is tall, which is partly down to species and mostly down to bad habits; his skin is a dark magenta colour, and his forehead sports a sort of square, ribbed process which looks like a biological extractor fan... which, come to think of it, is more or less what it is. On either side of his snub nose, his eyes gleam. Currently, they are green, completely green around little black dots of pupils.

    He smiles at me. His species has deciduous teeth, continually regrowing, they don't bother cleaning them, just wait for them to drop out and new ones to come in. So his smile is not a pretty sight. "You want to raise the stakes," he says.

    "Uh-huh," I say in agreeable tones. There is a little knot of spectators gathering around the table now. Just a little one, because Banjathron Sinooni's gambling house is full of distractions - music, chatter, the whirr of dabo tables and the click of dice, the odours of several dozen assorted chemical stimulants for as many species - but we have definitely attracted attention. Sinooni himself is glancing in our direction. He has one set of arms crossed over his chest, while his other pair of hands rests on his hips. Banjathron Sinooni is a shade under three metres tall and fractionally less tough than the hull of a starship. People don't argue with him much.

    I flick a Lobi crystal out onto the round table. Ro'khellselan flicks it back. "I don't want these Alpha Quadrant baubles," he says. "Not against this." He waves one multiply-beringed hand over his stake - latinum, always handy, a couple of gems of unknown provenance, and, most importantly of all, the isolinear chips which I'm actually here for. I couldn't just buy them, there's no way he'd just let me buy them - but he is one of those people who's a sucker for a game of chance, and I have carefully worked him up to the point where those chips are on his side of the table, and I just need something to put on my side, now -

    "So what do you want?" I pick the Lobi crystal up. Waste not, want not. 'Sides, this one's authentic.

    Ro'khellselan's eyes turn from green to a sickly yellow. His gaze flicks across me, from Umaro Ajbit sitting at my right hand, to Goyar at my left, back to Ajbit. "Make it interesting," he says. One stubby finger points at Ajbit. "Her. Skinnier than I like 'em usually, but...."

    I force a smile. "'kay," I say. "She's got her uses." Ajbit turns towards me, mouth opening for, well, I'd guess she's not going to say "sure, Pex, I'm good with this."

    "Relax," I say before she can speak - and getting a word in before a Bajoran takes quick reflexes, believe me. "I know this game, no sweat, it's all covered."

    I hope I'm right. Sinooni is definitely watching us, and he has a rep for keeping an honest gaming house, people who try to renege on their bets around here tend to find out what his four hands can do to them. I really hope I'm right. Personnel department gets all sniffy about it when you lose a senior officer in a game of chance.

    Though, admittedly, this particular kajhod game has about as much chance element in it as chess.

    Ro'khellselan smiles again. He picks up the metal bowl with the five pieces in it, starts to swirl it around and around in his hand. His eyes turn red with concentration. This is why we're playing kajhod and not something like kadis-kot or Terran poker. Kinda hard to keep a poker face when you have a pair of mood rings for eyeballs. But concentration... you expect concentration.

    The pieces rattle in the bowl, striking the blunt pyramid projections scattered randomly around the inside. The pieces are irregularly-shaped ingots of metal; the score is determined by the positions they finally land in - and none of them must touch. Hal Welti told me once it was something like an ancient Terran game called "Pass the Pigs" or something.

    My feet tense. Ro'khellselan's eyes are the colour of old blood. He swirls, and swirls, and then in one movement inverts the bowl and slams it down onto the middle of the table -

    - and, at the same time, my long little toe keys the magnetic phase inverter hidden in my boot.

    I know I'm right. I know he's cheating. I know he has a set of selective magnetronic devices in those rings, that he's making those metal ingots sit up and beg. I know my phase inverter will mess things up for him, big time. At least, I think I know it. If I'm wrong... well, I guess Ajbit will find the whole experience educational, anyway.

    He pulls the bowl away with a triumphant flourish, revealing the pieces.

    His eyes drain of their colour, going from red to pink to dead shocked white. I toe off the phase inverter.

    "Wowsers," I say, looking at the neat little pile of ingots on the table. "All five touching. Grand forfeit. Don't see those very often." Ro'khellselan's eyes turn to one of the ornate rings on his hand. So that's the one with the gimmick, then.

    Another hand, the size of a medium-sized dinner plate, comes down onto the table and scoops up the pieces. Banjathron Sinooni lifts them towards the hairy thing that must be his face, 'cause it's on the front of his head. He looks at them. He lets them drop, one by one, back onto the table, where they clatter and bounce, and I am very glad I turned the magnetism off.

    "Fair game," he says in a near-subsonic rumble. He looks at me. "Your game." He looks at Ro'khellselan. "Pay the stake."

    Ro'khellselan's fat face is frozen in woe. He pushes the pile of latinum and jewels and isolinear chips across the table. I pick up one jewel, a gleaming clear faceted thing with a green tinge like water in a stream. I hand it to Sinooni. "Gotta tip the house, man."

    Sinooni's huge hand closes around it. The big fella is nobody's fool, he knew Ro'khellselan cheated, and I cheated back, and I cheated better. So that made it a fair game, in his eyes. A game of skill, not chance, but still a fair one.

    "Grand forfeit ends the game," Sinooni rumbles, warning both of us not to push our luck. Fine by me. I pocket the latinum, the remaining gems, the all-important chips. I can't tell what direction Ro'khellselan is looking in, now, because his eyes have darkened to a pure black in which his pupils are no longer visible.

    "Guess I'll, uh, be moseying along, then." I rise from the table. I don't know about Ro'khellselan's eyes, but Ajbit's are promising me we'll be having a long discussion when we're safely back on the shuttle. "Been fun. As ever. Good game, fella." Ro'khellselan does not respond, except for a faint wheezing from the grille on his forehead. It's the sort of silence that speaks volumes.

    The three of us saunter out. I make sure to saunter pretty darn quickly. Sinooni won't let Ro'khellselan's goons start anything on the premises... but the gaming house is a good long way from the shuttle pad, and I am very much aware of every millimetre of distance.

    We pick up our weapons from the door guards. Sinooni is punctilious about keeping weapons out of his place, and equally punctilious about giving them back. It's one of the ways he keeps in business. He's talking to Ro'khellselan, too, now, keeping him occupied, giving us some time to get clear. Not that he cares anything for us, of course, just that he wants to keep his reputation - for running a gaming den where you have at least a half-decent chance of making it home alive with your winnings.

    So Ajbit gets her sonic antiproton pistol, and Goyar his Rom-made plasma pistol, and I get a weird-looking gizmo that resembles a sort of wicker-work shopping basket with glowsticks in the weave. It's amazing how many people still don't recognize it for what it is. I feel fractionally more confident with it strapped in place. Still, it is night in Landing City on Gyruna IV, and the local police are still a pious hope more than an actuality, and the shuttle is quite a way away. Transporters? I don't even want to think about what might happen to a transporter signal around here.

    "OK, gang, let's act casual," I say in a cheerful undertone. "Bit of casual... sprinting, maybe?" Goyar gives me a troubled look, Ajbit a dirty one. I can see the conversation we're going to have will be a long one. But she doesn't say anything now, as we move off down the maze of alleyways towards the shuttle pad. If this place was properly organized, there'd be proper streets and streetlights and police patrols and other things that make you feel safe. But, then, if it was properly organized, Sinooni and Ro'khellselan wouldn't be allowed within a parsec of the place, so hey.

    "Try and stick with a crowd," I say, pretty uselessly as it is night, and most people have better sense than to be out. There are street lights, some of them. And there is light spilling out of various all-night establishments like Sinooni's. We can see where we're going, we can see what's coming. For the moment. As we get closer to the shuttle pad, though, things tend more towards warehouses and workshops and other closed-at-night sort of spots, and my bet is that's where we're gonna get jumped.

    "S - uh, Pex," says Goyar, "I've got a feeling we're being followed."

    "No kidding," I mutter. At least one goon trailing us from behind, but the others are circling, moving through the maze of alleyways to catch us from the flanks as soon as they figure they can get away with it. Of course, they don't necessarily know this place any better than we do, they might get lost along the way. Hey, I can hope.

    The lighted buildings, the shops and clubs and dwelling places, are thinning out now, increasingly being replaced by dark blank square things full of crates. Full of crates and no help. Their internal security systems - which can be pretty sophisticated, actually - won't lift an electronic finger to help us as we pass by.

    And that's kind of a shame, as we could definitely do with some help. I make it at least seven of the opposition, in two groups, one to our left, one a little behind and to our right. The crossfire is going to be kinda not a healthy place to be.

    "Dodge right and take the bunch behind us," I say. Ajbit nods. She unholsters her pistol, and her face looks grimmer than usual.

    We turn and scurry through the gap between two warehouses. I unsling my own weapon. It encloses the whole of my right hand, feeling uncomfortable but oddly reassuring at the same time.

    The movement's been spotted. There are shouts, and a line of dirty green light stabs out of the dark towards us. Disruptors. Cheap disruptors, probably low grade, probably not enough to burn through our heavy-duty personal shields. Probably. Not certainly.

    Ajbit snaps off a returning shot with her gun, and I hear a yell and a thud. She has the thing set for heavy stun, fair enough, but sonic antiprotons do kinda jellify the nervous system, even on that setting. Nothing a few weeks of painful physiotherapy won't put right, though. Goyar fires, too, hot green plasma bolts flashing across the night. He is sportingly aiming above their heads. Warning shots. He's such a nice lad really. I wish this situation called for a nice lad.

    I take aim at a half-seen presence, and my finger finds the firing stud.

    The thing on my hand is technically known as a fluidic antiproton wrist lance - a piece of retro-engineered Undine technology, based on stuff salvaged after that nasty scrap at Earth Spacedock. Me, I just think of it as a portable war crime. The lance shudders and whines, building up power for a fraction of a second - then discharging it as a long, wavering, red-golden lightning bolt that terminates in a blast of flame. I hear a scream, which suggests I've hit something non-vital - blown away a limb or something: the lance doesn't really do a stun setting. In fact, on the setting I have it on -

    More fiery light snakes across the ground, spitting sparks. The fluidic antiproton reaction sends these instability ripples across nearby solid surfaces; secondary energy pulses that do as much damage as the main blast, and do it in all sorts of unpredictable places.

    "Stop, drop and roll!" I shout helpfully. Hey, it's good advice when you're on fire. Less good, maybe, when it's the ground that's on fire, but, y'know, that's their problem just now, not mine.

    "Shuttle," I snap at Goyar. Ajbit, who is quick on the uptake, is already moving. We have taken out one group of pursuers, we might have time to reach the shuttle before the other group catches up with us. Especially as the weapons fire must have given them furiously to think, as they say.

    We head towards the shuttle pad at a dead run. There is shouting behind us, and fire alarms, and lots of stuff I just don't want to deal with right now. More disruptor beams flash near us. They're lousy shots, fortunately for us. Ajbit turns and lets fly with a couple of sonic AP bolts, which seems to discourage them.

    Suddenly, we're out of the shelter of the warehouses, and into the empty safety space around the shuttle pad. I can see our ship, now, safely parked on the permacrete base. Safety. Kinda, anyway. Not something Ro'khellselan's goons can bring down with hand weapons, at least.

    More disruptors. Something slams into my shoulder and my shields flare. I turn around, crouch, send another bolt of eldritch fire from the lance at our pursuers, pause briefly to admire the fiery writhing star it draws on the ground. Goyar is firing, too, and this time his plasma bolts are aimed lower. Kid's learning.

    "Move!" I dredge up enough energy for a sprint towards the shuttle. With my left hand, I key the remote lock, open the door for us to rush through. The disruptors, silenced for a few seconds, are snapping towards us again. Bolts scar the paintwork of the shuttle's hull. Well, that's all they can do, and besides, the hull is plenty scarred already. We pile inside, and I hit the door controls while Goyar lunges for the pilot's seat.

    "Ow," I say, hopping on one leg. "Ow, ow-ow-ow, ow."

    "What's wrong?" Ajbit demands. "Pex, did they get you? Where are you hit?"

    I hop on my left leg and shake my rattling right boot. "I'm not hit. I just trod on my phase inverter, that's all. Ow."


    Goyar lifts us off the pad in record time, breaking a few of the local flight control regs in the process. Something tells me I'm gonna get a frosty reception next time I come this way. Indeed, the traffic control station is bleating in my ear over the subspace radio, and Ajbit is yelling in my other ear about "overconfidence" and "hot-shots" and such, and I am having a really hard time ignoring both of them as I dig the crushed phase inverter out of my boot.

    It doesn't help that the interior of the shuttle is pretty cramped. Strictly speaking, Ostankino is an auxiliary craft herself, so anything that works as an auxiliary for her has to be pretty tiny. The shuttle is about the same size as a 2150 Starfleet shuttlepod, but probably not as sophisticated.

    So, when Goyar says, "Pex, I've got a transmission from the Ostankino," it's actually quite hard for me to hear him over the rest of the row.

    "Put it through!" I yell, in the hope of shutting everyone else up. Goyar clicks off the sputtering and cursing from traffic control, and Ajbit gets her temper back under control and subsides into a sullen, angry, mercifully silent glare.

    A pale greenish face appears on the comms panel: Pingood, one of my few actual Delta Quadrant officers. She blinks moist eyes at me and her wide batrachian mouth opens. "On course to retrieve you in ten minutes," she says. "However, we are receiving a subspace transmission graded priority zeta two seven. Shall I put it through to you?"

    Zeta two seven doesn't sound awfully important, but that's kinda the point of it, if we went around calling the important stuff Alpha One Dynamite or something, people would catch on. "Sure. Patch it straight through."

    Pingood blinks again, and then her face vanishes, to be replaced with that of a black-furred Caitian with shiny gold bars on the collar beneath. "This is Admiral M'eioi aboard the USS Timor," she says, and she sounds a bit doubtful. "I've been given this contact frequency and details by -"

    "Yeah, right," I interrupt, "gotcha, OK. You wouldn't be on this channel if you weren't meant to be, right? So, what can I do for you?"

    "I have a situation," M'eioi says, "where I may need someone with more detailed knowledge of the Delta Quadrant. Specifically -"

    "Whoa, whoa," I break in again, "let's not get too specific right now, OK? 'Cause this ain't exactly a secure location." I think for a moment. "If you've got my number, you must have a list, too, right? Third one down from the top of that list, that's the closest point to me, so let's head for that and talk specifics there, right, yeah?"

    "That would be at -"

    "Yes," I say. "Right. There. There is definitely where it would be at. Let's meet there and talk there, OK? Can make it in, well, maybe forty-eight hours, me. That good with you?"

    "I - suppose so." M'eioi's brow gathers in a catty frown. "I hope -"

    "Super, great. Seriously, we'll talk, there. Now, not a good time. There and then, I'm all yours, all ears, promise you. See you soon, bye now." And I close the channel.

    Ajbit stares at me. "Was all that necessary?" she asks.

    "Ohhh, yes," I say.

    "But this shuttle's secure, surely?"

    "Oh, yeah. Unless someone snuck something in while it was parked, and that would be some job of sneaking, I grant you." The shuttle's security systems are a good two and a half centuries ahead of the rest of it. "But she was being routed through Delta Command's subspace comms net, and my guess is, that is compromised worse than any six politicians you can name." I fish in my cargo pockets, dig out the chips I - won - from Ro'khellselan. "People in this quadrant are better informed about Starfleet than they got any right to be. Including our big pink friend down there.... Hey, did you notice M'eioi's uniform? Science division." Not that I needed the uniform to know that. I rattle the chips in my palm, like the kajhod pieces before you throw them in the bowl. "One hand washes the other, right? We can help with her problem, and she can maybe help us decipher the data on these...."
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Nothing like cheating a cheat.

    Another good action piece - I like Pexlini, I'm rapidly sort of seeing him as James Bond as played by Nathan Fillion.

    I am impressed by how the 'timing' worked for the crushing phase inverter gag, that's not easy pacing while reading.

    Actually, you've not slaughtered that many characters lately shevet, should we start getting worried? :confused:
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    shevet wrote: »
    I must show worffan's post to a friend and beta-reader of mine, who once texted me in the middle of the night to protest at the death of a protagonist, and whose criticisms often include comments along the lines of "I like [name of character] and will miss him when he inevitably dies." :D

    However. I slaughter my characters only according to my own sense of dramatic appropriateness and writerly sadism. It's a matter of principle, dammit.

    On with the show, though worffan might want to avert his eyes from the next bit....

    Wow, you're just making her more unlikable, aren't you?

    Seriously, she just risked a senior officer in a game of chance that she knew was rigged. Typical abusive Talaxian idiocy. She uses a weapon that she calls a "portable war crime", indicating that she considers it inhumane and doesn't care. She really is an odious pustule and a thoroughly unlikable person. It's like you took Sergeant Schlock, made him comprehend that the things he does are morally dubious at BEST, removed the power that lets him be arrogant, and gave him exactly zero penalties for being overconfident. And then put him in one of those overpriced, underprotective power armor suits that they use in some of the early strips.

    My problem with Pex I've explained multiple times, but it's (a) I can't believe that she has and keeps her job, (b) she flies a ship that was hilariously obsolete thirty years ago, and there's only so much even MK 14 golds can do to improve something that can be obliterated by one shot from a damaged shuttle (c.f. VOY: "Initiations" and VOY: "Basics"), and (c) she's arrogant, not terribly bright, and behaves like a bratty, immature child.

    Anyway, I'm going to continue to hope that you kill her off, since the only difference between her and Neelix is that her stupidity hasn't actually killed people yet.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Actually, I didn't perceive her as particularly stupid. (Not in this chapter, anyway - I only vaguely remember the previous ones.)

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    dalolorn wrote: »
    Actually, I didn't perceive her as particularly stupid. (Not in this chapter, anyway - I only vaguely remember the previous ones.)

    Imagine an episode of TNG where Riker, gambling with a Ferengi slave trader, used Troi as part of his bet.

    Picard would at the very least demote him on the spot.

    Imagine an episode of DS9 where Sisko, in a game of poker with Wadi traders, puts Odo in the pot.

    Imagine an episode of TOS where Kirk decides to make a deal with Orion slave traders and bets Uhura that he can beat them at dice.

    That's the level of outright idiocy she just expressed. Device or not, it was a senseless risk. Her magic technobabble device could have failed, her toes could have not been dexterous enough (and given that Talaxians are routinely shown to be clumsy, that's not too unlikely), she could and probably should have been caught...

    Better to have a SI or S31 operative locate the target with two Romulan warbirds ready to drop a couple hundred legionnaires and nab the son of a b****. No need to risk an officer's freedom on a Talaxian's competence, which is like risking an expensive life insurance policy on a dude who's about to ride a mountain bike off of a cliff.
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm not sure why everyone is all up in arms. This Talaxian is not regular Starfleet. All the what-ifs don't matter, and you can't fault Pex for carrying and using weapons that we use COPIOUSLY in-game. It's not real life, jeez. Chill the **** out, its a freaking STORY.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I was pretty sure I liked Pex all along. Now I'm definitely sure.

    BAD Starfleet officer. GREAT character, going way out past the edge of the "chaotic good" part of the spectrum.

    And knowing how much Worffan hates her for subverting his expectations of Talaxians makes me enjoy her all the more.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sander233 wrote: »
    And knowing how much Worffan hates her for subverting his expectations of Talaxians makes me enjoy her all the more.

    I know right? This kind of reminds me of my annoying Race & Ethnicity (which in this case means "white people are evil") "professor."

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm not sure why everyone is all up in arms. This Talaxian is not regular Starfleet. All the what-ifs don't matter, and you can't fault Pex for carrying and using weapons that we use COPIOUSLY in-game. It's not real life, jeez. Chill the **** out, its a freaking STORY.
    Never, ever, EVER, EVER use "it's just a story" on me. Ever.

    "Birth of a Nation" was "just a story", and it was faulted for multiple murders. Those horrible fifty whatsit books glorify abusive relationships, and no, "it's just fiction" is NOT an excuse.

    My problem is that the character's an arrogant jerk and a flaming hypocrite, and her backstory, such as I've seen so far, is illogical in the extreme. Ronnie Grau danced right on the edge, but at least she's lethally competent. This Talaxian gets things done mostly by pure luck.
    sander233 wrote: »
    I was pretty sure I liked Pex all along. Now I'm definitely sure.

    BAD Starfleet officer. GREAT character, going way out past the edge of the "chaotic evil" part of the spectrum.
    TEHO I guess. I think she's a narcissistic, arrogant, foolhardy idiot who's got the universe on her side even more than Janeway did, and everyone knows what I think of Janeway.

    Pex's chapters read like Jeri Taylor episodes of Voyager, and that is NOT a good thing.
    sander233 wrote: »
    And knowing how much Worffan hates her for subverting his expectations of Talaxians makes me enjoy her all the more.
    Oh, stop, Sander. My problem isn't that the character isn't a fat, lazy, abusive jerk (although she is abusive and a jerk). Hell, I'd LOVE to see a Talaxian who thinks and acts more like, say, Ssharki. I think that'd be brilliant.

    My problem is that (a) the character's arrogant, annoying, and a moron who takes stupid risks, and (b) in-universe she has no realistic reason to be in her position (for previously detailed reasons of Starfleet Command being barely competent and having very limited options). I've said this many times and you're still accusing me of hating the character for somehow subverting my stereotypes of Talaxians, even though I've pointed out that the only halfway competent Talaxian we ever saw was only competent compared to the Kazon, a species so stupid that the Borg refuse to assimilate them.
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Never, ever, EVER, EVER use "it's just a story" on me. Ever.

    "Birth of a Nation" was "just a story", and it was faulted for multiple murders. Those horrible fifty whatsit books glorify abusive relationships, and no, "it's just fiction" is NOT an excuse.

    Seriously? Are you comparing a Star Trek fanfic to Birth of a Nation now? Exactly what harm to the general fabric of society is Pexlini's fictitious existence inflicting, compared to a movie that glamorizes the KKK? None of us is going to take Pexlini on as a role model, and we are all fully aware of her faults. And believe it or not, some people don't mind a main character who, as a change of pace, has more faults than redeeming virtues.

    You don't like Pexlini. We get it. Can we stop with all of the vitriol and move on to a more constructive discussion, please?
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Seriously? Are you comparing a Star Trek fanfic to Birth of a Nation now? Exactly what harm to the general fabric of society is Pexlini's fictitious existence inflicting, exactly, compared to a movie that glamorizes the KKK? I think your comparison is taking things a little far.

    Responding in a PM.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Oh, stop, Sander. My problem isn't that the character isn't a fat, lazy, abusive jerk (although she is abusive and a jerk). Hell, I'd LOVE to see a Talaxian who thinks and acts more like, say, Ssharki. I think that'd be brilliant.
    Ssharki thinks and acts like Ssharki because he's 2.6+m of muscle wrapped in natural armor supporting a brain that is like Garry Kasparov crossed with Hannibal. A Talaxian is never going to be that. It wouldn't make sense for anything like that to appear in-universe.
    My problem is that (a) the character's arrogant, annoying, and a moron who takes stupid risks, and (b) in-universe she has no realistic reason to be in her position (for previously detailed reasons of Starfleet Command being barely competent and having very limited options). I've said this many times and you're still accusing me of hating the character for somehow subverting my stereotypes of Talaxians, even though I've pointed out that the only halfway competent Talaxian we ever saw was only competent compared to the Kazon, a species so stupid that the Borg refuse to assimilate them.
    But somehow, she is competent. She knows her limits, she knows when she's doing something profoundly stupid, and she knows when the stakes are right to push her luck. She's doing all the typically Talaxian things you hate about her species, and making it work. That's why I like her, and why you can't stand her.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sander233 wrote: »
    Ssharki thinks and acts like Ssharki because he's 2.6+m of muscle wrapped in natural armor supporting a brain that is like Garry Kasparov crossed with Hannibal. A Talaxian is never going to be that. It wouldn't make sense for anything like that to appear in-universe.
    Now who's playing planet of the hats? I think that a loving family-man Talaxian who's also a ruthless genius would be a really cool concept.

    My problem, again, is that in-universe SFC is not realistically going to hire a member of a species they know only as incompetent, lazy losers (and whose most well-known member is also an abusive scumbag) without Rear Admiral Tuvok's personal signature. And Operation: Delta Rising just started. No way this Talaxian brat impressed Tuvok enough in that time.
    sander233 wrote: »
    But somehow, she is competent. She knows her limits, she knows when she's doing something profoundly stupid, and she knows when the stakes are right to push her luck. She's doing all the typically Talaxian things you hate about her species, and making it work. That's why I like her, and why you can't stand her.

    I disagree; she's working entirely on luck.

    That was NOT the situation to gamble with an intel officer's life and freedom. That was a situation calling for two Romulan troop transports flying in under cloak and dropping two or three hundred elite soldiers onto that planet, accompanied by a hefty covert bribe to the gambling den owner.

    I do agree that she's pulling typical Talaxian stupid plans and they're working. That's exactly why I hate her; same reason as I hate Janeway, for doing unimaginably stupid things and succeeding because PLOT.

    In my honest opinion, I'd prefer one of Frankie Drake's boys. Somebody unethical but ruthlessly efficient, who succeeds because they're competent rather than their opposition are overconfident nimrods.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The easiest game to beat, is a rigged game. She KNEW he was cheating, and had a good sense of HOW he was cheating-which allowed her to run that gambit-she likely would not have put her officer up, if the game had been 'clean'.

    I think that's what you're missing here, Worffan. There was no risk (beyond triggering a violent altercation) in what she did for the officer in question-the other side had already rigged the game-her counter to that rigging gave her a 100% chance of success, it wasn't gambling, it was Deception...

    and Riker would pull a stunt like that-so would Kirk.

    No, I understand completely what was going on. This Talaxian, who was previously shown to be more reckless than a Klingon glory-hound and succeeds on (a) pure luck and (b) the fact that her only battle so far has been against a species that considers a line on the ground to be an inescapable prison, gambled an officer in a game she knew was rigged.

    As a game of deception, the risk was in assuming that (a) she knew which cheat the other guy was using, and (b) that her method of stopping the cheat was going to work. Since we have no mathematical data on the odds of her plan working, and there is still the possibility for random error, I have to assume that she pulled through by sheer luck, as she did when she smart-mouthed a cop and fought the Kazon (then again, a dead lobster could beat the Kazon, so I suppose you could give her the credit for that victory).

    So no, I don't think that Riker or Kirk would have done that. Well...Riker in early seasons was kind of an idiot, so he might've, but Picard definitely would have called Chancellor Gowron and gotten a pair of birds-of-prey to back him up, just like he did during the Jarok incident when they were investigating reports of illegal weapons buildups in the Romulan neutral zone.

    Pex came off as an infant playing James Bond without backup. And I already thought Casino Royale's plot had too many stupid risks; to do that same thing, without backup, and to risk an experienced colleague's life and freedom on a game that you know is rigged, is lunacy.

    Plus, Pex ain't James Bond. Bond at least has the Mary Sue-level fighting skills and lethal analytic abilities to back up his dumb plans so that they're plausible enough to work. Pex has neither, which makes her not only a nitwit doing stupid things and winning because PLOT (like Bond), but also a small child pretending to be an adult (unlike Bond). I find that intensely annoying; and I speak as someone who's always been talked down to by those older than me even though I usually know that they're wrong. Putting, say, 14-year-old me in that situation (and when I was 14 I was a freaking moron, so that's actually a pretty good analogue for Pex) would be beyond stupidity. Hell, I think even 14-year-old me would have just brought a small fleet, paid off the local authorities, and nabbed the SOB with Frankie Drake's help. And 14-year-old me knew next to nothing outside of my paleontological knowledge.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Pex reads like Wesley Crusher if Wesley's parents were Maxwell Smart and the Bond girl from "The Man with the Golden Gun". She has not shown convincing evidence for competence, she's whiny and arrogant, and she's rude to cops, which is beyond stupid and disrespectful. She'd be barely OK in Get Smart, but here? She's just annoying.
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    worffan101 wrote: »
    No, I understand completely what was going on. This Talaxian, who was previously shown to be more reckless than a Klingon glory-hound and succeeds on (a) pure luck and (b) the fact that her only battle so far has been against a species that considers a line on the ground to be an inescapable prison, gambled an officer in a game she knew was rigged.

    As a game of deception, the risk was in assuming that (a) she knew which cheat the other guy was using, and (b) that her method of stopping the cheat was going to work. Since we have no mathematical data on the odds of her plan working, and there is still the possibility for random error, I have to assume that she pulled through by sheer luck, as she did when she smart-mouthed a cop and fought the Kazon (then again, a dead lobster could beat the Kazon, so I suppose you could give her the credit for that victory).

    So no, I don't think that Riker or Kirk would have done that. Well...Riker in early seasons was kind of an idiot, so he might've, but Picard definitely would have called Chancellor Gowron and gotten a pair of birds-of-prey to back him up, just like he did during the Jarok incident when they were investigating reports of illegal weapons buildups in the Romulan neutral zone.

    Pex came off as an infant playing James Bond without backup. And I already thought Casino Royale's plot had too many stupid risks; to do that same thing, without backup, and to risk an experienced colleague's life and freedom on a game that you know is rigged, is lunacy.

    Plus, Pex ain't James Bond. Bond at least has the Mary Sue-level fighting skills and lethal analytic abilities to back up his dumb plans so that they're plausible enough to work. Pex has neither, which makes her not only a nitwit doing stupid things and winning because PLOT (like Bond), but also a small child pretending to be an adult (unlike Bond). I find that intensely annoying; and I speak as someone who's always been talked down to by those older than me even though I usually know that they're wrong. Putting, say, 14-year-old me in that situation (and when I was 14 I was a freaking moron, so that's actually a pretty good analogue for Pex) would be beyond stupidity. Hell, I think even 14-year-old me would have just brought a small fleet, paid off the local authorities, and nabbed the SOB with Frankie Drake's help. And 14-year-old me knew next to nothing outside of my paleontological knowledge.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Pex reads like Wesley Crusher if Wesley's parents were Maxwell Smart and the Bond girl from "The Man with the Golden Gun". She has not shown convincing evidence for competence, she's whiny and arrogant, and she's rude to cops, which is beyond stupid and disrespectful. She'd be barely OK in Get Smart, but here? She's just annoying.
    ^^^^^ 100% this.

    Rather than backseat-writing the story, I just stopped reading (after Pex's first run in with the po lease ;) )
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Let's just all agree to disagree on Pex, then, rather than let this devolve into another flame war.
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Let's just all agree to disagree on Pex, then, rather than let this devolve into another flame war.

    Right, let's all move away from baiting each other.

    Anyway - to try and tack the ship of discussion a bit - there's been a few more chapters since any comments on it - what're people's theories on what the 'Vector' actually is?
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My hypothesis is an airborne prion that only affects Kobali, and I'm not sure if Federation or Klingon tech can detect prions.

    It's likely something the Hazari were paid to do to the Kobali, likely by someone who's angry at the Kobali, which means half the quadrant is a suspect.
This discussion has been closed.