According to the release notes, the 12/4/2014 patch made the Romulan Boff's more customizable. I'm going to be getting one from the embassy soon, so I'm going to find this out for myself, but I don't want to get my expectations too high. With the update, how much can you customize them? The release notes say that you can't put them in faction specific uniforms, which is understandable, but what about other customization? Can you customize the face and body shape? Can you customize the name? What has been added, and what has yet to be added?
Any information would be greatly appreciated! (I would just google it, but that brings up forum posts from years ago.)
It seems to be as customizable as any boff, but with Romulan options rather than fed or kdf ones.
Unfortunately, it completely reset my embassy boff so she lost her very individual appearance permanently. This forced me to start from scratch.
It seems to be as customizable as any boff, but with Romulan options rather than fed or kdf ones.
Unfortunately, it completely reset my embassy boff so she lost her very individual appearance permanently. This forced me to start from scratch.
I'm sorry to hear that you had to start from scratch. At least the bright side is that you can personalize them for an even more individual appearance. Does the new customization include facial features, name, and service record?
Sorry to double post, but I want to update in case anyone is curious. I puchased a Romulan boff from my fleet's embassy the other day. So here's what I found.
Everything is customizable. Name, service record, face, body shape, clothing, just like any other Boff. Like CaptainOblivious stated, it's all Romulan specific options, although some clothing options seem to be missing. I have yet to try a Romulan toon, but I imagine it's the stuff you get when you side with Fed or KDF. However, if rags don't suit you, the Intel, Dyson, and C-store outfits are available for use.
Unfortunately, it completely reset my embassy boff so she lost her very individual appearance permanently. This forced me to start from scratch.
I'm sorry to hear that you had to start from scratch. At least the bright side is that you can personalize them for an even more individual appearance. Does the new customization include facial features, name, and service record?
Everything is customizable. Name, service record, face, body shape, clothing, just like any other Boff. Like CaptainOblivious stated, it's all Romulan specific options, although some clothing options seem to be missing. I have yet to try a Romulan toon, but I imagine it's the stuff you get when you side with Fed or KDF. However, if rags don't suit you, the Intel, Dyson, and C-store outfits are available for use.