I've been a big fan of STO's character and uniform customization ever since its release, and it's only expanded since. It's a great way to make yourself and your crew stand out among the crowd, instead of simply sticking everyone in a standard uniform. I've seen people recreate superheros, characters from movies, TV shows, other games. I've even seen someone recreate the crew from the Mass Effect trilogy.
However, there are a few things that I absolutely hate, things that make it nearly impossible to make something good under certain circumstances.
The worst of these things is the fact that there are so many restricted pieces of uniforms in the game. I'm not talking about the uniforms in the C-Store, the ones that require purchase to unlock. I'm talking about things that are simply missing from the tailor completely. If you were to unlock every single uniform, outfit, and armor set in the game, you still wouldn't have the full range of uniforms that are present in the game's files. Things like the Tal Shiar uniform (we only get the basic version, and that's still restricts pieces between genders), the full range of Nausicaan armor plating, and the newer sets of MACO, Omega, and Honor Guard armors are not given to players by any means. They have only ever been seen on a player character through non-legitimate means or through encountering the "Tailor glitch", during which many more options become available. Why these things are restricted in the first place is beyond me, and I believe that they should be available to players.
Secondly, the color palettes that we have access to are severely restricted. There are at least 10 distinct palettes in the game, including Federation, KDF, Romulan, Off-Duty, and a few more specific ones. However, since many of the newer uniforms in the game are cross faction, they seem to keep choosing random palettes to apply to them. The Dyson Researcher uniform uses the Federation palette, the Voth uniform uses the Romulan one, and the "updated" Wrath of Khan uniform uses the Off-Duty palette for all of it's pieces (badge included). You either need to figure out how to blend these together in a way that works with every piece, or your need to unlock every color for every uniform for every faction. The devs seem to have the ability to play around with those options, so why can't we? I've seen black MACO armor with red lights, and that's not available to players. I've seen neon colors applied to many uniforms and outfits with the newly renovated club in ESD, and we don't have that ability. I've seen so many examples of this through the course of the game.
Lastly, there's color matching. I can't count how many times I've tried to change the color on a single piece of a uniform only to see that it's also been changed on every other piece, or on a random piece or pieces. It's infuriating. For example, the Romulan Embassy bridge officers were recently unlocked in the tailor, allowing for full customization. This would have been great, but the second I tried to put on my Veteran uniform, every single piece was linked, so I couldn't change the color of the jacket without changing the boots as well, and that applied to everything. Please just get rid of this system, it has absolutely no benefit. The only way one could possibly defend it is by saying that it's a way to make a uniform match faster. If you're lazy, I guess that makes sense, but I don't mind having to change every color on a uniform as long as I get FULL control over that uniform. It's not worth having it there, not to those of us that like to have a full range of customization.
In conclusion, the Tailor system needs a MAJOR overhaul, like a start-from-scratch overhaul. There are too many problems to count, too many to describe fully in one forum post. The system has been expanded too many times, so much that it's becoming a mess of jumbled up uniforms, colors, and glitches that make using it near impossible. I hope that it's getting an update sometime in the near future.