Hi Tacofangs!
Hey, I know doing some improvement work on DS9 is one of your pet peeves/projects. I was hoping I could put some suggestions out there, that you may or may not, already have on your list:
1) Move the Medical Officer from the Exchange area to a 'working' Infirmary (the blue door area down the hall)
2) Open up Odo's old Security Office for 'business' (appropriate 'security related' NPC contacts, etc.)
3) Make the Transporter Pads in OPs functional (I know we have Comm badges, but a "Beam to Ship" option here would be great! ...and on ESD too :P)
4) Fix the parking situation outside (I know this may not be in your area of expertise - but it would do wonders for immersion and congestion). What I mean by this is, move the spawn points for people's ships leaving DS9 from all being clustered in the middle of the upper pylons to...Large ship spawn points being both in the middle of the upper pylons AND lower pylons. With Small and Medium sized ship spawn points being scattered AROUND the outside edges of the docking ring.
Thanks Taco! Keep staying awesome!!