so I never rly post anything if I do it I mostly just post to ask something and that's it but is this game even worth playing anymore lvling sucks now just to get to 60 exp has been nerfd big time and well it seems that tacs have have been big time nerfd I normally can kill a ship with in 2 min but when delta rising came out no now it takes longer tbh I think the cryptic/pwe has taken the fun out of sto.
*and before any1 asks I did spend money on this game only 40$ tho and that was it*
Straight answer----Been chasing after Fun, since Season 8.5.
SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
It used to be fun but now it's little more than a chat box to me now I use to keep in touch with my gaming friends.
LoR was fun but Delta is just painful, I'm just hoping Season Ten in the new year revitalises the game a little and we see the return of rewarding game play that we all love.
I live in hope tho fun seems to be a dirty word around here now.
It would be fun to upgrade if you could do it by just playing the game and not "grinding". It's so demoralizing to earn dilithium, only be able to refine 8k, which is gone in literally 10-seconds of the "chance" of an upgrade.
I used to play for the fun of the new games and the challenge...but the new updates just aren't fun. Defera, Nukara and New Romulus gave a lot to do...but I don't want to go back, because I've been there and done that.
There's no real content, but I need to replay it do actually, unless they pull their finger out and give up something to actually do...what's the point?
1) What, exactly is someone's definition of "a fun game"?
2) Is the entire game fun anymore?
There are parts of the game I still enjoy greatly, such as the Foundry. Or hanging out with my fleet mates in that horribly expensive yet never quite finished clubhouse our Fleet has. Which is just exactly like everyone else's horribly expensive yet never quite finished clubhouse. I have enjoyed the Dyson Sphere play areas lately. I have gone back and played all of the things there are to do on Mol Rihan all over again. These are fun for me.
I have purchased some Foundry Missions so I can have a go at designing a really bad Star Trek Online mission. I'm hoping mine is the worst yet. I'll never be as good as some of the other fans at creating content. So I took my cue from the Dev Team as to just how far bad can be taken. It will be a challenge but I am willing to bet I can drop below the floor they have set recently. This has indeed been highly entertaining and fun.
Mostly instead of following the thundering herd into Delta Rising, I play only the parts of STO that interest me. Which admittedly aren't as many as there used to be. I dabble in the Delta Quadrant but I don't spend every waking minute there. I have flat refused to play/pug any of the STFs since DR arrived. Chasing DPS and min/maxing my ship so it looks just like everyone else's aren't ways for me to enjoy myself.
In short, OP, the game can be quite fun if you let it be so. Instead of doing the things ingame everyone else does, do the things you want to do. If this happens to be what everyone else is doing, this is fine. As long as it is because you choose to. At the end of an STO session, ask yourself, "Did I have fun playing STO this time?". If the answer is yes, you played the game correctly and successfully. If the answer is no, try something different the next time you log in. And if is stops being fun, stop playing immediately! To continue playing if you're not having fun is highly illogical.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I truly enjoy the game, but then again I've only been playing for about 6 months so I'm still learning new things everyday. The ques aren't full but u can get in them and what I like at this point is there isn't a bunch of power hungry whiners in there to suck the fun out of it.
What I don't get is why people continue to log in just to whine and complain. If I despised something as bad as some people appear to with this game, I wouldn't continue to go to it. jmo.
At times on here and in zone chat it seems as if people are campaigning against the game, trying to discourage others from playing. I don't get that.
At the moment im past level 60, with 27 specialization points spent toward masteries, have three t6 ships mastered and a T5u. I do pvp, stf and patrols on a daily basis after work plus finished the rep system and workin on my crafting skills now. Plenty of to do but don't feel the grind, I just play as I get time and enjoy it with my fleet mates. Imo if all that feels like a grind to u and not fun then ur playing the wrong game.
At the moment im past level 60, with 27 specialization points spent toward masteries, have three t6 ships mastered and a T5u. I do pvp, stf and patrols on a daily basis after work plus finished the rep system and workin on my crafting skills now. Plenty of to do but don't feel the grind, I just play as I get time and enjoy it with my fleet mates. Imo if all that feels like a grind to u and not fun then ur playing the wrong game.
Are we talking about the same game? PvP queus...the real ones have been dead since DR....and leveling 27 specs plus mastering ships? Do you have a real life or what? with this being your first posting sorry but IMO looks like a troll to me...just saying.
I get it's cool to hate on DR but the OP's comments make me think they are hating it for the wrong reason
Of course it's gonna take longer to kill enemies
There has been a level cap raise of 10 levels, for the first time in freaking years, whereas everybody was at end game so you were dominating things all the time and that is boring
Some challenge is good, but the levelling up through grinding sucks
I NEVER visiting the forums before things started dropping off...and before the Winter Event, there were more people here than actually in the game.
Just wait till the winter ends..we are doomed :mad: NVM they removed that thread. This used to be the endgame after just us shadows of what it was
Short answer...yes, it is. As limited as it may seem, I always look forward to the time where I can log on even for only an hour or two and harvest what I need and advance my upgrades etc.
The content can be improved, but that's going to require time and dedication. They need a few more fun instances that are on the tough side. They should add a Doomsday Device instance that you can get any type of reputation credit for playing.
Are we talking about the same game? PvP queus...the real ones have been dead since DR....and leveling 27 specs plus mastering ships? Do you have a real life or what? with this being your first posting sorry but IMO looks like a troll to me...just saying.
Really? you have to call names and insult me personally? My life is very much real but I do enjoy STO. I actually play the game I don't spend time complaining about it. I am in a very active fleet so if we want to pvp we do so, if we want to do stf then we do so. Its not that difficult to find people that truly enjoy it. Just because some prefer finding things wrong with it doesn't mean that's what we all do.
My question to u is why would you consider me a troll just because this is my first posting? I was unaware that you had to be in an elite group to be able to make a post in here.
Unfortunately - no, the game isn't fun anymore. My "playtime" is starting my crafting dailies, then running from ESD to Delta quadrant grabbing any doff mission that gives above 250 points to level my spec points on the off chance I'll be ready if/when something fun does show up. Right now STO is a chore. It's one of those things I have to do because someday it might matter, but I'd be surprised if I even stayed in game 5 minutes a day.
The Queues are dead, the foundry has become nothing but pathetic loot grind maps - which are even more useless with the changes to loot and foundry xp. My friends list is empty, my fleet only has 1 or 2 people on, and they're usually doing the same thing I am. The great expansion was unfortunately only what any other game would call a 'mid season update'.
Straight answer----Been chasing after Fun, since Season 8.5.
LoR was fun but Delta is just painful, I'm just hoping Season Ten in the new year revitalises the game a little and we see the return of rewarding game play that we all love.
I live in hope tho fun seems to be a dirty word around here now.
I used to play for the fun of the new games and the challenge...but the new updates just aren't fun. Defera, Nukara and New Romulus gave a lot to do...but I don't want to go back, because I've been there and done that.
There's no real content, but I need to replay it do actually, unless they pull their finger out and give up something to actually do...what's the point?
At the time, when i had fun with the game, i was too busy playing to read the forums ^^
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
1) What, exactly is someone's definition of "a fun game"?
2) Is the entire game fun anymore?
There are parts of the game I still enjoy greatly, such as the Foundry. Or hanging out with my fleet mates in that horribly expensive yet never quite finished clubhouse our Fleet has. Which is just exactly like everyone else's horribly expensive yet never quite finished clubhouse. I have enjoyed the Dyson Sphere play areas lately. I have gone back and played all of the things there are to do on Mol Rihan all over again. These are fun for me.
I have purchased some Foundry Missions so I can have a go at designing a really bad Star Trek Online mission. I'm hoping mine is the worst yet. I'll never be as good as some of the other fans at creating content. So I took my cue from the Dev Team as to just how far bad can be taken. It will be a challenge but I am willing to bet I can drop below the floor they have set recently. This has indeed been highly entertaining and fun.
Mostly instead of following the thundering herd into Delta Rising, I play only the parts of STO that interest me. Which admittedly aren't as many as there used to be. I dabble in the Delta Quadrant but I don't spend every waking minute there. I have flat refused to play/pug any of the STFs since DR arrived. Chasing DPS and min/maxing my ship so it looks just like everyone else's aren't ways for me to enjoy myself.
In short, OP, the game can be quite fun if you let it be so. Instead of doing the things ingame everyone else does, do the things you want to do. If this happens to be what everyone else is doing, this is fine. As long as it is because you choose to. At the end of an STO session, ask yourself, "Did I have fun playing STO this time?". If the answer is yes, you played the game correctly and successfully. If the answer is no, try something different the next time you log in. And if is stops being fun, stop playing immediately! To continue playing if you're not having fun is highly illogical.
I NEVER visiting the forums before things started dropping off...and before the Winter Event, there were more people here than actually in the game.
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What I don't get is why people continue to log in just to whine and complain. If I despised something as bad as some people appear to with this game, I wouldn't continue to go to it. jmo.
At times on here and in zone chat it seems as if people are campaigning against the game, trying to discourage others from playing. I don't get that.
At the moment im past level 60, with 27 specialization points spent toward masteries, have three t6 ships mastered and a T5u. I do pvp, stf and patrols on a daily basis after work plus finished the rep system and workin on my crafting skills now. Plenty of to do but don't feel the grind, I just play as I get time and enjoy it with my fleet mates. Imo if all that feels like a grind to u and not fun then ur playing the wrong game.
Are we talking about the same game? PvP queus...the real ones have been dead since DR....and leveling 27 specs plus mastering ships? Do you have a real life or what? with this being your first posting sorry but IMO looks like a troll to me...just saying.
Of course it's gonna take longer to kill enemies
There has been a level cap raise of 10 levels, for the first time in freaking years, whereas everybody was at end game so you were dominating things all the time and that is boring
Some challenge is good, but the levelling up through grinding sucks
Not the fact it's tougher to kill enemies
Just wait till the winter ends..we are doomed :mad: NVM they removed that thread. This used to be the endgame after just us shadows of what it was
The content can be improved, but that's going to require time and dedication. They need a few more fun instances that are on the tough side. They should add a Doomsday Device instance that you can get any type of reputation credit for playing.
Really? you have to call names and insult me personally? My life is very much real but I do enjoy STO. I actually play the game I don't spend time complaining about it. I am in a very active fleet so if we want to pvp we do so, if we want to do stf then we do so. Its not that difficult to find people that truly enjoy it. Just because some prefer finding things wrong with it doesn't mean that's what we all do.
My question to u is why would you consider me a troll just because this is my first posting? I was unaware that you had to be in an elite group to be able to make a post in here.
The Queues are dead, the foundry has become nothing but pathetic loot grind maps - which are even more useless with the changes to loot and foundry xp. My friends list is empty, my fleet only has 1 or 2 people on, and they're usually doing the same thing I am. The great expansion was unfortunately only what any other game would call a 'mid season update'.
The Game Is What You Make Of it. Only You Can Decide If It's Worth Your Time, And Effort.