Truth be told I was looking forward to the new system but now after two months of playing I have to say I am deeply discouraged and disappointed by it.
I can list an epic amount of things that are now fundamentally broken with PvE but I think they have been well covered by now by most players. And the all but empty PvE queues prove this. (And no its not a graphics glitch... that is just bogus TRIBBLE right there.)
The one thing I dislike most about the new PvE system is that is is a HUGE WASTE OF TIME!. Yes that is me yelling it. HUGE WASTE OF TIME.
Well I guess I should provide a personal list apart from the expanded player list of whats wrong with PvE now.
1. Empty Queues
2. Rewards are petty thus making the time investment into playing the PvE's a huge waste of time.
3. Obtaining rare items such as Neural Processors, Isomorphic Injectors, Ancient Power Cells, etc are all but UNATTAINABLE.
4. The damage/defense balance is nerfed beyond comprehension. When you have a BOP being hit full on by 8 APB Lv 14 Fleet beams with Buffs and modifiers in affect and taking 0% to 1% damage while its single response disruptor beam guts your shields and drops you from 100% to 40% THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! (And we all have seen variations of this in Advanced queues)
5 PvE's are simply NOT ENJOYABLE to play anymore.
The PvE system is devoid of practical reward, suffers from serious balance issues, doesn't draw in skilled players, lacks rewarding pay outs, offers little incentive to players to play.
Basically put, PvE just isn't worth playing in its current state. Oh sure folks will play, and like scabs of old, undermine the efforts of other players to try and persuade Cryptic to fix the broken and nerfed PvE system.
Let's face it, if playing the game isn't fun, whose going to keep playing it but new players who don't know any better? And those NEW players are who Cryptic is after. Not those of us who are LT members or long term free to play people. And that is broken mechanics right there.
The people who spent the money to become LTS members are more likely to spend money on the game if playing the game was fun. Which at the moment, only part of it is. The best parts, the parts that many of us enjoy the most, PvE, PvP, have been broken and intentionally so. And thus far our efforts to get Cryptic to address the issues at hand have been ignored.
![:( :(](
- Please Address The PvE System! Please make playing the Advanced and Elite Queues enjoyable again! Please make obtaining reputation items obtainable again.
I bid 10 Quatloos for his stuff!
2) rewards are fine. Crafting mats worth reasonable EC, marks, and rep gear tokens + a little dil. Pretty much as it always was.
3) agreed. The requirement to do advanced without having earned any rep gear is moronic, and the upgrade items from other sources are too few and far between. While you can avoid the issue by gearing up first (with fleet and mission reward and such gear) it is still not very good.
4) which just means you are not geared up for advanced, yet. I have alts that can't handle it either... its rough. But my main can take a few hits and kills the stuff. If they made it so easy you could do it in level 50 gear, it would be boring and too easy. Gear up, then try again ... and yes, gearing up is meant to take some time and effort, not 1 weekend.
5) opinion. While your opinion means a lot to you, it does not help your argument. I have loads of fun in them and wish #1 would happen so I could do them more frequently.
Not saying it does not need work or could not be better, but the big issues for the PVE are three basic ones....
- most people have the rep gear, so they need a reason to play them
- they do not reward enough xp. XP is the big deal right now... for level 60-100 spec points. However, the xp rewards are fine across the board; its the amount needed to level for 1 spec point that is broken.
- too many undergeared people trying to play advanced making them fail, combined with people that fail on purpose. It should be possible to get gear from normal mode, so they don't have to try to be carried thru advanced, and it should not be possible to fail on purpose, change the fail conditions.
My ship builds are fine. But that is good advice to new players. The major issue is that you can invest a good amount of time into the PvE's and get nothing of value in return. You can get a great PUG and bust out a mission in record time, but only get 45 Reputation points for your outstanding efforts. Or you get a rotten PUG and end up with nothing.
I have seen people in Borg Disconnected just sit at spawn point waiting for everyone else to do the work. In one such event I was the ONLY person actually playing. The others were just AFK or doing long loops.
You can't really quite the PvE without risking a time out penalty so you're stuck till the bitter end.
Now one PvE that is done well is the Advanced Crystilline Entity one. If you AFK you get busted, if you fight hard you get a nice 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prize along with a good Reputation pay out. That PvE is great. Too bad its limited to Fleet and Nukura marks.
I don't think this is about the OP's build or tactics. It's about the new conditions of the game and the overall skill levels & expectation of the ENTIRE player base.
Everything the OP said was absolutely true for a PUG.
I could do everything absolutely perfect, but if I'm pugging with a bunch of guys with crappy ships, no experience, and no clue, I will fail.
Whether you agree or not, many people just want to stumble through PVE normal and advanced to get some token rewards and necessary reputation items. If they can't, they won't play. If they don't play, the queues die.
Preaching the "right" way to play is noble, but it won't make a bit of difference to folks who just want to have fun in their own way.
You're point being that even though they are not fun to play people should just play them any way? Well if they are starving and have no bread, let them eat cake. - Brilliant assessment there dude.
Rewards are OK, but the reputation mark pay outs are a bit lack luster. You can burn 20 minutes in a decent PvE and get 100+ marks or 10. Depends upon the PUG and other factors. When you waste 20 minutes and get 10 marks, well that tends to fall under the waste of time category.
PLEASE! My builds are fine. I am using Epic Fleet gear and am fully capable of handling the advanced queues. ITS THE OTHER GUYS that are not. Hence the less than skilled player remark I made. Jesus. If you just want to go it alone in PvE ala Rambo style, then ya, I guess no one has a decent build. Yet the last time I looked PvE events, especially Advanced, were team based. It might help if the PUG mates were packing some real heat instead of the little wee bitty firecrackers they normally bring to the game.
Well thank you for taking the time to write your post. I am glad you have fun in PvE events you join. The only ones I am finding fun are the advanced Crystalline Entity and Cured Space. The rest are not enjoying to play as much, if at all, as they used too be.
I will take no less than 100 Quintillion for my stuff. Any bid less than that will be ignored. Cash talks people. Show me the GPL!!
And I can take 1st place in Advanced CC now. But I don't have the DPS level to really do well in Advance Borg or I would be doing it and getting the Delta gear.
And the Delta Story missions are kicking my but because the NPC' reset to full health and Sheilds if I go to far from them as I do my hit and run tactics. The ones I use everywhere else and don't get this issue. And it's what I built my ship for. Moving fast and hiting quick then running out to heal and recharge. Makes for long fights but I get the job done in any place BUT the Delta Quadrent. In the Delta Quadrant they have the ability to inst-heal if you get beyond 20 klicks or more. They even warp out and then back in to thier start place. And I don't have the heals to stay alive in my escort as a tactical officer. So I haven't gotten to the Doctor but no farther because of this issue.
PVE is not like it was back before DR. I could do the Elite STF's and be of use. I may not have taken first place, or topped the DPS charts, but I was at least not dieing at every turn. Now, I can't even think of completing Normal level story content without dieing a time or two, just because I can't go to far away from the NPC's.
I really do hate what Delta Quadrant Story is. And I don't do it. Just the STF's that I can and hoping that one day they will make it acheivable for an average player to pug Advance to get the special stuff so that I can get the Rep gear.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Yes, we must have gear better than what the content rewards before we should be allowed to do the content.