Greetings, Admirals! Youre listening to EPISODE 202 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Friday, December 15th 2014 and made available for download on Monday, December 15th 2014 at!
This week we Trek Out a major update in the production of Star Trek 3. In Star Trek Online News, the Winter Wonderland is in full swing and players are slippin and slidin all over the place to get their hands on that [T6] Breen Ship! In Command School, we give some tips on the Piloting Ability - Rock & Roll. Then, of course, before we wrap the show, well open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages!
Topics Discussed
Release Notes: December 11th, 2014
Geko talks Upgrade Items (Forums)
Additional information of changes to MkXIII & MkXIV Space Weapons (Forums)
Building A Winter Wonderland
R&D Pack Promotion -- Elachi Sheshar DreadnoughtThis weeks Community Question:
Who do you think should direct Star Trek 3? Do you want JJ to come back, or do you support #BringInRiker?
Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!
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As much as I love Jonathan Frakes and want to see him direct Star Trek 3, I think that JJ is actually the better choice. Going back and thinking about the problems that I had with the other two movies, I find that most of the complaints that I have are about the script and dialogue, not the direction itself. I actually think that JJ did a good job directing these young actors. The main reason that I think that JJ is the better choice over Frakes is the fact that the main cast knows JJ and he knows them. As an actress myself, I can tell you that having an existing relationship with your director is a HUGE advantage in a production and it can significantly affect the end result. While I think that Frakes is a great director and is very qualified to direct Star Trek 3, I think that if he or another director takes the helm (no matter how experienced) the production aspects (such as camera work and special effects) may be better, but I think that keeping JJ may be more of a benefit to the actors.
~Vice Admiral Saskia - U.S.S. Muenzuka (Dyson Science Destroyer)~
~Lieutenant General Kalinka - I.K.S. Kazami (Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser)~
~Vice Admiral Lorel - R.R.W. Aureus Aquila (Mirror Mogai Heavy Warbird)~
I would love to see JJ finish out the trilogy, and his vision of Trek (yes, I'm a fan of the Abramsverse). I don't see that happening... although, I don't understand why it's automatically assumed that Trek 3 will come out in summer 2016.
There would be NOTHING wrong with pushing the film to a Christmas 2016 release date, and get it right with a great director (Abrams or not).
My choices to direct Star Trek 3 would be Alec Peters or Christen Gossett from Star Trek Axanar.
These two gentleman have done more to relight the fire of core Trek than anyone else in the last twenty years, in my opinion. With a small fan funded budget, unmatched drive and imagination they have created a vision of Trek the fans have been wanting for a long time.
The Axanar project started off with a kickstarter goal of forty thousand dollars and in the end made over one hundred thousand dollars, and they gave us Prelude to Axanar (, a prof of concept twenty minuet film done in the style of a history channel documentary.
The next kickstarter project was for the full Axanar film. Their goal was to rise a half a million dollar but ended up getting over six hundred thirty eight thousand dollars. It should be noted that George Takei social media support got Axanar the last two hundred thousand dollars in donations! (thanks uncle George) and the film should be out sometime in 2015. Now imagine what these two could do with a full Hollywood budget!
Jonathan Frakes is Trek Royalty and I think he would do a good job, but it's time for some fresh blood and new idea's. As independent film makers Peters & Gossett have brought a vision/idea of Trek and crowd funding to a new level on par with a full Hollywood production. They have proven themselves in my eyes and I say give them the IP and a Hollywood budget!
Just my two cents,
Shawn Airborne Williams
Just thought you should know, when you were talking about accidentally queuing for the "Winter Invasion" event while trying to eat pie, and everyone else was... silent: I too, had no idea what you were talking about, but not because I don't DO the pie eating contest, but because I've never had this problem. I suspect it's the boots, I don't use them unless I'm racing. That said, just yesterday, a fleet mate had the exact same thing happen to them while I was chatting with them, so despite the fact we all think you are crazy, it turns out you are not alone. :cool:
Star Trek 3??? Is Star Trek 13.. at least know your trek or do not try to change the history of a 50 years old franchise.
Hoo.. yea.. the podcast seems to be about evrything is awesome again.
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Really.. Star Trek 3 is The Search for Spock.. you too know your Trek:
Then dont call it STAR TREK.. call it TRIBBLE TREK or JJ TREK or WARS TREK. Beacose if it is Star Trek, then is the 13th movie.
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Maybe, but only for ppl that want to change 50 years of history.
Me, I am happy with the 50 years of Star Trek.. happy and proud to be fan of this franchise.
I understand that you dont like the ST universe as a hole (maybe that is why you love STO so much), but old trekkers like me, well.. they dont forget easy their pass.
Then you're misunderstanding, and your appeal to personal opinions won't get you anywhere. Drop the ad hominems.
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If a person says "there are two Star Trek 3's" how are they not acknowledging the original?
The fact is, Star Trek 3 is a placeholder name until we get an actual name. That doesn't ignore the existence of the Search for Spock in any way.
I have a better placeholder name: Star Trek 13.
It seems that some ppl is mad that JJ didnt manage to erease 50 years of history and that there some fans out there that remember that Star Trek 3 is The Search for Spock and that Star Trek Online the only trek thing that has is the model of some ships and the name on it.
That makes you all mad, true?
No, we're just trying to tell you that your opinion isn't objective.
There is only one Star Trek III now, but it is ignorant to deny the possibility that the newest movie can't also hold that title. I'm sorry is you refuse to accept that some people will call it that, but that doesn't justify you implying that your mere opinion is fact.
Why would your opinion make anyone mad?
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You do understand that the first two JJ films are part of the last 50 years of Trek History, yes?
I do, that is why is Star Trek 13. It is not outside the Star Trek Franchise, it is where it belongs.
No my dear, is also the Memory Alpha opinion:
If you dont know, XIII = 13.
If that makes you mad, sorry.. but the true is the true.
Again, why would a mere opinion make anyone mad? Do you want it to?
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And honestly get a grip, I've been a fan of the franchise for untold decades but have had to observe some of my fellow fans with a jaundiced eye because this rabid fan nonsense is embarrassing.
Good.. now that I proven to you that is not ONLY my opinion, and that MEMORY ALPHA call it STAR TREK XIII (not III) then we can agree that anyone can call it what ever they want.
If you wish, you can call it "Star Trek The Best III move ever".
Anyway, I am going to stick with the math and until some one makes a time travel and erase the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12th movies, I am going to agree with MA and call it ST XIII
Now, lets go back to topic: evrything is not awesome on STO makes of the Priority One Podcast, maybe next time inform about that.
I brought that up two weeks in a row. Priority One didn't listen so I've decided not to bother. They're just a Cryptic Press Release dressed up as a podcast.
Free Tibet!
The reasons ?
JJ has no "vision" for Trek apart from lens flares . The second movie rehash of RoK was enough to prove that .
And speaking about RoK (which is hailed as the best Trek movie ever) -- guess how many movies it's director has directed before ? Here's the big number : 1 .
Orci OTOTH was writing and producing projects when a certain vocal podcaster was still in puberty , and that's not counting Producer credits on other multi-million dollar movies .
In fact he has one of the largest number of producer credits in recent memory , often times working on several projects at a time .
The writer/director of WoK had one directorial credit and a handful of writing credits to his name before WoK .
So yeah, Orci having seen his scripts produced and filmed and having a large list of production credits to himself including on the very JJ Trek he was supposed to direct, WAS in fact quite qualified to make his directorial debut with a rebooted franchise that is at this point more caricatures then characters of any meaningful depth in and by themselves .
... that, and Frakes would be awesome too ...
No. I just don't consider the use of the number 3 to be some cardinal sin against Trekdom. The fact that you read so much into it is kinda strange.
"I just watched Star Trek 3."
"Real Trek or Nu Trek?"
"Real Trek."
Calling it Star Trek 13 legitimizes it into the original canon serial more than Id like to.
I hear the P1 guys and gals bring up problems and issue's all the time, they just don't focus on all the negativity posted on the forums about the game. If they went off on the dev's for every little thing bitched about in the forums no one would listen to the show and they would end up going the way of the dodo bird like a few other STO podcast. You can't snag interviews if all you do is flame the game and the dev's and who wants to hear a bunch of negative Nancy's in a podcast? I sure don't.
They take the high road and talk about the good things about the game and that's a good thing. Plus as the old saying goes, you don't bite the hand that feeds you Again they bring up issue's and problems, they just don't do it with a flamethrower and they don't focus their podcast around the negativity.
But a hater is going to hate so carry on, those of us who love the game will still be here playing! And listening to Priority One!
Seriously?!... Now you're just reaching.