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MK XI - XII - XIII - XIV Space Weapons differential

riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
edited December 2014 in PvP Gameplay
So, they did a buff to MK XIII and XIV weapons. Well, it is a kinda dramatic increase.

These are the numbers for four Dual Heavy Cannons, each one at Mk XI, XII, XIII, XIV without damage mods. Yes, energy type is different, but it doesn't matter.





Some numbers:

between MK XI and XII damage, there is around 4,5% difference.
between MK XII and XIII damage, there is around 15% difference.
between MK XIII and XIV damage, there is around 21% difference.

between MK XII and XIV damage, there is around 32,5% difference.

To put it on a cartesian graphic:

Keyword now is: upgrade! :P
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  • edited December 2014
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  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ma che caz...ho tutte le armi a 12...bah!:mad:

    translated for our english guys: "what the fu... I've got al the weapons at mk 12, bah!

    I know, that's really too big of a difference.
  • edited December 2014
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  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited December 2014
    PROBLEM: Players aren't upgrading?

    SOLUTION: Increase the dps potential!
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    PROBLEM: there's no way in hell im blowing the absurd amount of cash needed to upgrade weapons

    SOLUTION: Increase the dps potential!

    SIDE EFFECT: competing in pvp with mk12 weapons went from practically impossible to literally impossible.

    bravo cryptic
  • captainwessoncaptainwesson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well then I guess it's vpvp for me from now on. There's no way I'm spending so much to upgrade, and grinding would take entirely too long to stay competitive. Vpvp and S9 pvp look so much more attractive now. And affordable for newer players.

    Interwebs should be fixed tomorrow. Hope to see you all in game soon!
  • truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 938 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It will be a while or never...on that upgrade.
    SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
    Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    PROBLEM: Players aren't upgrading?

    SOLUTION: Increase the dps potential!

    pretty brilliant isn't it?
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    still probably never going to happen but,


    I still think it's a good idea.

    Currently I'm sticking with private matches with friends and fleetmates.
    PvPing with someone fully upgraded feels like going up against the guy in this commercial,
    minus the hotel, obviously...
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah its pretty damn stupid.

    I upgraded a few weapons on my main.

    Tooltips show over 30 percent differences in damage from 12 to 14
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    And what are the different values in space? Seems you did just post the values you observed on a ground map.
    Since there's a lot that factores into the damage calculation try again in space, please.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I originally posted this is one thread, reposted it in Geko's thread, and might as well repost it here as well...
    The following was done on Tribble, just as a test - wanted to see one of each basic class, all Disruptors.

    Uncommon (U): 2.5%
    Rare (R): 5.0%
    Very Rare (VR): 7.5%

    Mark 12: 120.34%

    [Dmg]: 5.0%

    9 Starship Weapons: 49.5%
    9 Starship Energy Weapons: 49.5%
    (combined: 99.0%)

    Accolade: 2%

    124 Weapon Power: 148%
    (note, it's unlikely exactly 124 - thus it's not going to be exactly 148%)
    (can see this with the Space numbers being off a similar amount)

    There are no Bonus boosts in play, just the Strength boosts and the Weapon Power boost.

    Dual Heavy Cannons

    R12 [Acc][CrtD] - G: 392.2 - S: 1410.8

    G) 174 + 8.7 + 209.3916 = 392.1
    S) 2.48 * (174 + 8.7 + 209.3916 + 172.26 + 3.48) = 1408.2

    R13 [Acc][CrtD] - G: 461.1 - S: 1581.9

    G) 461.1 - 392.1 = 69 / 174 = ~39.7%
    S) 1581.9 - 1410.8 = 171.1 / 2.48 = 69 / 174 = ~39.7%

    R14 [Acc][CrtD] - G: 582.9 - S: 1884.5

    G) 582.9 - 461.1 = 121.8 / 174 = ~70%
    S) 1884.5 - 1581.9 = 302.6 / 2.48 = 122 / 174 = ~70.1%

    Dual Cannons

    U12 [Acc] - G: 193.9 - S: 700.0

    G) 87 + 2.175 + 104.6958 = 193.9
    S) 2.48 * (87 + 2.175 + 104.6958 + 86.13 + 1.74) = 698.7

    U13 [Acc] - G: 228.4 - S: 785.6

    G) 228.4 - 193.9 = 34.5 / 87 = ~39.7%
    S) 785.6 - 700.0 = 85.6 / 2.48 = 34.5 / 87 = ~39.7%

    U14 [Acc] - G: 289.3 - S: 936.8

    G) 289.3 - 228.4 = 60.9 / 87 = ~70%
    S) 936.8 - 785.6 = 151.2 / 2.48 = 61 / 87 = ~70.1%


    VR12 [Acc][CrtD][Dmg] - G: 167.7 - S: 597.2

    G) 72 + 5.4 + 86.6448 + 3.6 = 167.7
    S) 2.48 * (72 + 5.4 + 86.6448 + 3.6 + 71.28 + 1.44) = 596.1

    VR13 [Acc][CrtD][Dmg] - G: 196.2 - S: 668.0

    G) 196.2 - 167.7 = 28.5 / 72 = ~39.6%
    S) 668.0 - 597.2 = 70.8 / 2.48 = 28.5 / 72 = ~39.6%

    VR14 [Acc][CrtD][Dmg] - G: 246.6 - S: 793.2

    G) 246.6 - 196.2 = 50.4 / 72 = ~70%
    S) 793.2 - 668.0 = 125.2 / 2.48 = 50.5 / 72 = ~70.1%


    U12 [CrtD] - G: 100.3 - S: 362.1

    G) 45 + 1.125 + 54.153 = 100.3
    S) 2.48 * (45 + 1.125 + 54.153 + 44.55 + 0.9) = 361.4

    U13 [CrtD] - G: 118.1 - S: 406.3

    G) 118.1 - 100.3 = 17.8 / 45 = ~39.6%
    S) 406.3 - 362.1 = 44.2 / 2.48 = 17.8 / 45 = ~39.6%

    U14 [CrtD] - G: 149.6 - S: 484.6

    G) 149.6 - 118.1 = 31.5 / 45 = ~70%
    S) 484.6 - 406.3 = 78.3 / 2.48 = 31.57 / 45 = ~70.1%

    Beam Array

    R12 [CrtH]x2 - G: 225.4 - S: 810.8

    G) 100 + 5 + 120.34 = 225.3
    S) 2.48 * (100 + 5 + 120.34 + 99 + 2) = 809.3

    R13 [CrtH]x2 - G: 265.0 - S: 909.1

    G) 265.0 - 225.4 = 39.6 / 100 = ~39.6%
    S) 909.1 - 810.8 = 98.3 / 2.48 = 39.6 / 100 = ~39.6%

    VR14 [Acc][CrtH]x2 - G: 337.5 - S: 1089.2

    G) 337.5 - 2.5 - 265 = 70 / 100 = ~70%
    S) 1089.2 - 909.1 = 180.1 / 2.48 = 72.6 - 2.5 = 70.1 / 100 = ~70.1%
    (2.5 was from going from Rare to Very Rare)

    Dual Beam Bank

    VR12 [Acc]x2[CrtH] - G: 296.3 - S: 1062.1

    G) 130 + 9.75 + 156.442 = 296.2
    S) 2.48 * (130 + 9.75 + 156.442 + 128.7 + 2.6) = 1060.2

    VR13 [Acc]x2[CrtH] - G: 347.8 - S: 1190

    G) 347.8 - 296.3 = 51.5 / 130 = ~39.6%
    S) 1190 - 1062.1 = 127.9 / 2.48 = 51.6 / 130 = ~39.7%

    VR14 [Acc]x2[CrtH] - G: 438.8 - S: 1416

    G) 438.8 - 347.8 = 91 / 130 = ~70%
    S) 1416 - 1190 = 226 / 2.48 = 91.13 / 130 = ~70.1%

    TLDR Version/Summary

    Mk XIII appears to add ~40% Strength.
    Mk XIV appears to add ~70% Strength.
    Mk XII to Mk XIV appears to add ~110% Strength.

    So going from Mk XII to Mk XIII is like adding [Dmg]x8 to the weapon.
    Going from Mk XIII to Mk XIV is like adding [Dmg]x14 to the weapon.
    Going from Mk XII to Mk XIV is like adding [Dmg]x22 to the weapon.

    Wee bit more than the ~60% combined which was suggested by Geko's post which would have been like adding [Dmg]x12 to the weapon going from Mk XII to Mk XIV.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Sol System space. Tooltip in the activation tray. Side by side comparison, ill make screens if need be, but this is simpler.

    UR Fleet AP DHC Acc2 Dmg2 Mk XII - 2699.7 Antiproton damage

    Ultra Rare AP DHC CrtDx3 Pen Mk XIV - 3183.9 Antiproton damage

    17.93532 (round to 18) percent increase. (and remember its actually more than this because the mk xii fleet AP has 2 DMG mods while the XIV does not). If the MK XIV had two DMG mods it would have about another 5 percent damage on top, so about 23ish percent total power increase over Mk XII.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
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