Why? The Lockbox / Lobi ships are already "Fleet" grade for their tiers, so they don't need a shipyard. And their availability have been and still are tied to Locbox / Promo Packs / Lobi Store.
Ok, since the Factionless ships just keep growing in volume. Isn't it about time we have a factionless Fleetyards?
Much like the Fed, Klingon, Roms.
Just saying. Getting so many now.
Not a faction less shipyard, but merely a merger of the existing federation, klingon and romulan yards. the artificial split has long outlived its usefulness.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Not a faction less shipyard, but merely a merger of the existing federation, klingon and romulan yards. the artificial split has long outlived its usefulness.
Artifical? Yeah, right. Cause everyone knows that Starfleet used Cardassian ships, Romulans used Dominion, etc...:rolleyes:
Why? The Lockbox / Lobi ships are already "Fleet" grade for their tiers, so they don't need a shipyard. And their availability have been and still are tied to Locbox / Promo Packs / Lobi Store.
The OP is referring to making a separate Fleetyards forum for factionless ships. All three factions already have separate shipbuilding forums, but the factionless ships don't really fit into any of those, and by now there are more than enough of them in service to warrant their own forum.
I've been wishing for a Neutral Fleetyard subforum for quite some time. It's really annoying how you have to search three subforums for information, opinions and tips on non-faction ships...
subforum, yes! something in game? what's the point/purpose. I didn't see from the OP that it ws a request on the forums, that would be good because if you don't have a klingon, you might miss a good build because it's in that forum.
of course it would make more work for the admins moving threads to it
Do you mean for lockbox ships and the free event ships?
I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
Not a faction less shipyard, but merely a merger of the existing federation, klingon and romulan yards. the artificial split has long outlived its usefulness.
Artifical? Yeah, right. Cause everyone knows that Starfleet used Cardassian ships, Romulans used Dominion, etc...:rolleyes:
The OP is referring to making a separate Fleetyards forum for factionless ships. All three factions already have separate shipbuilding forums, but the factionless ships don't really fit into any of those, and by now there are more than enough of them in service to warrant their own forum.
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of course it would make more work for the admins moving threads to it
I meant on the forums, a Factionless Fleetyards. For people to post builds for all these growing in numbers Factionless ships.
Make it easier for someone to find a build. Even though faction traits and whatnot will be different.
For starters, just fleet yard to discuses all ships. Easier for mods, easier for poster, easier to view...just easier all around.