My inventory is overwhelmed by equipment requisition boxes and items bound to my character, but that I do not need. Is there a more worthwhile way to get rid of these items than to recycle them in the replicator?
I could not find the answer in the forums. I looked.
Open them and sell the junk to the replicator or a vendor.
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For ground weapons, throw some on your BOff's. For ship items, use old ships to store some of the things you think you may use later.
Other than that, sell it to a vendor. Throwing stuff to the replicator only gets you 40% while going to most vendors will get you 50%. Though there are some vendors that only offer 40% for some reason.
That extra 10% may not seem like much at times, but it can add up.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
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Other than that, sell it to a vendor. Throwing stuff to the replicator only gets you 40% while going to most vendors will get you 50%. Though there are some vendors that only offer 40% for some reason.
That extra 10% may not seem like much at times, but it can add up.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.