If they ever decide to overhaul the queues...
I hope they make Mine Trap more playable.
It's empty, 20 to fill a queue is too much...
Or boost the rewards so people play it once again.
If they ever decide to overhaul the queues...
I hope they make Mine Trap more playable.
It's empty, 20 to fill a queue is too much...
Or boost the rewards so people play it once again.
I liked Mine Trap in the 50% Rep Marks Hours even if u got a lil Trottel Lotto within the players.
But hey the queues are full and Delta Rising is the BEST expansion EVER and players LOVE it!
Its not the ques that need fixing. No one is bothering to farm STFs anymore because the gear upgrades costs are so far out that they cause people to simply quit. Those "farmers" created the critical mass that allowed STF groups to form in the matchmaker...
Its not the ques that need fixing. No one is bothering to farm STFs anymore because the gear upgrades costs are so far out that they cause people to simply quit. Those "farmers" created the critical mass that allowed STF groups to form in the matchmaker...
Yes, you're right. They introduced the upgrade system and crafting systems which are both huge dilithium sinks and then they cut the dilithium payout from every single source.
I'm amazed that my dilithium mining claims still work.
because as you regognizes the ques are empty which means the devs arent playing ANYMORE
What you said about devs working on somthing big, actually its very possible, but, lets separate, somtingh big...DR was somthing big (A big fail), but something big and good is moore complicated, i hope...hope, what a word to use today...well i hpe ther is somthing big and good on the horizon that make the game at leas enjoyable to the majority and not only masochgrinders that love DR.
Its not the ques that need fixing. No one is bothering to farm STFs anymore because the gear upgrades costs are so far out that they cause people to simply quit. Those "farmers" created the critical mass that allowed STF groups to form in the matchmaker...
Actually, the cost are not that high, unless you want epic grade, or you want to pay to advance faster with dilithium, being advanced in R&D school helps a lot because you don't need to buy anything on the exchange.
What is a "little" expensive is the Doff mission R&D Assistance, that gives you a lot of useful materials just for 1000 dilithium.
If you start a new char from the beginning, you can create VR items then apply just one superior upgrade and it will last until level VII with you..
They used to be instances you could join at any time and kind of scale to the players on the map.
If there was one in progress you could help out with completing it, if no map was in progress you could create one and wait for more players to join if you couldn't complete the objectives alone.
Maybe they could turn some of them back into mini advanture zones with additional side objectives to make them more interesting.
Big Dig for example would lend itself to that well, or the Mine Trap map.
The maps are already there. The missions could start every half hour and then you get 10 minutes in between to do some smaller sidequests, like rebuilding damaged buildings or dig for artifacts or keep out wildlife, the possiblities are endless.
To prevent overfarming link the main reward to a daily and then hand out 10 mark boxes and maybe a bit of dilithium for the sidequests like in other adventure zones.
So you had more diverse locations players could go to in between queues and declutter the queue UI at the same time.
I wouldn't mind if they turn a couple of them into level 60 zones where you can actually earn a bit of XP as well.
Yes, you're right. They introduced the upgrade system and crafting systems which are both huge dilithium sinks and then they cut the dilithium payout from every single source.
I'm amazed that my dilithium mining claims still work.
From every single source. Like all the Queued Events that never granted Dilithium before now subtract Dilithium? Or the New Romulus Zone now rewarding more Dilithium then before?
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
From every single source. Like all the Queued Events that never granted Dilithium before now subtract Dilithium? Or the New Romulus Zone now rewarding more Dilithium then before?
Wow, what a pointless attempt at.. whatever you're attempting.
Actually, the cost are not that high, unless you want epic grade, or you want to pay to advance faster with dilithium, being advanced in R&D school helps a lot because you don't need to buy anything on the exchange.
What is a "little" expensive is the Doff mission R&D Assistance, that gives you a lot of useful materials just for 1000 dilithium.
If you start a new char from the beginning, you can create VR items then apply just one superior upgrade and it will last until level VII with you..
So, overall, the upgrade system is not bad..
I challenge you to start a new account and then look at what dil actually pays for in this game. As a new player ur not only looking at upgrade costs, it's ur rep gear that costs dil, its fleet stuff that costs dil, then you have fleet projects that need dil funding and so on.
I just don't bother with anything at the moment, any normal que is empty and in advanced I get the pros who are very good in calling everyone a noob once we fail but never bother to actually say something constructive when we are actually playing the stf.
I challenge you to start a new account and then look at what dil actually pays for in this game. As a new player ur not only looking at upgrade costs, it's ur rep gear that costs dil, its fleet stuff that costs dil, then you have fleet projects that need dil funding and so on.
I just don't bother with anything at the moment, any normal que is empty and in advanced I get the pros who are very good in calling everyone a noob once we fail but never bother to actually say something constructive when we are actually playing the stf.
Well, my new characters all pay their own way with dilithium. It takes 3 to 4 months to get a new one completely up to speed with all rep and fleet gear.
The problems for me are EC and fleet credits. If you want decent doffs or the leech etc...
For example my new character is level 54 - around 2 to 3 weeks old. Has about 100,000 dil and 5 mil EC. She'll have plenty of dil for all needed rep gear by the time she gets to tier 5's but she will have less that 10 million EC = 1 good doff. The nerf to EC, for me, was the most painful of all nerfs. As a completely new player you are forced to farm materials for the rich or buy keys .
Fleet credits are also a huge problem. Even cutting back to essentials with fleets all done and no longer running projects I have a very hard time getting credits for new characters.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
There are ques that are regularly active. Some examples:
Infected Space (Regular and Advanced)
Azure Nebula (mostly just normal)
Crystaline Entity Advanced
Federation Fleet Alert
Khitomer Advanced
Just to name a few.
Now the problem is, that's a very small percentage of the available ques. What would be nice would be if they examined the active ques to find out why players gravitate to them and leave others empty. From that, they could build a template to alter unpopular ques to try and draw players to them.
I think the situation is fixable with a little effort. Hopefully something like that happens, I do miss the variety that the pre DR ques held. I ran different ques every day, it really helped keep me from ever getting bored.
There is only one big difference between you and me tho, u know exactly what to do and where to do it. I'm not afraid to say I wasted dill when I just started on ev suits and more stupid stuff. Not realizing the whole endgame economy thrives on dil.
Granted those are my own mistakes, I can imagine for some one else it will look like one big wall they will never overcome since there is no way to get bnp, apc or whatever u need to get competitive sets.
Ques are dead and it's hurting this game, I can see that after two months playing.
There is only one big difference between you and me tho, u know exactly what to do and where to do it. I'm not afraid to say I wasted dill when I just started on ev suits and more stupid stuff. Not realizing the whole endgame economy thrives on dil.
Granted those are my own mistakes, I can imagine for some one else it will look like one big wall they will never overcome since there is no way to get bnp, apc or whatever u need to get competitive sets.
Ques are dead and it's hurting this game, I can see that after two months playing.
Yeah, that is true. I remember with my first character. I bought every set possible - probably wasted close to a million dil.
But you can still do fine with the dilithium. Really just do a voth battlezone and maybe one or two other things and you're all set for the day.
I don't know what kind of ship you run but my new character is science and is going to use 2 parts of solanae, the obilisk rift core (these are all Free). And the Maco shield that gives a fake plasmonic leech effect. So all she needs is 3 (or 5) Borg processors and 34000 dil. If you haven't found the processors in the rep boxes just suffer through a couple infected advanced. I haven't seen a pug fail on this in a while. And many people are doing 1500 dps in them so I doubt you'll be worse than that (If you equip weapons or a gravity well).
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Big Dig for example would lend itself to that well, or the Mine Trap map.
The maps are already there. The missions could start every half hour and then you get 10 minutes in between to do some smaller sidequests, like rebuilding damaged buildings or dig for artifacts or keep out wildlife, the possiblities are endless.
This sort of thing could clear out many of the less used queues and turn them into viable maps around the galaxy. It would be a reason to visit these systems and you could ensure people go there by only rewarding certain items there that are required (similar to the Advanced STFs but not as difficult).
The major problem though is that the payout for most PVE is shockingly bad, to the extent that I never played some of them even prior to DR. Big Dig, Mine Trap (very occasionally good), Breaking the Planet, Klingon Scout Force - all basically dead unless someone drummed up support for a team in ESD or 1st City.
The second aspect of some queues being dead links directly to those listed above, the requirements are too dammed big for some of them. You barely ever get 20 people who want to team up, let alone play a poorly paying PVE match.
The final aspect is that regardless of how well us here in the minority think the new difficulty can be handled, the majority of players are casual probably and saw the new difficulty and left. They probably were not that invested in the game that they were willing to learn to fly like an elite pilot or go and craft mk xiv gear for their ships. I would imagine the casual pug players (regardless of how poor we think they play) were holding up a lot of the game and when they leave the game suffers.
Hell even some of the more hardcore veterans seen on here in the last year have departed.
You're looking at 60+ different queues and I can guarantee that only maybe 10 have even a single person playing of queuing for them at any time of day. The other day I counted 62 dead queues out of all those available.
Either an overhaul or AT THE VERY LEAST, change it back to the pre-season 4 option of going to a planet/location and entering. It's like that in Neverwinter - you have the option of waiting for people or going solo into things like this. Cryptic needs to give us this option. There's no reason NOT to do it.
Has about 100,000 dil and 5 mil EC. She'll have plenty of dil for all needed rep gear by the time she gets to tier 5's but she will have less that 10 million EC = 1 good doff.
Almost all doffs you "need" can be aquired by Doffing and ferra. The doffs you get from exchange are mostly unessential and normally neglicable (the only ones different are Phasic instability ones I guess), so you need to differentiate here between needed doffs and wasted ec.There are also still quite a few ways to "grind" EC the conventional way (Mats...).
So its more an information problem than a real one.
The fc-problem can arise, but can also be easily solved depending on your fleet and your known (free joinable) channels. So again only an information problem.
Almost all doffs you "need" can be aquired by Doffing and ferra. The doffs you get from exchange are mostly unessential and normally neglicable (the only ones different are Phasic instability ones I guess), so you need to differentiate here between needed doffs and wasted ec.There are also still quite a few ways to "grind" EC the conventional way (Mats...).
So its more an information problem than a real one.
The fc-problem can arise, but can also be easily solved depending on your fleet and your known (free joinable) channels. So again only an information problem.
We'll have to agree to disagree about the first part there - aside from grinding materials to make EC (of course then you will have to buy superior upgrade kits if you want to upgrade your own equipment).
The second part is an information problem. I've never understood this joining free fleets. It sounds way over my head in terms of socialization. But I assume you need the credits before you join anyway? So you join a small fleet first for a while?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
It is not that we have to many queues but not enough people playing them. I miss doing them but I don't think it is fun having to fight someone with a 2 mil hp or frigates with 300k. So the way it is now if you do a pug and you don't have enough fire power it will fail even in normal.
I used to do elites before DR all the time but now it is so unbalanced in advance it is a joke.They increase the number of npcs you have to fight and gave them higher hulls. But they did not give you a decent time to be able to do it in a pug. They should of never raised the level in advance to 60. As a matter of fact they should of kept the level to stf alone but added elite. But no they raised normal to 50(which is the old endgame level) it should still be 45. The advance is the old endgame which is 50 not 60. Then put in the new elite which is 60 which to me will help the queues out but that is me.
PvE queues could get an Massive overhaul because there is just tooooo much queues but hey im sure the devs dont play the game.
But hey Delta Rising is the BEST expansion EVER and players LOVE it!
I think they need to put more into instances...make them more interesting and include the trinity that they aggressively ignore. Trouble is people probably wont go for that and they're whining because they want their two minute pew pew fest elites back.
There is just no skill in this game...doesn't take a whole lot to build a FAW ships for PvE and do decent DPS or a BO cloaker in PvP and vape.
Some have objectives so similar to each other...KA is just a slightly expanded and slightly different Cure.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Since DR dropped, it isn't just the devs who don't play the game.
Free Tibet!
I hope they make Mine Trap more playable.
It's empty, 20 to fill a queue is too much...
Or boost the rewards so people play it once again.
I liked Mine Trap in the 50% Rep Marks Hours even if u got a lil Trottel Lotto within the players.
But hey the queues are full and Delta Rising is the BEST expansion EVER and players LOVE it!
Neither are the players. "Delta Rising is the BEST expansion EVER and players LOVE it!"at least according to Geko
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
obviosuly the devs are developping something BIG!
because as you regognizes the ques are empty which means the devs arent playing ANYMORE
that way they will solve the que problem and folks who want to play a certain que can.
"This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 11 seconds."
Guess too many complaints and bugs now...
at some point they set it to 300s!!!!
I don't understand your thread at all. Did you just make it to insult the devs?
Yes, you're right. They introduced the upgrade system and crafting systems which are both huge dilithium sinks and then they cut the dilithium payout from every single source.
I'm amazed that my dilithium mining claims still work.
Free Tibet!
What you said about devs working on somthing big, actually its very possible, but, lets separate, somtingh big...DR was somthing big (A big fail), but something big and good is moore complicated, i hope...hope, what a word to use today...well i hpe ther is somthing big and good on the horizon that make the game at leas enjoyable to the majority and not only masochgrinders that love DR.
GG Cryptic.
dnirg eht nioj
Actually, the cost are not that high, unless you want epic grade, or you want to pay to advance faster with dilithium, being advanced in R&D school helps a lot because you don't need to buy anything on the exchange.
What is a "little" expensive is the Doff mission R&D Assistance, that gives you a lot of useful materials just for 1000 dilithium.
If you start a new char from the beginning, you can create VR items then apply just one superior upgrade and it will last until level VII with you..
So, overall, the upgrade system is not bad..
Some of them don't need to be queues at all IMO.
They used to be instances you could join at any time and kind of scale to the players on the map.
If there was one in progress you could help out with completing it, if no map was in progress you could create one and wait for more players to join if you couldn't complete the objectives alone.
Maybe they could turn some of them back into mini advanture zones with additional side objectives to make them more interesting.
Big Dig for example would lend itself to that well, or the Mine Trap map.
The maps are already there. The missions could start every half hour and then you get 10 minutes in between to do some smaller sidequests, like rebuilding damaged buildings or dig for artifacts or keep out wildlife, the possiblities are endless.
To prevent overfarming link the main reward to a daily and then hand out 10 mark boxes and maybe a bit of dilithium for the sidequests like in other adventure zones.
So you had more diverse locations players could go to in between queues and declutter the queue UI at the same time.
I wouldn't mind if they turn a couple of them into level 60 zones where you can actually earn a bit of XP as well.
From every single source. Like all the Queued Events that never granted Dilithium before now subtract Dilithium? Or the New Romulus Zone now rewarding more Dilithium then before?
Wow, what a pointless attempt at.. whatever you're attempting.
Free Tibet!
I challenge you to start a new account and then look at what dil actually pays for in this game. As a new player ur not only looking at upgrade costs, it's ur rep gear that costs dil, its fleet stuff that costs dil, then you have fleet projects that need dil funding and so on.
I just don't bother with anything at the moment, any normal que is empty and in advanced I get the pros who are very good in calling everyone a noob once we fail but never bother to actually say something constructive when we are actually playing the stf.
Well, my new characters all pay their own way with dilithium. It takes 3 to 4 months to get a new one completely up to speed with all rep and fleet gear.
The problems for me are EC and fleet credits. If you want decent doffs or the leech etc...
For example my new character is level 54 - around 2 to 3 weeks old. Has about 100,000 dil and 5 mil EC. She'll have plenty of dil for all needed rep gear by the time she gets to tier 5's but she will have less that 10 million EC = 1 good doff. The nerf to EC, for me, was the most painful of all nerfs. As a completely new player you are forced to farm materials for the rich or buy keys .
Fleet credits are also a huge problem. Even cutting back to essentials with fleets all done and no longer running projects I have a very hard time getting credits for new characters.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
There are ques that are regularly active. Some examples:
Infected Space (Regular and Advanced)
Azure Nebula (mostly just normal)
Crystaline Entity Advanced
Federation Fleet Alert
Khitomer Advanced
Just to name a few.
Now the problem is, that's a very small percentage of the available ques. What would be nice would be if they examined the active ques to find out why players gravitate to them and leave others empty. From that, they could build a template to alter unpopular ques to try and draw players to them.
I think the situation is fixable with a little effort. Hopefully something like that happens, I do miss the variety that the pre DR ques held. I ran different ques every day, it really helped keep me from ever getting bored.
I miss that.
Granted those are my own mistakes, I can imagine for some one else it will look like one big wall they will never overcome since there is no way to get bnp, apc or whatever u need to get competitive sets.
Ques are dead and it's hurting this game, I can see that after two months playing.
I'm guessing that your first month was fun and your second - after DR dropped - must feel like you suddenly have to climb Kilimanjaro or something.
Free Tibet!
Yeah, that is true. I remember with my first character. I bought every set possible - probably wasted close to a million dil.
But you can still do fine with the dilithium. Really just do a voth battlezone and maybe one or two other things and you're all set for the day.
I don't know what kind of ship you run but my new character is science and is going to use 2 parts of solanae, the obilisk rift core (these are all Free). And the Maco shield that gives a fake plasmonic leech effect. So all she needs is 3 (or 5) Borg processors and 34000 dil. If you haven't found the processors in the rep boxes just suffer through a couple infected advanced. I haven't seen a pug fail on this in a while. And many people are doing 1500 dps in them so I doubt you'll be worse than that (If you equip weapons or a gravity well).
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
This sort of thing could clear out many of the less used queues and turn them into viable maps around the galaxy. It would be a reason to visit these systems and you could ensure people go there by only rewarding certain items there that are required (similar to the Advanced STFs but not as difficult).
The major problem though is that the payout for most PVE is shockingly bad, to the extent that I never played some of them even prior to DR. Big Dig, Mine Trap (very occasionally good), Breaking the Planet, Klingon Scout Force - all basically dead unless someone drummed up support for a team in ESD or 1st City.
The second aspect of some queues being dead links directly to those listed above, the requirements are too dammed big for some of them. You barely ever get 20 people who want to team up, let alone play a poorly paying PVE match.
The final aspect is that regardless of how well us here in the minority think the new difficulty can be handled, the majority of players are casual probably and saw the new difficulty and left. They probably were not that invested in the game that they were willing to learn to fly like an elite pilot or go and craft mk xiv gear for their ships. I would imagine the casual pug players (regardless of how poor we think they play) were holding up a lot of the game and when they leave the game suffers.
Hell even some of the more hardcore veterans seen on here in the last year have departed.
You're looking at 60+ different queues and I can guarantee that only maybe 10 have even a single person playing of queuing for them at any time of day. The other day I counted 62 dead queues out of all those available.
Almost all doffs you "need" can be aquired by Doffing and ferra. The doffs you get from exchange are mostly unessential and normally neglicable (the only ones different are Phasic instability ones I guess), so you need to differentiate here between needed doffs and wasted ec.There are also still quite a few ways to "grind" EC the conventional way (Mats...).
So its more an information problem than a real one.
The fc-problem can arise, but can also be easily solved depending on your fleet and your known (free joinable) channels. So again only an information problem.
We'll have to agree to disagree about the first part there - aside from grinding materials to make EC (of course then you will have to buy superior upgrade kits if you want to upgrade your own equipment).
The second part is an information problem. I've never understood this joining free fleets. It sounds way over my head in terms of socialization. But I assume you need the credits before you join anyway? So you join a small fleet first for a while?
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I used to do elites before DR all the time but now it is so unbalanced in advance it is a joke.They increase the number of npcs you have to fight and gave them higher hulls. But they did not give you a decent time to be able to do it in a pug. They should of never raised the level in advance to 60. As a matter of fact they should of kept the level to stf alone but added elite. But no they raised normal to 50(which is the old endgame level) it should still be 45. The advance is the old endgame which is 50 not 60. Then put in the new elite which is 60 which to me will help the queues out but that is me.
I think they need to put more into instances...make them more interesting and include the trinity that they aggressively ignore. Trouble is people probably wont go for that and they're whining because they want their two minute pew pew fest elites back.
There is just no skill in this game...doesn't take a whole lot to build a FAW ships for PvE and do decent DPS or a BO cloaker in PvP and vape.
Some have objectives so similar to each other...KA is just a slightly expanded and slightly different Cure.