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STO Alliance Constitution

earthsyndicateearthsyndicate Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited December 2014 in Earth Spacedock

You have taken on a great journey. Into all Quadrants of space. Your ship and crew ready for the Frontier. To meet greet and defeat new Extraterrestrials Races. You have joined the Fleet that best suits you and your crew. You have done countless encounters with your mighty Fleet. Now you seek an ALLIANCE!


The values of an Alliance cannot be measured. Remember those times when getting a team together seem like it wasn't going to happen? Or that ship build you can't get right? Or how about a Skill Respec? General chat of game knowledge. Getting to know your STO community. Need support with star base, looking to run a STO player name by the STO Alliance. Or that special item that is only around for a certain time. A quest that might be too hard for you. Looking to hang out chill relax find some cool interesting people to talk to? Then STO ALLIANCE is for you!

We are dedicated to helping STO Fleets the Community and the Galaxy prosper. We can establish multiples teams simultaneously; we have PVE-PVP ship builds along with the PVE-PVP players. We got Vet pets, we got the Mission Masters. We got funny guys along with giggly gals. All walks of life flow through STO Alliance. We all work together.

Star Trek Online Alliance

The STAR TREK ONLINE ALLIANCE is a Public Alliance, foremost, and Most Prominent International- Intergalactic – Interdimensional - Interspecies STO Alliance Organization. The stated aims of the STOA include promoting and facilitating cooperation in STO Security, Economic development, Social progression, All Alien rights, civil rights and liberties, the political freedom of oppressed worlds. The achievement of lasting Galactic Peace the Alliance was founded in October 11, 2012, to stop wars between Fleets & factions and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.

The Alliance has dedicated Fleets. With Offices around STO Galaxy. The Alliance and its specialized agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year.

The Organization has:

General Assembly: (Every Alliance member)

Security Council: (Deciding certain resolutions for security)

Diplomatic Arena: (Deciding certain resolutions for Peace, Resolution & Promoting of STOAlliance)

Economic Circle: (For Exceling & Assisting in promoting STO Economic Endeavors)

Social structure: (Social Cooperation & Development of Social Events.

Fleet Moral Officer Union: (where the fleet moral officer from each fleet group up.)

Secretariat: (For providing Studies, information such as Fleet intelligence, and/or STO Intel, Alliance paper work.

Alliance Admirals: (Once a Month meet up. To Examine and productively collaborate with STO through means of Solutions & ideas. The Alliance Justice Court the primary judicial organ, this group is only for Admirals of fleets.

STO Alliance Fleets agree to peaceful coexistence. This is defined as members of both Fleets refraining from opening fire on members of the other Fleet with the exception of agreed and approved war game exercise and similar events. Ships that cross paths in space may run at yellow alert and are not required to communicate with one another, but may not fire on one another. In the event one ship fires on the other and that is the end of the combat either only one shot is fired or they destroy the defending ship without return shots being fired, a diplomatic incident will be filed with both fleets and an inter-alliance joint fleet investigation shall be completed. Regulations for this shall be written up by both fleet leaders should this event occur.

It is understood that STOAlliance Fleets must conduct its own affairs according to its own codes, bylaws and rules and regulations. It is, therefore, agreed that no Fleet shall interfere in the internal matters of the other. This is to include matters as extreme as civil war (defined as a war with in the fleet between members of the fleet internally) and as minor as simply a verbal dress down for violation of the rules of that fleet. During any internal fleet event, STO Alliance fleets agree not to get involved in these matters. Unless asked for Official help.

The Decree

• Each Fleet maintains its own identity.
• The Exchange of Intel is free flowing.
• Exchange of materials is free flowing. Any major transfers of materials will be approved by the Leadership of both Fleets. An email of inquiry will be sent to each Commanding Officer of each Fleet requesting support.

• Peaceful Relations and coexistence
• Mutual Protection and Defense
• Non-aggression of Allied Fleets
• Amendment procedures for changes to this Constitution of Alliance
• Peaceful relations and coexistence on Allied Voice Coms
• No Recruiting from Allied Fleets
• Both Fleet will use a policy of “Non -Interference" with internal affairs of each fleet structure. Unless official assistance is requested and an approved by leadership of both Fleets.

Amendment I [Diplomacy]

I. STOA Diplomats Must be assigned by their Fleet Admiral.
II. STOA Diplomats Must sign an agreement to represent STOA and notify all other Fleet Admirals of their position.
III. Diplomats Must maintain a level of respect to all Allied Fleets & STO players.
IV. Diplomats are to have a certain flair or training in Diplomacy.
V. STOA Diplomats need to be familiar with Voice Coms such as TeamSpeak.

Amendment II [Military]

I. Military support can be requested via Allied Channels.
II. Any and all STOA members can respond to a CTA [call to arms] or distress signals. Those who do respond are not subject to any higher command other than the individual Captain.
III. During any CTA the Admirals of fleets who have responded will collectively make decision.
IV. Military Free Trade Agreement
I. Weapons can be distributed by Any Member to Any Member in the Alliance
II. Ships can be distributed by Any Member to Any Member in the Alliance

Amendment III Economic
Amendment IV Social

It is understood that in the future this agreement may need to be changed or amended due to age, alteration of fleet structures, and change of commands within the fleets or any other reason. If this should happen, the fleets will meet on external coms or internal coms. Each fleet will bring the commander of said fleet, a representative of the diplomatic department for each fleet will conduct peaceful negotiations to resolve any amendments needed for this constitution and said amendments will be incorporated as needed. Should this Constitution of STO Alliance need to be rewritten, the rewrite would be completed similar to the amendment procedure with the addition that the STOALLIANCE fleets would have a one week review time for a rough draft and a one week review time for a final draft before signatures and agreement would be expected and required. Should this Constitution of STOAlliance need to be dissolved, this alliance may be peacefully dissolved through the agreement of the commanders of all STO Fleets involved.

Any violation of these Articles of Alliance will risk the Alliance agreement and is within in rights to be expelled from STOA.

This charter represents an agreement between Fleets in STOA. Who have openly joined. By agreeing to take part in this agreement, the participating Fleets and their respective star base can move at a more positive rate. In addition, this charter is to encourage cooperation and teamwork throughout the Alliance.

Join us on chat channel - STO Alliance - for the Adventure!
The Love you with hold IS the Pain you carry. Be the Love & the Light

STOAlliance Dilomat
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