Posting this for all Pathfinder Captains & Intrepid fans out there who are interested in what this ship can do in a "typical" Advanced STF group. This is an evolution of my prior 21K build posted on these forums.
Results: 28K DPS (DPS-League Settings) in a true PUG (just queued up solo in PvE queue and went) 15.6M damage dealt in a 9.5 min ISA
I consistently average ~25K DPS on this build in PUG groups. My piloting is improving, but I still die in every run (including the 28K run)
P.S. I think PUGs are great. I like grouping with different people/builds/ships/progression levels. In my 50+ recent ISA runs, they are almost all friendly and polite, and everyone is always happy to get a BNP for future upgrades

CombatLog parse, (personal and team), plus build planner link below:
U.S.S. Edgefarer
[EDIT: Corrected Build Planner Link]
Note that the damage is very balanced between types. Counting the Plasma DoT damage as Science since it comes from a Sci Console and is boosted from Sci skills, this run had the following damage split, which is typical of my parses with this build:
- 35% of damage from Science Skills/Exotic Damage Effects
- 35% of damage from Beam/Energy Weapons
- 22% of damage from the Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (most of which was Exotic dmg from Plasma Cloud)
- 8% of damage from Pets
I would have probably topped 30K DPS on this run if I had earned/equipped the Pedal to the Medal trait (+10% damage while at full throttle), and the Intel Spec that gives bonuses to damage when striking rear arc.
I'm sure a pro pilot with a pre-made team would greatly extend the DPS on this build to some unknown heights.
TAC Captain, so missing the +30% Exotic damage boost that Sci Captains have, offset by the Attack Pattern Alpha Boost and Tactical Fleet that Tac Captains have. PartGen skill only at 236 for this run.
I'm planning to clone this build for the upcoming Breen Science Carrier, which adds TS3, and two hangars of fighters to the above. I expect big things from that ship....
Cheers! - Captain Vyntares
I never used the PETorpedo but I see you've done 2.5M damage only from "plasma particle emission". Is that the cloud that deals AOE damage ? If yes - can you drop a parser image of its damage only? (And exactly what torpedo was it - VR/UR/Epic? What mod?)
How many isa runs with that build have you done? Would be great if you place few more parsers to see the average damage/dps. I dont doubt you cant hit 28k again - my point is that most times in pugs we fly with under geared players and its normal all damage/dps to be granted to some. Still, if we have ~5 parsers, we can have a real visual of our average performance. (Some groups may be with 3-4 scimitars/recluses and things like that that do affect performance or diminish it)
Aside from that, good job for a tac toon in this specific limited ship for tactical abilities. I am sure those that said "pathfinder only 2 tac consoles lol?" - would think twice before stating that again.
And what did the hit of 1.081.867 ??
Thanks for checking that - might be going to an old link on the skill planner, I'll recheck it
Plasma Particle Emission is the Cloud from the Particle Emission Torpedo. It's a UR Mk XIV with [CrtD]x2, [CrtH]. It's crafted, so it always comes with [CrtD] [CrtH] at VR, the only variable mod is the extra mod at UR, [CrtD] in my case.
The Particle Emission Torpedo does steady damage over time over a wide area. Perfect for PUG groups where those spheres seem to linger forever. My average PUG run is 8+ mins.
If I "knew" I was in a high dps group (which there is no way of knowing without a pre-made), I'd use the Gravimetric Torp for slightly faster AoE damage. Or maybe even a Neutronic in extreme cases. I have not run a pre-made with this build. I'll try and post a damage graph on the AoE Cloud.
I should have 5+ parses saved on this build. I had a stretch of 5 PUG ISA runs in a row (scattered over time, but in a row from my playing perspective) where I hit 24K+, before I got this 28K
Obviously things vary from ISA to ISA. I've only run one with this build that had a scimitar - and it did 14K dps on that run. None with Recluses. Mostly it seems like I'm with players that are leveling other starships for their traits.
And then there always seems to be one in every group that does 1K (and that's OK, everyone has to start somewhere).
Will try and get the extra info you asked for. Thanks for reading!
The Particle Emission Torpedo actually shows up as four parts in the Parser. The first is the MOST important. But you have to add all 4 together to show the total impact of the Torpedo.
1 - The "Particle Plasma Emission" at the top of the parse is the AOE cloud that the Particle Emission Torpedo leaves behind (6s duration, 3km radius!!). 2.4M damage, 4,350 DPS. This parse line is the sum total of all those clouds from the Torpedo, whether it came from a TS2 launch or a normal autofire launch.
Overlapped clouds from the Particle Emission Torpedo STACK in damage - just like Gravimetric Torp, Except this cloud has 100% chance of appearing per torpedo (not the 33% w/ the Graviimetric), and at 3km radius, the Particle Emission Torp has 27 times (!!!!) the impacted Volume area for AoE damage.
So 12 clouds from a TS2 on a cluster of 7 targets (easy to clump with GW3, TBR with pull DOFF, and a 3km radius margin to play with due to the large cloud size) = 84 different DoT's going every second (12 dots on each of 7 targets)....
TS1 would only be 6 clouds on the cluster of 7 targets, so HALF the damage.
Whereas when I copy this build to the Breen carrier, that's a TS3 spread, or 20 stacking clouds to the same cluster of 7 targets....
(EDIT, looking closely at Combat Parse, I'm not sure these stack anymore, so the math above on stacking clouds may be off)
Continuing the other 3 parts that make up the Torpedo damage on the parse:
2 - The "Plasma Torpedo Spread II" is the initial (small) Kinetic damage from the Torpedo on initial impact, when using TS2. 537K damage, 967 DPS
3 - The "Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo" is the initial (small) Kinietic damage from the Torpedo on initial impact, when it's not using TS2 (autofire). 357K, 640 DPS
4 - The "Plasma Fire (from Torpedo) is another single target 10s Plasma dot that only affect the target(s) hit directly from the Torpedo. That's right, there is both a Cloud AoE dot that impacts everything in 3km radius, AND a "I hit this target DoT". They also stack. 240K damage, 432 DPS
The sum total of the four parts above is ~3.6M damage and 6,300+ DPS from this single Particle Emission Torpedo with TS2!!!!
By itself, this single Torpedo slot did more damage in the ISA than the total output of 3 of the 4 other ships in the parse....
(Again, this is why I'm excited to try this on TS3 with the upcoming Breen Carrier from Q's Wonderland....)
I'm a big fan of always slotting one Torpedo in every build, with the highest Torpedo Spread I can put in. Besides being fun and canon to the TV show, this parse shows why it is also strong(er?) DPS wise.
Due to most of the damage coming from overlapping clouds from Torpedo Spread - Going to TS1 would almost HALVE the TOTAL Torpedo damage to 3,650 DPS (loss of ~3,650 DPS), while FAW2 would only up the FAW1 damage by 6.7% (gain of 350 DPS).....
Nothing did. That's the parser summing up my Pet damage as one big hit, when it is really a bunch of hits over time. That pet was my Typhoon Class Battleship that anyone can summon when their hull drops below 50%.
Thanks for the questions!!!
Here is a parse from a 26K run, same build. Similar damage spread as before. Note that I died 3 times.... The 14K captain was a Recluse.
Note the Feedback Pulse damage. I was tanking/had aggro on the Tactical Cube at the end (pretty typical situation for me in a PUG), and the Feedback Pulse did 1M damage on it.
The Tactical Cube only did 340K damage to me from beams and torp, and Feedback Pulse was not up the whole time, so that was a damage return of at least 5x (since FBP doesn't return Torp weapon damage) - this was likely augmented with my Attack Pattern Alpha and Tactical Fleet.
U.S.S. Edgefarer
U.S.S. Edgefarer
Corrected Link in OP and below. Thanks for catching this!
U.S.S. Edgefarer
Just tell me what exactly is buffing the AOE plasma dot? Because the torpedo have no info about this modifier (gravimetric have both particle/graviton skills mentioned - this one does not have it) . So are the Prtg affecting the dot or not? And ~how much per 35 prtg if u can test it? Is auxiliary power also raising the damage?
Thanks in advance.
PartGens DOES buff the Cloud Dot, but it does NOT gain crit from the Particle Manipulator trait (a shame, really)
Sci Console +Pla mod DOES buff it even more indpendent of the PartGens (verified from tooltip swapping in/out a Flow cap console with +Pla).
Aux power DOES buff it, a lot.
Amazing torp - I can't believe it has gone under the radar for so long.
Finally. I'm testing an assertion that the Eject Warp Plasma DOFF that gives a 25% chance to immobilize a target for 3s, WORKS for the PET Torpedo cloud - because game mechanic wise, it is a Eject Warp Plasma Cloud. You can see this in the animation, and in what it is labeled as in the CombatLog Parse.
If this is true, and working as intended, then this is my new "go to" Torpedo for sure.
Outstanding build!
Have you considered using either the Obelisk core or Delta core though?
The obelisk core would raise your Aux cap even more, and would also give you +10% bonus antiproton damage as a 2pc bonus with the ancient antiproton omni beam. Thats a bonus damage boost, not a strength boost so its pretty nifty.
The Delta core gets AMP upon upgrade to UR, but also has a nifty trajector jump ability which is a great get out of jail free card. Come to think of it, the Delta deflector gets SciCdR when upgraded to UR though the 2 pc bonus is pretty meh.
Awesome build though.
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
I recommend trying Ionic turbulance in combination with Grav Well and Tykens rift with this build. When combined with the DOT's and exotic damage, its a great combo to create an AoE pile of death!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Changing the Epics into Mk XIV VR will only make you drop DPS by 1K or so, since weapons do so little of the overall damage.
Since I've gotten 38K on this build now, 30K DPS with no epics should be quite doable.