Just wondering if folk can tell me what missions to do to get ancient power cells and if I'm limited to getting one (or something) per day?
I haven't done all the delta quadrant missions yet but I am level 60...not sure if that makes a difference either.

Truthfully, I just really want a bio-neural gel pack and neutronic torpedo launcher on my ship...and lack of ancient power cells is pretty much standing in my dang way...
Mine Trap Supporter
Honestly, I can't see bug hunt in my que yet. As for the daily/hourly...are they open missions on kobali prime?
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Pioneer...
bug hunt requires you to do the story line to unlock it. You must beat "dragons deceit" I think to open it, which is level 56 (?) I think? It will NOT just show up... you must do the mission.
Ah right. You need to finish the Delta Quadrant missions to see the new queues. As for the daily/hourly, they are in your Delta rep menu. Once you fill it up, it gives you a box. That box usually has junk weapons and stuff in it, but they can sometimes give you a power cell.
I would recommend finishing the Delta missions to get access to the new queues that give the power cells.
Mine Trap Supporter
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Pioneer...
I had the same problem with them not showing up also.thanks for the tip guys! i'll go do them now.
ironsides & peak health & cc set for me
there are other resist traits
the other people there are well geared usually, and if you setup traits to give you some resists, it's very simple
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I've done multiple advanced and multiple elite queues and FAILED THEM ALL.
There's GOT to be another way...
Devs, are you listening???
author: BLUESALTS series
contributing author/editor of STAR TREK: CITADEL
what do you mean, bugged? You mean the cd timer or?
How did you fail elite bug hunt? it's stupidly easy. Two things you must do. Kill the purple bug ASAP before it can escape. The second is to not worry about the bomb charges at the spawnmother. Just kill her.
Surface Tension rewards the following trait: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Trait:_Fluidic_Antigens :it can be extremely helpful for running BH.
We must be playing completely different games, then, because BH on advanced and elite are IMPOSSIBLE for me to win. I've tried everything in my arsenal, and nothing works.
Of course, you guys are probably in a fleet with a T5 starbase and have loaded yourselves up with all the epic-level stuff we peons don't get...
author: BLUESALTS series
contributing author/editor of STAR TREK: CITADEL
nope, tr-116b that i bought for 15 mil off the exchange, which is now like 4 mil , and the shotgun you get from the mirror universe.
If you use your abilities properly, the captain abilities, you can absolutely dominate.
Plus the reputation for ground, some of them stack with your innate captain abilities... the tachyon concussion emission, which is the delta t5, stacked with the tac abilities can do a baseline damage of nearly 600. I've seen it crit at 2.2k multiple times. They have no target cap, only a range cap. It's just NASTY on bughunt.
Tac captains just steamroll that level. Engineers take a little bit longer but don't die and science captains, properly used, can keep the entire team alive and shooting.
Edit: yes my fleet base is t5 but i dont have fleet equipment, I use reputation.
author: BLUESALTS series
contributing author/editor of STAR TREK: CITADEL
Hmm, have you thought of the public elite stf channel? They're awesome and you can find teams willing to teach you.
IIRC it wasn't applying the power bonus properly. Not sure if the fix for that went live to holodeck or not.
Joined January 2009
I hope it gets fixed, i'm a bit perplexed at why i'm not above 75 for secondary powers
Once it unlocks for one character on an account it unlocks for all at the appropriate level (50+ - 60 for Elite).
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I have fineshed about a week ago and I still have no power cell but some of my lower lvl charactors have them.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
In the blog post on the Delta rep it starts that APCs can be found in the "wreckage of numerous recent battles that have taken place in the Delta Quadrant." Anyone know where these can be found??
Source: http://www.arcgames.com/de/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/7005483-delta-alliance-reputation
My character Tsin'xing