I currently have both the kumari escort and chimera destroyer upgraded to T5-U but I am wondering if it is worth getting the T6 intel escort or getting a different ship? I love the cannons on my escorts!
Is it worth the 3k zen to get the intel escort or is it worth retraining my boffs and changing to beams?
I ONLY use Lockbox/Lobi ships. And even though they are "only T5-U," they still are every bit as deadly as any T6 ship out there. And they can tank every bit as well as any T6 ship.
The one and only way I would see paying for a T6 ship as being worth the money is if you at least have a basic understanding of how to Alpha Strike with a cloaking Defiant. Then you can buy the "Super Defiant" (Phantom) for that very purpose.
Otherwise, stay with what you already have. You already are perfectly good, and (at least) a match for any T6 ship out there.
I also have the kumari and I like it very much. 8 tac boff seats are just very good. If you mix cannons and torpedos you have 2 tac teams, 2 torpedo skills, 2 attack pattern and 2 cannon skills. So one "cycle" is always activated.
Last week I got also the phantom and it is a very good ship, too. It is exactly the ship the fleet defiant always should have been. Lt.Cmd. tech is nice. But the problem here is (for me) the ship is perfect for a faw build. I hate it to fly an escort with such a build. If you search for some builds you will probably only find beam builds.
Conclusion: The kumari is a perfect damage machine. Nearly no healings. 11 consoles and 5 forward weapon slots are extremly nice. Even with a "normal" build you can beat over 30k with a cannon build which is very nice. The phantom is the better defiant, the look is quite 25th century fed (I think), it is perfect for a faw-build and since you can use the intel-skills you can do a lot of nice things. I don't like these ss2/3 and dbb/faw builds on an escort which are very common nowadys. So if you don't miss the trait from the phantom and you like the pure damage of a kumari: Don't buy the phantom now. If you like beam builds and you would like to fly a beam/faw escort: buy it. Nevertheless I would wait for the fleet version (the phaser lance isn't that good) or at least wait for the xmas-event announcement
not sure about fed ships, but the main reason to get a t6 ship is to get surgical strikes. That means having a LTCMDR or better intel slot.
The kdf raptor, for example, cannot slot it. That makes it really a t5u ship --- all it can get into its intel slot is the debuff (ion turbulence cloud is nice debuff).
The upgraded fleet chimera is very very good. The package is damage heavy, the 5th tac console makes it on par with the best escorts, and its nice officer seating makes it stronger still.
For a few EC you can pick up a kazon raider, which is also quite good. It is a lot like a bird of prey ... 4/2 weapons, high turn rate, several uni officers, 4 tac consoles, and flanking damage makes it on par with a 5/2 weapon ship from behind. Can't stealth, though.
If the t6 ship does not have a slot for surgical, I would just use the chimera or the kazon.
I have a KDF tac captain in a Mat'Ha, 5:2 weapons like the Kumari, limited intel. I have a fed tac captain in a Phantom.
Since I'm not using the intel powers (yet) I like the Mat'Ha better. Having 5 DHCs + 2 turrets instead of 4 and 3 means it hits harder, and it feels sturdier too.
So in your place I'd be happy with "just" a T5-U. In fact I almost bought a Kumari during the 20% sale even though I have the Phantom.
Why go T6 Tactical Ship? They already have these benefits that NONE of the T5U Tactical oriented ships have:
++ 13 BOFF Skills at T6 >>>>> 12 BOFF Skills at T5/T5U. More capability for your ship.
++ Varying Access to Intel Abilities so far. Whether you go full fledged Intel ship or a normal T6 ship like Guardian and Mat'ha Raptor. This has major benefits because of the fact you CAN slot Intel abilities.
This sounds good in dmg, right?: EPTW+Attack Pattern+Preferred TAC energy weapon ability+DEM
What about if you do this?: EPTW+Attack Pattern+Preferred TAC energy weapon ability OR Surgical Strikes (Intel)+DEM+Override Subsystem Safeties 1 or 2
OSS provides lots of extra subsystem power that degrades over time. It's the perfect thing to throw on when you want to push up your damage capability.
++ Hybrid Intel Seats provide lots of great ship altering capability, flexibility, esp the Intel ships. Let's take a look at the Fed Eclipse Battlecruiser. The fact that it's T6 with 13 BOFF skills means a big deal, because typically a Cmdr & LtCdr ENG station ship means awful TAC station slotting. But it doesn't for this T6 ship because it has a fixed LtCdr station. So, *IF* you wanted to go vanilla with the Eclipse because you're too scared to check out Intel abilities, you could do this hasty build: TT1, APB1, BFAW3 EPTS1, RSP1, EPTW3, DEM ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), ASIF2 PH1, HE2 TT1
Firepower, survivability, superior handling. What more can you ask? What if you want to go more offense? It's a full fledged Intel ship. It's perfectly capable of doing so.
For a single target focus build, with no difference in the build if you were using Cannons or Beams: TT1, APB1, APO1 EPTS1, OSS2 (Intel), SS1 (Intel), SS2 or SS3 if you can (Intel) ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), EPTW3 ST1, Ionic Turbulence1 (Intel) HE1
"But Warmaker, I want a BFAWLOLZBOAT!"
Easily ****ing done with minor changes: TT1, APB1, BFAW3 EPTS1, OSS2 (Intel), Ionic Turbulence 2 (Intel), Subnucleonic Carrier Wave 2 (Intel) or DEM3 ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), EPTW3 OSS1 (Intel), HE2 TSS1
- Ionic Turbulence for resist debuffs and Subnucleonic Carrier Wave is a PBAOE that removes several BUFFs from several targets in the area. That has PVP and PVE applications.
If you have Reciprocity from the Fed Phantom Intel ship, that changes things drastically because it cuts down the cooldowns of both Tactical AND Intel abilities.
The Old T5/T5U tactical oriented ships will still perform. But the new T6 tactical oriented ships can do the same job but with more options. It is not an overly simple matter because they have access to Surgical Strikes. That's rubbish. And the hilarious part is we don't even have the Faction Fleet T6 ships yet.
And even IF you do not do an Intel Ship but something like a Guardian, Aehlal, Mat'ha Raptor, you still have options that T5/T5U doesn't have. Slotting Intel abilities. If you want, for example, to add even more punch to your ship, slot 1 or 2 copies of OSS. And that's on top of adding standard things like EPTW or whatever. A Mat'ha Raptor feeding it's 5 forward weapons with EPTW3 and OSS1 or 2 for even more power and to go over the caps? Why not? Because you can do exactly just that.
I've flown both, and while the Phantom performs great and has more potential due to intel abilities, I was very happy to get back to the Charal class. With the state of the game, if you're playing PVE, T5-U is still way more than you need.
Honestly, I'd just use the one you like the looks of more.
OSS did not impress me. I don't need more power -- I grew up on warbirds and can wring more power from standard ships than I know what to do with already. Once you are amped and your weapons power is staying high, more power is not doing all that. FWIW my eng can hit 125 in all 4 systems with his class skill, and that does not improve his dps one bit. His shield regen and engine speed are improved, but his damage, not at all.
I could not find anything terribly exciting with my raptor and the ensign intel slot. I finally put in the one that moves you back to your marker which is sometimes useful. It does stack beautifully with turbulence, p2w, beta, etc but at the end of the day its just the 1 new skill for 30 bucks. Well, that and kdf did not have a dps gunboat of this caliber before, so it outperforms the 4/3 gun ships or 4 tac console ships.
So 30 bucks for 1 intel skill and 1 officer skill that is I think at lt level. Or, if you combine them, it was 30 bucks to get turbulence....
The raptor was worth it because 1) it wasnt real money in my case and 2) its a very good ship. But the fed t6 is what we were talking about. It is one weapon short of a load in today's game. I can't see 30 bucks for a 4/3 weapon ship and gaining only turbulence which, in a group, is as likely as not to be provided to the whole team by someone else anyway. I cant recall the last time I did CCE and it was not spinning round and round, and that was true weeks before I got my own copy of the skill.
I suspect a t6 5 weapon tac is coming for feds. I suspect a t6 intel sci is coming for the rest of us. If its not what you want, at those prices, wait for it and make do until then.
I currently have both the kumari escort and chimera destroyer upgraded to T5-U but I am wondering if it is worth getting the T6 intel escort or getting a different ship? I love the cannons on my escorts!
Is it worth the 3k zen to get the intel escort or is it worth retraining my boffs and changing to beams?
Any advice is VERY welcome!
If your FIRST choice is to try out the Phantom, do so.
Oh wait, unless there is some reason you wouldn't want to effectively double the tactical slots on your current T5U ships.
Mastery is a powerful thing. That's why it is called Mastery, and not 'Wishy-Washy'.
OSS did not impress me. I don't need more power -- I grew up on warbirds and can wring more power from standard ships than I know what to do with already. Once you are amped and your weapons power is staying high, more power is not doing all that.
Hit 150 and unleash an ability, then get back to us.
Just kidding. We already know the answer. Do it for yourself. Short answer is 'your doing it wrong, do it right and you'll be impressed.'
Hit 150 and unleash an ability, then get back to us.
Just kidding. We already know the answer. Do it for yourself. Short answer is 'your doing it wrong, do it right and you'll be impressed.'
each point of weapons energy is worth a 2% extra damage, thats not a strength buff, but a final multiplier. OSS gives you 30 to 50 more power past the 125 cap, thats at best between a 60% and 100% damage buff with energy weapons. sure, not every shot will be at the new set cap, and over 20 seconds the cap gradually lowers, but that entire time you are dealing damage at a level no tier 5 ship can access. and there's only a 30 second down time.
same thing with aux based heals and offensive abilities, hit OSS and immediately after GW, probably would have a pull range over 10 pretty easily.
OSS did not impress me. I don't need more power -- I grew up on warbirds and can wring more power from standard ships than I know what to do with already. Once you are amped and your weapons power is staying high, more power is not doing all that. FWIW my eng can hit 125 in all 4 systems with his class skill, and that does not improve his dps one bit. His shield regen and engine speed are improved, but his damage, not at all.
That right there shows you have completely no understanding about how OSS works. It's not a replacement for EPTx. It is not a replacement to your batteries. It is not a replacement to the extra power boosts that your ENG Captain provides.
OSS supplements your ship's power and sends it over the edge. Over the caps. On top of all the other things you do to bring your ship power. Do you realize what that means to something that's dependent on Subsystem Power for performance? To your WEAPONS?
Those DPS builds out there using T5U ships. Impressive, right? What do you think their performance would be on top of all the things they do already if you could provide even MOAR Weapons Power and allow you to go over your Weapons Power Cap of 125 with +20, +30, +40 over that cap? Because that's exactly what OSS1, 2, and 3 do.
Your an Engineer. If anything, Engineers stand the most to gain out of OSS.
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Pick the ship you like more for the looks, the boffs, the consoles et cetera.
If you decided, you might want to get a Phantom. Its space trait is ridiculous in its powerfullness: -10% CD on Tac/Intel boff abilities when missed. You get missed a lot by NPC's. I don't even need to double on tac team on my tac players anymore. I see no more use for Tactical initiative anymore. I'll have my CD at 0 the time the original ability (such as BFAW or Tac Team) is over.
However, you are perfectly fine flying T5U ships in PvE. With the Intel ships out there, PvP is even less balanced than ever tho. No matter what Cryptic says, put 2 captains of equal ability with equal gear and skill points into a T5U and a T6 ship, and I bet the T6 will win.
Pick the ship you like more for the looks, the boffs, the consoles et cetera.
If you decided, you might want to get a Phantom. Its space trait is ridiculous in its powerfullness: -10% CD on Tac/Intel boff abilities when missed. You get missed a lot by NPC's. I don't even need to double on tac team on my tac players anymore. I see no more use for Tactical initiative anymore. I'll have my CD at 0 the time the original ability (such as BFAW or Tac Team) is over.
However, you are perfectly fine flying T5U ships in PvE. With the Intel ships out there, PvP is even less balanced than ever tho. No matter what Cryptic says, put 2 captains of equal ability with equal gear and skill points into a T5U and a T6 ship, and I bet the T6 will win.
I admit it. I'm 'one of those guys'. Always like the ship costume options on the fleet patrol.
And now, with the trifecta of freaking fed intel ship mastery I can fly it like a supercharged Advanced Escort. All the grav well torpedo spread system cooldown goodness with DCE running that you can handle.
I agree that a T5U may be outclassed for PVP. I'm certainly not here to take a stand on that or math it out.
I also agree that T5U is great fun for PVE, especially when charged up with mastery. Sad but true that spending that cash breaths such life into the old dogs.
T6 is the better long term play. Especially with fleet versions of T6's to be released. The phantom in fleet version should be a great defiant replacement. That is, if it gets the extra console and 10% more durability that the other fleet ships get. At the least, the T6's were released with the same non fleet levels of shield modifier that the T5's got so I think they will at least get that.
Of course, for those of us that already own a fleet of T5's....sadface.
I did not realize it overcapped significantly. I will look at it again, seemed like it just gave a power spike for a couple of seconds before falling back down to normal ranges then shutting off a system, but I only tried it for a short time before looking at the other skills. I will give it another go, thanks for the detailed info.
I think the trouble is that I was using OSS1 which as you noted is 20 over and deteriorates fast, any damage increase was brief.
I have a KDF tac captain in a Mat'Ha, 5:2 weapons like the Kumari, limited intel. I have a fed tac captain in a Phantom.
Since I'm not using the intel powers (yet) I like the Mat'Ha better. Having 5 DHCs + 2 turrets instead of 4 and 3 means it hits harder, and it feels sturdier too.
So in your place I'd be happy with "just" a T5-U. In fact I almost bought a Kumari during the 20% sale even though I have the Phantom.
I dont think so because your Ship dont has enough Weapon Power for 5 Dual Heavy Cannons and 2 Turrets for long time your power level will go to much down. I think 2 Dual Heavy and 3 Dual Cannons work better.
to topic if you dont use Intel Powers and the extra Bridge Officer Slot then its better to use a Fleet T5-U Ship and have 11 Console Slots and not 10 with a T6 Ship
18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
A note regarding surgical strikes. It's indeed a powerful skill, but it's not that good for dual heavy cannons. For the 10 seconds the surgical strike buff is active, your cannons will fire about twice. If for some reason the target isn't in the arc for a second or two when you can fire, that buff will only be half as effective.
Override Subsystem Safeties is indeed a great skill.
Ionic Turbulence is a great extra resistance debuff to compliment attack pattern beta.
Personally I'd say T5U is a waste of money in comparison to T6 and especially the Intel T6 ships with their cloaks and sensor probe ability.
only t5-u you should be considering is a carrier. every other class has a t-6 that is superior in every way... assuming a fed player
apparently in a month there will be a t6 carrier as well, winter reward. Free ships being sub-par more often than not, it remains to be seen if its better than the box/lobi carriers.
I did not realize it overcapped significantly. I will look at it again, seemed like it just gave a power spike for a couple of seconds before falling back down to normal ranges then shutting off a system, but I only tried it for a short time before looking at the other skills. I will give it another go, thanks for the detailed info.
I think the trouble is that I was using OSS1 which as you noted is 20 over and deteriorates fast, any damage increase was brief.
Better to carry OSS2 than turbulence, then?
Yeah, I made that mistake too when I grinded out the ship, figured I'd take the mastery and move on....And I did.
then I got another Intel ship and Did some more playing since I was grinding again. And was like Wait.....
My Engineer doing OSS+SS beam boat, it was like a stream of mini Beam Overloads with all the crits going on. Then I was hooked. Love Going Broadside Beam Array single target and seeing the Huge numbers fly by. Focused Broadside Damage? Gimme. Gimme.
ALSO, Enginnering team Negates the Offline Subsytem Drawback of OSS. Just click it before the countdown hits 0 and there is no drawback.
Another Toon is doing more DPS in the Guardian with only 3 tac consoles compared to a 4 tac console ship because of OSS with FAW. And I've T5U'd Fleet Avenger, Tac Oddy, Monbosh, Etc. FOR that toon. But the Guardian outperforms them. So long as you actually use that intel seat for what it's there for.
If you can afford Phantom, then get it. There's no question about it. Reciprocity is the best escort trait in game at the moment.
You fly Chimera and Kumari, ergo you have phaser build. So it's easy to port this build to Phantom with it's phaser lance, you already have the phaser tac consoles, etc.
In the unlikely case that you won't like flying Phantom, you can still use Reciprocity to great benefit on Chimera or Kumari or any other escort moving at decent speeds, generating decent amount of defense and consequently enemy misses.
But you will like flying Phantom. New toys, OSS, SS...
The one and only way I would see paying for a T6 ship as being worth the money is if you at least have a basic understanding of how to Alpha Strike with a cloaking Defiant. Then you can buy the "Super Defiant" (Phantom) for that very purpose.
Otherwise, stay with what you already have. You already are perfectly good, and (at least) a match for any T6 ship out there.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Last week I got also the phantom and it is a very good ship, too. It is exactly the ship the fleet defiant always should have been. Lt.Cmd. tech is nice. But the problem here is (for me) the ship is perfect for a faw build. I hate it to fly an escort with such a build. If you search for some builds you will probably only find beam builds.
Conclusion: The kumari is a perfect damage machine. Nearly no healings. 11 consoles and 5 forward weapon slots are extremly nice. Even with a "normal" build you can beat over 30k with a cannon build which is very nice. The phantom is the better defiant, the look is quite 25th century fed (I think), it is perfect for a faw-build and since you can use the intel-skills you can do a lot of nice things. I don't like these ss2/3 and dbb/faw builds on an escort which are very common nowadys. So if you don't miss the trait from the phantom and you like the pure damage of a kumari: Don't buy the phantom now. If you like beam builds and you would like to fly a beam/faw escort: buy it. Nevertheless I would wait for the fleet version (the phaser lance isn't that good) or at least wait for the xmas-event announcement
The kdf raptor, for example, cannot slot it. That makes it really a t5u ship --- all it can get into its intel slot is the debuff (ion turbulence cloud is nice debuff).
The upgraded fleet chimera is very very good. The package is damage heavy, the 5th tac console makes it on par with the best escorts, and its nice officer seating makes it stronger still.
For a few EC you can pick up a kazon raider, which is also quite good. It is a lot like a bird of prey ... 4/2 weapons, high turn rate, several uni officers, 4 tac consoles, and flanking damage makes it on par with a 5/2 weapon ship from behind. Can't stealth, though.
If the t6 ship does not have a slot for surgical, I would just use the chimera or the kazon.
Since I'm not using the intel powers (yet) I like the Mat'Ha better. Having 5 DHCs + 2 turrets instead of 4 and 3 means it hits harder, and it feels sturdier too.
So in your place I'd be happy with "just" a T5-U. In fact I almost bought a Kumari during the 20% sale even though I have the Phantom.
++ 13 BOFF Skills at T6 >>>>> 12 BOFF Skills at T5/T5U. More capability for your ship.
++ Varying Access to Intel Abilities so far. Whether you go full fledged Intel ship or a normal T6 ship like Guardian and Mat'ha Raptor. This has major benefits because of the fact you CAN slot Intel abilities.
This sounds good in dmg, right?: EPTW+Attack Pattern+Preferred TAC energy weapon ability+DEM
What about if you do this?: EPTW+Attack Pattern+Preferred TAC energy weapon ability OR Surgical Strikes (Intel)+DEM+Override Subsystem Safeties 1 or 2
OSS provides lots of extra subsystem power that degrades over time. It's the perfect thing to throw on when you want to push up your damage capability.
++ Hybrid Intel Seats provide lots of great ship altering capability, flexibility, esp the Intel ships. Let's take a look at the Fed Eclipse Battlecruiser. The fact that it's T6 with 13 BOFF skills means a big deal, because typically a Cmdr & LtCdr ENG station ship means awful TAC station slotting. But it doesn't for this T6 ship because it has a fixed LtCdr station. So, *IF* you wanted to go vanilla with the Eclipse because you're too scared to check out Intel abilities, you could do this hasty build:
ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), ASIF2
PH1, HE2
Firepower, survivability, superior handling. What more can you ask? What if you want to go more offense? It's a full fledged Intel ship. It's perfectly capable of doing so.
For a single target focus build, with no difference in the build if you were using Cannons or Beams:
EPTS1, OSS2 (Intel), SS1 (Intel), SS2 or SS3 if you can (Intel)
ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), EPTW3
ST1, Ionic Turbulence1 (Intel)
"But Warmaker, I want a BFAWLOLZBOAT!"
Easily ****ing done with minor changes:
EPTS1, OSS2 (Intel), Ionic Turbulence 2 (Intel), Subnucleonic Carrier Wave 2 (Intel) or DEM3
ET1, A2Damp1 (DOFFed), EPTW3
OSS1 (Intel), HE2
- Ionic Turbulence for resist debuffs and Subnucleonic Carrier Wave is a PBAOE that removes several BUFFs from several targets in the area. That has PVP and PVE applications.
If you have Reciprocity from the Fed Phantom Intel ship, that changes things drastically because it cuts down the cooldowns of both Tactical AND Intel abilities.
The Old T5/T5U tactical oriented ships will still perform. But the new T6 tactical oriented ships can do the same job but with more options. It is not an overly simple matter because they have access to Surgical Strikes. That's rubbish. And the hilarious part is we don't even have the Faction Fleet T6 ships yet.
And even IF you do not do an Intel Ship but something like a Guardian, Aehlal, Mat'ha Raptor, you still have options that T5/T5U doesn't have. Slotting Intel abilities. If you want, for example, to add even more punch to your ship, slot 1 or 2 copies of OSS. And that's on top of adding standard things like EPTW or whatever. A Mat'ha Raptor feeding it's 5 forward weapons with EPTW3 and OSS1 or 2 for even more power and to go over the caps? Why not? Because you can do exactly just that.
Honestly, I'd just use the one you like the looks of more.
I could not find anything terribly exciting with my raptor and the ensign intel slot. I finally put in the one that moves you back to your marker which is sometimes useful. It does stack beautifully with turbulence, p2w, beta, etc but at the end of the day its just the 1 new skill for 30 bucks. Well, that and kdf did not have a dps gunboat of this caliber before, so it outperforms the 4/3 gun ships or 4 tac console ships.
So 30 bucks for 1 intel skill and 1 officer skill that is I think at lt level. Or, if you combine them, it was 30 bucks to get turbulence....
The raptor was worth it because 1) it wasnt real money in my case and 2) its a very good ship. But the fed t6 is what we were talking about. It is one weapon short of a load in today's game. I can't see 30 bucks for a 4/3 weapon ship and gaining only turbulence which, in a group, is as likely as not to be provided to the whole team by someone else anyway. I cant recall the last time I did CCE and it was not spinning round and round, and that was true weeks before I got my own copy of the skill.
I suspect a t6 5 weapon tac is coming for feds. I suspect a t6 intel sci is coming for the rest of us. If its not what you want, at those prices, wait for it and make do until then.
If your FIRST choice is to try out the Phantom, do so.
Oh wait, unless there is some reason you wouldn't want to effectively double the tactical slots on your current T5U ships.
Mastery is a powerful thing. That's why it is called Mastery, and not 'Wishy-Washy'.
See what I did there?
Hit 150 and unleash an ability, then get back to us.
Just kidding. We already know the answer. Do it for yourself. Short answer is 'your doing it wrong, do it right and you'll be impressed.'
each point of weapons energy is worth a 2% extra damage, thats not a strength buff, but a final multiplier. OSS gives you 30 to 50 more power past the 125 cap, thats at best between a 60% and 100% damage buff with energy weapons. sure, not every shot will be at the new set cap, and over 20 seconds the cap gradually lowers, but that entire time you are dealing damage at a level no tier 5 ship can access. and there's only a 30 second down time.
same thing with aux based heals and offensive abilities, hit OSS and immediately after GW, probably would have a pull range over 10 pretty easily.
That right there shows you have completely no understanding about how OSS works. It's not a replacement for EPTx. It is not a replacement to your batteries. It is not a replacement to the extra power boosts that your ENG Captain provides.
OSS supplements your ship's power and sends it over the edge. Over the caps. On top of all the other things you do to bring your ship power. Do you realize what that means to something that's dependent on Subsystem Power for performance? To your WEAPONS?
Those DPS builds out there using T5U ships. Impressive, right? What do you think their performance would be on top of all the things they do already if you could provide even MOAR Weapons Power and allow you to go over your Weapons Power Cap of 125 with +20, +30, +40 over that cap? Because that's exactly what OSS1, 2, and 3 do.
Your an Engineer. If anything, Engineers stand the most to gain out of OSS.
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Pick the ship you like more for the looks, the boffs, the consoles et cetera.
If you decided, you might want to get a Phantom. Its space trait is ridiculous in its powerfullness: -10% CD on Tac/Intel boff abilities when missed. You get missed a lot by NPC's. I don't even need to double on tac team on my tac players anymore. I see no more use for Tactical initiative anymore. I'll have my CD at 0 the time the original ability (such as BFAW or Tac Team) is over.
However, you are perfectly fine flying T5U ships in PvE. With the Intel ships out there, PvP is even less balanced than ever tho. No matter what Cryptic says, put 2 captains of equal ability with equal gear and skill points into a T5U and a T6 ship, and I bet the T6 will win.
Join the Deltas today!
I admit it. I'm 'one of those guys'. Always like the ship costume options on the fleet patrol.
And now, with the trifecta of freaking fed intel ship mastery I can fly it like a supercharged Advanced Escort. All the grav well torpedo spread system cooldown goodness with DCE running that you can handle.
I agree that a T5U may be outclassed for PVP. I'm certainly not here to take a stand on that or math it out.
I also agree that T5U is great fun for PVE, especially when charged up with mastery. Sad but true that spending that cash breaths such life into the old dogs.
Peace and have fun whatever your choice.
Of course, for those of us that already own a fleet of T5's....sadface.
I think the trouble is that I was using OSS1 which as you noted is 20 over and deteriorates fast, any damage increase was brief.
Better to carry OSS2 than turbulence, then?
I dont think so because your Ship dont has enough Weapon Power for 5 Dual Heavy Cannons and 2 Turrets for long time your power level will go to much down. I think 2 Dual Heavy and 3 Dual Cannons work better.
to topic if you dont use Intel Powers and the extra Bridge Officer Slot then its better to use a Fleet T5-U Ship and have 11 Console Slots and not 10 with a T6 Ship
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
Override Subsystem Safeties is indeed a great skill.
Ionic Turbulence is a great extra resistance debuff to compliment attack pattern beta.
Personally I'd say T5U is a waste of money in comparison to T6 and especially the Intel T6 ships with their cloaks and sensor probe ability.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
apparently in a month there will be a t6 carrier as well, winter reward. Free ships being sub-par more often than not, it remains to be seen if its better than the box/lobi carriers.
Must be nice to actually have some ships.
Yeah, I made that mistake too when I grinded out the ship, figured I'd take the mastery and move on....And I did.
then I got another Intel ship and Did some more playing since I was grinding again. And was like Wait.....
My Engineer doing OSS+SS beam boat, it was like a stream of mini Beam Overloads with all the crits going on. Then I was hooked. Love Going Broadside Beam Array single target and seeing the Huge numbers fly by. Focused Broadside Damage? Gimme. Gimme.
ALSO, Enginnering team Negates the Offline Subsytem Drawback of OSS. Just click it before the countdown hits 0 and there is no drawback.
Another Toon is doing more DPS in the Guardian with only 3 tac consoles compared to a 4 tac console ship because of OSS with FAW. And I've T5U'd Fleet Avenger, Tac Oddy, Monbosh, Etc. FOR that toon. But the Guardian outperforms them. So long as you actually use that intel seat for what it's there for.
You fly Chimera and Kumari, ergo you have phaser build. So it's easy to port this build to Phantom with it's phaser lance, you already have the phaser tac consoles, etc.
In the unlikely case that you won't like flying Phantom, you can still use Reciprocity to great benefit on Chimera or Kumari or any other escort moving at decent speeds, generating decent amount of defense and consequently enemy misses.
But you will like flying Phantom. New toys, OSS, SS...