If its an intel cruiser reprocity should make a2b pretty much obsolete.
well not really seeing how a2b still benefits other bridge officers skills like eng, and science. I was wondering if tis good for pvp like for example a guardian class cruiser while using it together with a2b.
well not really seeing how a2b still benefits other bridge officers skills like eng, and science. I was wondering if tis good for pvp like for example a guardian class cruiser while using it together with a2b.
As don't was saying no need for more then one copy... one copy is all you need for eptx at global and things like dem ect.
If you are flying the eclipse you don't need a2b at all. 2 Dmg control + intel skills will be the way to go instead.
As don't was saying no need for more then one copy... one copy is all you need for eptx at global and things like dem ect.
If you are flying the eclipse you don't need a2b at all. 2 Dmg control + intel skills will be the way to go instead.
what about engineering team, hazard, science team and transfer shield. Can you give me a build with the given skill tree, bridge officer skills, traits including ship traits and duty officers.
what about engineering team, hazard, science team and transfer shield. Can you give me a build with the given skill tree, bridge officer skills, traits including ship traits and duty officers.
what about duty officers. I mean hmmm ok so for a2b why run one now instead of 2. The ship trait only affect tac correct right?
What else do you need ?
Dem is going to be at global with 1 copy... Engi team and sci team will be 2s off global so who cares.
Hazards will be as cooled down as you want it cause any faster means activating it with no aux.
EPTx is global with one copy of a2b.
To be honest I always thought people where sort of stupid to be running 2 copies anyway. Reprocity makes running 2 now just dumb. On a guardian you will have FAW / BETA / Tac team / Ionic / Evade Target... all at global with out any a2b at all.
Try it out one copy is all you will need.
As for the build with no a2b... try it out as well... just run 2 dmg control and then 4 of any other doffs you want. If you want your teams at global you can run doffs for them as well... not that its all that important to have them at global anyway. IMO the guardian with no a2b at all is the way to go... run a good amount of Aux power and take advantage of being able to run the Nukura T4 traits. If I was going to run it and actually try to PvP with a guardian... I would run no A2B, 2 DMG control, 2 Lab doffs (sci team), 1 TBR reversal, and one Engi team doff. Sub system override would be another option over the ionic.. if you want to have that extra overcap weapon power people like with a2b, won't be up quite as often but it will let you get a true overcap spike.
Dem is going to be at global with 1 copy... Engi team and sci team will be 2s off global so who cares.
Hazards will be as cooled down as you want it cause any faster means activating it with no aux.
EPTx is global with one copy of a2b.
To be honest I always thought people where sort of stupid to be running 2 copies anyway. Reprocity makes running 2 now just dumb. On a guardian you will have FAW / BETA / Tac team / Ionic / Evade Target... all at global with out any a2b at all.
Try it out one copy is all you will need.
As for the build with no a2b... try it out as well... just run 2 dmg control and then 4 of any other doffs you want. If you want your teams at global you can run doffs for them as well... not that its all that important to have them at global anyway. IMO the guardian with no a2b at all is the way to go... run a good amount of Aux power and take advantage of being able to run the Nukura T4 traits. If I was going to run it and actually try to PvP with a guardian... I would run no A2B, 2 DMG control, 2 Lab doffs (sci team), 1 TBR reversal, and one Engi team doff. Sub system override would be another option over the ionic.. if you want to have that extra overcap weapon power people like with a2b, won't be up quite as often but it will let you get a true overcap spike.
well I was referring to the tech duty officers that gives -10% cd that's why lol because if I use the Reciprocity ship trait my ship would have to miss for the cool down to work on all my skills. Sorry I'm still a little new to this but that's why I'm asking. Since if I ran tech duty officers 3 of them giving having my cd at -30% for a2b instead of -10% from the Reciprocity skill not to mention would this also work with a tier 5u cruiser as well? Sorry for being such a noob.
this is good at some sick overcaped and debuffed FAW damage, you thought scimitars hit hard. get in real close to a target with evasive, use TBR pull to keep a target at point blank and stuck in ionic, and melt them with your huge amount of weapons power suffering from minimal drain, boosted over the usual cap. an AtB to keep everything else running as often as possible is just common sense.
in pve, you can swap TBR for GW, goes well with inoic on getting groups of npcs stuck in the cloud till dead. pull tends to be too weak to do much in pvp though.
I haven't really looked at Reciprocity...is it working like Gear% or DOFF% CD Reduction? A casual glance gives the appearance of it being like DOFF%, but that's a casual glance at the difference between a 5.5s and a 6s reduction for a 60s CD ability...and is not a precise look/testing of it.
All the same, it's a high frequency CD reduction that happens often the greater the frequency of the actual attacks one is facing. If somebody is lazily tossing torps at you, you won't see the same frequency as you would from somebody doing some CRF action.
And there's always working in the broken 3pc Contractual that they haven't fixed yet, where the shield heals not only reduce shield heal CDs - but reduce the CD of everything but Rep abilities. Fun /facepalm stuff there...
And there's always working in the broken 3pc Contractual that they haven't fixed yet, where the shield heals not only reduce shield heal CDs - but reduce the CD of everything but Rep abilities. Fun /facepalm stuff there...
(above quote heavily edited for brevity)
Great information in that post, thanks virusdancer. But if I might be forgiven for my ignorance, what is contractual? I typed the word in search at the gamepedia wiki, and it didn't find anything.
So, first, what is the "contractual" set, please? And, second, is there a better and more up-to-date wiki I should be using?
This game could be a lot of fun in the hands of a competent and reasonably-ethical developer. I seem to recall it was a lot of fun, a few years ago.
Great information in that post, thanks virusdancer. But if I might be forgiven for my ignorance, what is contractual? I typed the word in search at the gamepedia wiki, and it didn't find anything.
So, first, what is the "contractual" set, please? And, second, is there a better and more up-to-date wiki I should be using?
This game could be a lot of fun in the hands of a competent and reasonably-ethical developer. I seem to recall it was a lot of fun, a few years ago.
2pc: +32% Plasma Projectile Weapon Damage (strength, not bonus)
3pcA: Any Shield Heal to Friendly Target provides +10% Defense
3pcB: Any Shield Heal to Self provides -5s CD on All Shield Heals
But that -5s CD applies to everything but Rep abilities. So, it's -5s to all BOFF abilities, -5s to Captain abilities, -5s to Consoles, even applies the -5s to the Console Swap CD, even -5s to Weapons (Torps w/o PWO DOFFs)...just not the Rep abilities.
To be fair though its the worst lobi set ever released even with the bug.
The mine is the worst weapon ever put into the game. Its really really bad.
The torpedo I think I read that it has had a normal plasma burn added to it in one of the patch notes for an update... beats me if that's in game now I'm not playing.
Anyway your right though its bugged but who cares... anyone using that set to get 15s shaved off there alpha or subnuke ect deserves it. Cause there wasting at least 2 weapon slots.
Salieri and virusdancer, thank you both very much for taking the time to reply. Now I understand.
So, there's nothing better than the gamepedia wiki for STO? I ask because it doesn't seem to be updated anymore.
The updates appear to be scattered...here and there. Things are there, things are not...used to run into issues of redlinks (page does not exist) but at least there was the reference. Oft that is not even the case...just nada.
It's a player effort...so...it would appear that the players that were making the effort no longer are.
what kind of build do you think you can make with it.
using TBR and ionic and trying to engage point blank is a lot more involved then the typical, actually lazy, beam boat strategy of turn left and cycle FAW.
what kind of build do you think you can make with it.
using TBR and ionic and trying to engage point blank is a lot more involved then the typical, actually lazy, beam boat strategy of turn left and cycle FAW.
LOL, nub. Turn left. What a marooooon!
It's a starboard turn. ALWAYS for max DPS and effort. LOL. Next thing you know you'll be inverting your Y axis.
Should you run Reciprocity on a cruiser type ship?
In a word, yes. In two words, double yes.
In fact I think you should run it on every ship you own.
In my opinion it is the best trait there is by far. On tac heavy ships you get more variety and free up room for things like torp spread where otherwise you might have to run two beam or cannon abilities.
Its even more awesome for ships without many tac or intel slots as it compensates for their main weaknesses.
Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
Should you run Reciprocity on a cruiser type ship?
In a word, yes. In two words, double yes.
^ that is the correct answer
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
Should you run Reciprocity on a cruiser type ship?
In a word, yes. In two words, double yes.
In fact I think you should run it on every ship you own.
In my opinion it is the best trait there is by far. On tac heavy ships you get more variety and free up room for things like torp spread where otherwise you might have to run two beam or cannon abilities.
Its even more awesome for ships without many tac or intel slots as it compensates for their main weaknesses.
It depends on what you're aiming for really. I've found that reciprocity means you only really need one copy of AuxtoBatt, so three technicians are a given with such a build.
As to the remaining three DOFF slots its a tricky one. Personally, I like an RSP fabrication engineer, a EptX cleanse doff (Vucnak) and if you're running TBR, Graga Mel.
If you aren't running TBR, or more likely can't afford Graga Mel, maybe you coul try a gravimetric scientist with GW? Even a shield distribution doff to enhance BFI is a safe and inexpensive bet.
Just my two cents, though when it comes to DOFFs I'm a little behind the times.
Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
Well I just unlocked it. To me, yes you should... most of the times.
On an Intel-capable ship it's a no brainer. Same goes for more tactical ships, like the Avenger; you can easily drop the double AtB and use AtD without Zemok. On top of that, in the heat of a PvP match you'll get missed a lot of times, you will feel the difference in there. AtD also makes the Avenger turn a lot faster nearly eliminating its "turn on rails" component, DHC are a beauty to use in there.
Also, if you happen to have an escort with limited seating for what you want to do with it, it's great as well. Think about the Mobius, if you don't have at least two Zemoks, forget using the temporal set properly. You'll end up using three DHC and Chroniton DBB. Tac stations are Cmdr and Lt. In those six slots you need to fit two TT, two CRF, a BO and an attack pattern. With Reciprocity I just slotted BO, APO, APD, double CRF and single TT with a purple CD doff. When I want to TRIBBLE cooldowns TIF is one click away, it's just another planet.
On an Intrepid used as a drainer, Reciprocity slams OSS2 down allowing me to use it with every drain cycle. In the Lt tac station instead of double TT you can go TT and APD, without worrying about APD's long cooldown of 45s.
It's not useful instead when I'm flying the Odyssey as a healer. There you need double TT to cast to team mates and yourself, and there's no intel ability to cool down.
more like make any fed character never need more then 1 copy ever again.
well not really seeing how a2b still benefits other bridge officers skills like eng, and science. I was wondering if tis good for pvp like for example a guardian class cruiser while using it together with a2b.
As don't was saying no need for more then one copy... one copy is all you need for eptx at global and things like dem ect.
If you are flying the eclipse you don't need a2b at all. 2 Dmg control + intel skills will be the way to go instead.
what about engineering team, hazard, science team and transfer shield. Can you give me a build with the given skill tree, bridge officer skills, traits including ship traits and duty officers.
Something like that with no a2b.
Something like that with 1.
Oh TSS seeing as you mentioned it. Not sure its required for anything anymore. PvE is all you really need to worry about anymore.
what about duty officers. I mean hmmm ok so for a2b why run one now instead of 2. The ship trait only affect tac correct right?
What else do you need ?
Dem is going to be at global with 1 copy... Engi team and sci team will be 2s off global so who cares.
Hazards will be as cooled down as you want it cause any faster means activating it with no aux.
EPTx is global with one copy of a2b.
To be honest I always thought people where sort of stupid to be running 2 copies anyway. Reprocity makes running 2 now just dumb. On a guardian you will have FAW / BETA / Tac team / Ionic / Evade Target... all at global with out any a2b at all.
Try it out one copy is all you will need.
As for the build with no a2b... try it out as well... just run 2 dmg control and then 4 of any other doffs you want. If you want your teams at global you can run doffs for them as well... not that its all that important to have them at global anyway. IMO the guardian with no a2b at all is the way to go... run a good amount of Aux power and take advantage of being able to run the Nukura T4 traits. If I was going to run it and actually try to PvP with a guardian... I would run no A2B, 2 DMG control, 2 Lab doffs (sci team), 1 TBR reversal, and one Engi team doff. Sub system override would be another option over the ionic.. if you want to have that extra overcap weapon power people like with a2b, won't be up quite as often but it will let you get a true overcap spike.
well I was referring to the tech duty officers that gives -10% cd that's why lol because if I use the Reciprocity ship trait my ship would have to miss for the cool down to work on all my skills. Sorry I'm still a little new to this but that's why I'm asking. Since if I ran tech duty officers 3 of them giving having my cd at -30% for a2b instead of -10% from the Reciprocity skill not to mention would this also work with a tier 5u cruiser as well? Sorry for being such a noob.
this is good at some sick overcaped and debuffed FAW damage, you thought scimitars hit hard. get in real close to a target with evasive, use TBR pull to keep a target at point blank and stuck in ionic, and melt them with your huge amount of weapons power suffering from minimal drain, boosted over the usual cap. an AtB to keep everything else running as often as possible is just common sense.
in pve, you can swap TBR for GW, goes well with inoic on getting groups of npcs stuck in the cloud till dead. pull tends to be too weak to do much in pvp though.
and whats that supposed to mean exactly?
Reduced CD = CD / (1 + SumGearCDReduction%)
DOFF Xs CD Reduction
Reduced CD = CD - DOFFCDReduction
DOFF % CD Reduction
Reduced CD = CD * (1 - DOFFCDReduction%)
Overall Formula/Order of Operation
Reduced CD = (CD - DOFFCDReduction) * (1 - DOFFCDReduction%) / (1 + SumGearCDReduction%)
I haven't really looked at Reciprocity...is it working like Gear% or DOFF% CD Reduction? A casual glance gives the appearance of it being like DOFF%, but that's a casual glance at the difference between a 5.5s and a 6s reduction for a 60s CD ability...and is not a precise look/testing of it.
All the same, it's a high frequency CD reduction that happens often the greater the frequency of the actual attacks one is facing. If somebody is lazily tossing torps at you, you won't see the same frequency as you would from somebody doing some CRF action.
And there's always working in the broken 3pc Contractual that they haven't fixed yet, where the shield heals not only reduce shield heal CDs - but reduce the CD of everything but Rep abilities. Fun /facepalm stuff there...
(above quote heavily edited for brevity)
Great information in that post, thanks virusdancer. But if I might be forgiven for my ignorance, what is contractual? I typed the word in search at the gamepedia wiki, and it didn't find anything.
So, first, what is the "contractual" set, please? And, second, is there a better and more up-to-date wiki I should be using?
This game could be a lot of fun in the hands of a competent and reasonably-ethical developer. I seem to recall it was a lot of fun, a few years ago.
The new 3pc Lobi set.
Corrosive Plasma Torpedo
Corrosive Plasma Blast Mine
Bounty Hunter's Friend
2pc: +32% Plasma Projectile Weapon Damage (strength, not bonus)
3pcA: Any Shield Heal to Friendly Target provides +10% Defense
3pcB: Any Shield Heal to Self provides -5s CD on All Shield Heals
But that -5s CD applies to everything but Rep abilities. So, it's -5s to all BOFF abilities, -5s to Captain abilities, -5s to Consoles, even applies the -5s to the Console Swap CD, even -5s to Weapons (Torps w/o PWO DOFFs)...just not the Rep abilities.
Somebody pops EPtS, TSS, ST...that's -15s.
To be fair though its the worst lobi set ever released even with the bug.
The mine is the worst weapon ever put into the game. Its really really bad.
The torpedo I think I read that it has had a normal plasma burn added to it in one of the patch notes for an update... beats me if that's in game now I'm not playing.
Anyway your right though its bugged but who cares... anyone using that set to get 15s shaved off there alpha or subnuke ect deserves it. Cause there wasting at least 2 weapon slots.
So, there's nothing better than the gamepedia wiki for STO? I ask because it doesn't seem to be updated anymore.
The updates appear to be scattered...here and there. Things are there, things are not...used to run into issues of redlinks (page does not exist) but at least there was the reference. Oft that is not even the case...just nada.
It's a player effort...so...it would appear that the players that were making the effort no longer are.
its a fed cruiser
with 6 turn rate
that cant use DHCs
that doesn't have a intel com station
what kind of build do you think you can make with it.
using TBR and ionic and trying to engage point blank is a lot more involved then the typical, actually lazy, beam boat strategy of turn left and cycle FAW.
LOL, nub. Turn left. What a marooooon!
It's a starboard turn. ALWAYS for max DPS and effort. LOL. Next thing you know you'll be inverting your Y axis.
Oh I'm still giggling. Left! Whaaaaaaaaa!!!!:P
i am so tempted to make the last picture in that link my sig banner
In a word, yes. In two words, double yes.
In fact I think you should run it on every ship you own.
In my opinion it is the best trait there is by far. On tac heavy ships you get more variety and free up room for things like torp spread where otherwise you might have to run two beam or cannon abilities.
Its even more awesome for ships without many tac or intel slots as it compensates for their main weaknesses.
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
^ that is the correct answer
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
ok so what duty officers should I run it with?
It depends on what you're aiming for really. I've found that reciprocity means you only really need one copy of AuxtoBatt, so three technicians are a given with such a build.
As to the remaining three DOFF slots its a tricky one. Personally, I like an RSP fabrication engineer, a EptX cleanse doff (Vucnak) and if you're running TBR, Graga Mel.
If you aren't running TBR, or more likely can't afford Graga Mel, maybe you coul try a gravimetric scientist with GW? Even a shield distribution doff to enhance BFI is a safe and inexpensive bet.
Just my two cents, though when it comes to DOFFs I'm a little behind the times.
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
On an Intel-capable ship it's a no brainer. Same goes for more tactical ships, like the Avenger; you can easily drop the double AtB and use AtD without Zemok. On top of that, in the heat of a PvP match you'll get missed a lot of times, you will feel the difference in there. AtD also makes the Avenger turn a lot faster nearly eliminating its "turn on rails" component, DHC are a beauty to use in there.
Also, if you happen to have an escort with limited seating for what you want to do with it, it's great as well. Think about the Mobius, if you don't have at least two Zemoks, forget using the temporal set properly. You'll end up using three DHC and Chroniton DBB. Tac stations are Cmdr and Lt. In those six slots you need to fit two TT, two CRF, a BO and an attack pattern. With Reciprocity I just slotted BO, APO, APD, double CRF and single TT with a purple CD doff. When I want to TRIBBLE cooldowns TIF is one click away, it's just another planet.
On an Intrepid used as a drainer, Reciprocity slams OSS2 down allowing me to use it with every drain cycle. In the Lt tac station instead of double TT you can go TT and APD, without worrying about APD's long cooldown of 45s.
It's not useful instead when I'm flying the Odyssey as a healer. There you need double TT to cast to team mates and yourself, and there's no intel ability to cool down.