For the love of god cryptic can you sort these ******* things out, I done the deferi dailys today and lost at least 30 of them but not once were they shot down. Even 1v1 fights they fly right past me after the ship has been destroyed but before it blows up and straight into the explosion.
Set a 5km limit to target that they cant go under or something for christ sake, never seen them reach level 5 rank because they keep ******* dying in ship explosions where there is only one ship.
Record so far with 1 hanger bay is 4 getting blown up at once whilst I am 7km from target and they just seem to race each other to get closest before it explodes.
When an NPC object explodes it is supposed to broadcast a sort of 'do not fly zone' for the blast area that hangar pets are supposed to leave/avoid. So if that isn't happening, file a ticket.
When an NPC object explodes it is supposed to broadcast a sort of 'do not fly zone' for the blast area that hangar pets are supposed to leave/avoid. So if that isn't happening, file a ticket.
Not sure if trolling or serious. I've flown a vo'quv for about 2 years, a vesta for about 6-8 months, and a gal-x for about 6-8 months as well. I also briefly tried out a karfi for a few days. You know what? All of the pets I've used on these ships either don't fly away quickly enough or they just simply linger in the blast radius like dolts. Recall doesn't work either because they do the same thing when I recall them. So my question to you is are we playing the same game?
i do recall a fix that was supposed to resolve that, before lor. Not sure if it was successful though. It doesn't work with multiple warp core breaches
i do recall a fix that was supposed to resolve that, before lor. Not sure if it was successful though. It doesn't work with multiple warp core breaches
You'll never be able to code that well enough to make it work right. What the devs need to do is fix the recall button and/or allow us to set the max orbital radius a pet can travel within like you can in EVE. It's either that or start to introduce special captain pet powers like evasive maneuvers or emergency power to shields so pur pets can survive a little longer.
Not sure if trolling or serious. I've flown a vo'quv for about 2 years, a vesta for about 6-8 months, and a gal-x for about 6-8 months as well. I also briefly tried out a karfi for a few days. You know what? All of the pets I've used on these ships either don't fly away quickly enough or they just simply linger in the blast radius like dolts. Recall doesn't work either because they do the same thing when I recall them. So my question to you is are we playing the same game?
Really? That's your question? Are we playing the same game?
Well, seeing how your game is apparently 'acting stupid on a public forum' I'm going to say 'no, we aren't'.
Okay...THAT...that right there...THAT was trolling? See the difference now between someone giving an actual game mechanic and...trolling?
Check the bug forums, file a ticket, or don't. Entirely your call on that one.
That's how they're supposed to work.
All joking aside, I don't have the dev post for you as it was in a restricted forum that has since been wiped or I would link it. It was explained to us during testing for the Obelisk and the new features they were trying out for hangar pets.
All joking aside, I don't have the dev post for you as it was in a restricted forum that has since been wiped or I would link it. It was explained to us during testing for the Obelisk and the new features they were trying out for hangar pets.
oh, thought it was pre-lor, but that makes more sense, it was when they were designing a new carrier
Really? That's your question? Are we playing the same game?
Well, seeing how your game is apparently 'acting stupid on a public forum' I'm going to say 'no, we aren't'.
Okay...THAT...that right there...THAT was trolling? See the difference now between someone giving an actual game mechanic and...trolling?
Check the bug forums, file a ticket, or don't. Entirely your call on that one.
That's how they're supposed to work.
All joking aside, I don't have the dev post for you as it was in a restricted forum that has since been wiped or I would link it. It was explained to us during testing for the Obelisk and the new features they were trying out for hangar pets.
It's a whole lot of sarcasm. Don't take it too seriously. My point is people have been asking for fixes to the carrier commands for what, 2 to 3 years now, and the only fix we've gotten is the pet experience nerf. Tell me, honestly, has the pet AI improved at all since 2011 because it feels the same? Recall seldom works. Attack works every so often.
Edit: I gave my feedback to the devs way back and they never listened. I argued against the nerfing of the slaver pet contraband pick-up rate and the subsequent new pet experience system implemented with LOR. Higher hp and shields are the best defense against attacks and explosions and if a pet still take forever to get to level 5 because it can't make it past level 3 and 4 due to not having enough hp or shields to withstand explosions then we're back to square one: this current pet system is broken and should never have been implemented in the first place.
I also argued that if the recall command had worked properly, the new pet system might have worked ok but it doesn't. These are all old arguments that were made long, long ago which the devs decided to ignore or put off addressing. Pet AI was broken since the inception of the carrier commands but people never really noticed it until the old pet respawn mechanic that allowed pets to be respawned even if they were still alive was removed and the new exp system kicked in. But what do I know anyways?
It's a whole lot of sarcasm. Don't take it too seriously. My point is people have been asking for fixes to the carrier commands for what, 2 to 3 years now, and the only fix we've gotten is the pet experience nerf. Tell me, honestly, has the pet AI improved at all since 2011 because it feels the same? Recall seldom works. Attack works every so often.
Oh hell, who takes forums seriously. Not like we're measuring E-parses here.:rolleyes:
Yah the commands are pretty junky. I can rarely get my frigates to dock for repairs, even if I slow down so they can 'catch up'.
I find that they die less, and engage quite a bit if I keep them on escort and just don't target a friendly.
But yah it isn't a robust system by any means.
I would say that multiple explosions is usually what gets my pets. I think the problem with the 'no fly zone' is that it isn't a 'no fly zone'. The NPC broadcasts a 'run away' signal not a 'do not enter signal'. So what we're seeing is pets flying out of one zone and right into another.
Oh hell, who takes forums seriously. Not like we're measuring E-parses here.:rolleyes:
Yah the commands are pretty junky. I can rarely get my frigates to dock for repairs, even if I slow down so they can 'catch up'.
I find that they die less, and engage quite a bit if I keep them on escort and just don't target a friendly.
But yah it isn't a robust system by any means.
I would say that multiple explosions is usually what gets my pets. I think the problem with the 'no fly zone' is that it isn't a 'no fly zone'. The NPC broadcasts a 'run away' signal not a 'do not enter signal'. So what we're seeing is pets flying out of one zone and right into another.
Yes and we're back to square one again-that the pets don't have enough hp or shields to withstand even one of those explosions. At least under the old system, you could respawn your pets at any time and you wouldn't waste time (3-4 minutes of time it takes for fresh pets to get to level 4 or 5) waiting for your pets to get to a high enough level to be viable again. The devs aren't stupid. They know the carrier commands need a full revamp and the whole experience system needs to be looked at again. The question is will they do anything about it? Highly unlikely considering they haven't done much in the last 2 years.
One possible solution: A complete revamp of the pet exp system whereby pets will still level from 1 to 5 but they only gain speed, defense, dps, or harder shields. HP and shields would be a static value determined only by the rarity of the pet.
Another idea: Similar to the concept of the Obelisk's pets mimicking the emergency powers activated by the captain on the main ship, all pets would now mimic certain powers captains use or just have captain pet powers with 1 minute cooldowns like a global evasive maneuvers or a global emergency power to shields, for example.
I was skeptical but I haven't noticed any difference with my Elite Delta FLyer Pets despite the supposed Nerf. And as mentioned, it's okay to let them heal inside for a frew rounds too. But being a vesta user.... well aoe healing heh.
So they have these doffs that give cruiser commands certain buffs right? well is it possible to give cruiser commands a buff without having to equip a doff? if so then add a buff that comes on when recall is activated that gives pets a 10second buff that makes them immune to aoe damage. I know that its actually a terrible solution but thats how desperate i am for a fix to hangar pets. Also i think someone mentioned the issue with setting pets to recall but they wont actually dock. If you cant make docking perfect them give the attack or intercept pet command a speed matching mechanic that makes it keep up with you when you are at full impulse. Either that or increase the docking range on hangar pets or something. I havent done any testing but i wonder if the docking issue has something to do with pet size, or player ship size...or maybe both. Change the range on dock to 2km if its even possible.
The biggest problem, I think, is that pets don't know the difference between a warp core and a torpedo. It is all kinetic damage, again, I think.
I don't know how easy or hard it would be to get the pets to avoid warp core explosions.
I would like to see the pets get better defence bonuses. Whether from Captain traits and skills, or a flat bonus for size, +20 for fighters, + 10 for shuttles, and +5 for frigates. And I mean that for all pets, NPC and players.
"The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."
Douglas MacArthur - Quote on the dedication plaque of the U.S.S. Ranger NCC-97332-A Armitage class Fleet Heavy Strike Wing Escort.
Really? That's your question? Are we playing the same game?
Well, seeing how your game is apparently 'acting stupid on a public forum' I'm going to say 'no, we aren't'.
Okay...THAT...that right there...THAT was trolling? See the difference now between someone giving an actual game mechanic and...trolling?
Check the bug forums, file a ticket, or don't. Entirely your call on that one.
That's how they're supposed to work.
All joking aside, I don't have the dev post for you as it was in a restricted forum that has since been wiped or I would link it. It was explained to us during testing for the Obelisk and the new features they were trying out for hangar pets.
Hanger pets have always been stupid I cant remember when they did work right
If you don't have a clue about a mechanic..and this one you do not.....Don't comment on it like you do have a clue
File a ticket...Indeed
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I've said it a hundred times on these forums. use the same Ai concept that Starfleet Command used. Recall, Standoff and Attack, attack they push in close, standoff they maintain 3-5 km away and recall is self obvious
When an NPC object explodes it is supposed to broadcast a sort of 'do not fly zone' for the blast area that hangar pets are supposed to leave/avoid. So if that isn't happening, file a ticket.
This is correct, but what happens is pets outside of the "do not fly zone" don't get the signal and can fly into the "do not fly zone" while the cube, for example, is exploding.
I've said it a hundred times on these forums. use the same Ai concept that Starfleet Command used. Recall, Standoff and Attack, attack they push in close, standoff they maintain 3-5 km away and recall is self obvious
yeah a standoff command would be great. I would also like to see [arc] mods on all the fighter pet weapons like the Peregrine and To'Duj. That would greatly increase their useable dps because they would be able to shoot more often.
Pets do seem to still have suicidal tendencies, it least imo.
From my personal experience as an example, when playing ISA, after taking out that first cube I just KNOW I'm going to have to re-launch most of my pets that were previously fine before the cube exploded.
I know were I to be piloting a fighter or frigate and I was that close to a cube going critical I would most certainly point my ship AWAY from it rather then flying towards it.
It just happens almost everytime, and that's just the one example.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Recently picked up a Narcine Carrier, and procured the VR craft.
No carrier veteran here, but I have suffered very few losses due to core explosions, and maybe
only 20% losses overall.
Normally set the craft to "intercept" mode. And seems as long as I move away from an imminent
explosion at speed (keeping an eye on not pulling craft through the explosion area), they pull
back towards me rather quickly. Just my rookie experience.
Not sure if trolling or serious. I've flown a vo'quv for about 2 years, a vesta for about 6-8 months, and a gal-x for about 6-8 months as well. I also briefly tried out a karfi for a few days. You know what? All of the pets I've used on these ships either don't fly away quickly enough or they just simply linger in the blast radius like dolts. Recall doesn't work either because they do the same thing when I recall them. So my question to you is are we playing the same game?
You'll never be able to code that well enough to make it work right. What the devs need to do is fix the recall button and/or allow us to set the max orbital radius a pet can travel within like you can in EVE. It's either that or start to introduce special captain pet powers like evasive maneuvers or emergency power to shields so pur pets can survive a little longer.
Really? That's your question? Are we playing the same game?
Well, seeing how your game is apparently 'acting stupid on a public forum' I'm going to say 'no, we aren't'.
Okay...THAT...that right there...THAT was trolling? See the difference now between someone giving an actual game mechanic and...trolling?
Check the bug forums, file a ticket, or don't. Entirely your call on that one.
That's how they're supposed to work.
All joking aside, I don't have the dev post for you as it was in a restricted forum that has since been wiped or I would link it. It was explained to us during testing for the Obelisk and the new features they were trying out for hangar pets.
oh, thought it was pre-lor, but that makes more sense, it was when they were designing a new carrier
It's a whole lot of sarcasm. Don't take it too seriously. My point is people have been asking for fixes to the carrier commands for what, 2 to 3 years now, and the only fix we've gotten is the pet experience nerf. Tell me, honestly, has the pet AI improved at all since 2011 because it feels the same? Recall seldom works. Attack works every so often.
Edit: I gave my feedback to the devs way back and they never listened. I argued against the nerfing of the slaver pet contraband pick-up rate and the subsequent new pet experience system implemented with LOR. Higher hp and shields are the best defense against attacks and explosions and if a pet still take forever to get to level 5 because it can't make it past level 3 and 4 due to not having enough hp or shields to withstand explosions then we're back to square one: this current pet system is broken and should never have been implemented in the first place.
I also argued that if the recall command had worked properly, the new pet system might have worked ok but it doesn't. These are all old arguments that were made long, long ago which the devs decided to ignore or put off addressing. Pet AI was broken since the inception of the carrier commands but people never really noticed it until the old pet respawn mechanic that allowed pets to be respawned even if they were still alive was removed and the new exp system kicked in. But what do I know anyways?
Oh hell, who takes forums seriously. Not like we're measuring E-parses here.:rolleyes:
Yah the commands are pretty junky. I can rarely get my frigates to dock for repairs, even if I slow down so they can 'catch up'.
I find that they die less, and engage quite a bit if I keep them on escort and just don't target a friendly.
But yah it isn't a robust system by any means.
I would say that multiple explosions is usually what gets my pets. I think the problem with the 'no fly zone' is that it isn't a 'no fly zone'. The NPC broadcasts a 'run away' signal not a 'do not enter signal'. So what we're seeing is pets flying out of one zone and right into another.
Yes and we're back to square one again-that the pets don't have enough hp or shields to withstand even one of those explosions. At least under the old system, you could respawn your pets at any time and you wouldn't waste time (3-4 minutes of time it takes for fresh pets to get to level 4 or 5) waiting for your pets to get to a high enough level to be viable again. The devs aren't stupid. They know the carrier commands need a full revamp and the whole experience system needs to be looked at again. The question is will they do anything about it? Highly unlikely considering they haven't done much in the last 2 years.
One possible solution: A complete revamp of the pet exp system whereby pets will still level from 1 to 5 but they only gain speed, defense, dps, or harder shields. HP and shields would be a static value determined only by the rarity of the pet.
Another idea: Similar to the concept of the Obelisk's pets mimicking the emergency powers activated by the captain on the main ship, all pets would now mimic certain powers captains use or just have captain pet powers with 1 minute cooldowns like a global evasive maneuvers or a global emergency power to shields, for example.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
I don't know how easy or hard it would be to get the pets to avoid warp core explosions.
I would like to see the pets get better defence bonuses. Whether from Captain traits and skills, or a flat bonus for size, +20 for fighters, + 10 for shuttles, and +5 for frigates. And I mean that for all pets, NPC and players.
Douglas MacArthur - Quote on the dedication plaque of the U.S.S. Ranger NCC-97332-A Armitage class Fleet Heavy Strike Wing Escort.
Hanger pets have always been stupid I cant remember when they did work right
If you don't have a clue about a mechanic..and this one you do not.....Don't comment on it like you do have a clue
File a ticket...Indeed
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
This is correct, but what happens is pets outside of the "do not fly zone" don't get the signal and can fly into the "do not fly zone" while the cube, for example, is exploding.
yeah a standoff command would be great. I would also like to see [arc] mods on all the fighter pet weapons like the Peregrine and To'Duj. That would greatly increase their useable dps because they would be able to shoot more often.
From my personal experience as an example, when playing ISA, after taking out that first cube I just KNOW I'm going to have to re-launch most of my pets that were previously fine before the cube exploded.
I know were I to be piloting a fighter or frigate and I was that close to a cube going critical I would most certainly point my ship AWAY from it rather then flying towards it.
It just happens almost everytime, and that's just the one example.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
No carrier veteran here, but I have suffered very few losses due to core explosions, and maybe
only 20% losses overall.
Normally set the craft to "intercept" mode. And seems as long as I move away from an imminent
explosion at speed (keeping an eye on not pulling craft through the explosion area), they pull
back towards me rather quickly. Just my rookie experience.