While it is possible that an interior based on the Sovereign-class may not be created, if the devs ever make one, here are some rooms and areas I figured might be featured.
Bridge: Based on either the set during First Contact, or the bridge as seen in Nemesis (seatbelts optional).
Ready Room:
Observation Lounge: Located aft of bridge; May feature a glass display akin to in First Contact.
Captains Quarters: based on Picard's quarters in the movies.
Lounge: "Ten Forward" according to some TNG Novels. May be similar to Ten Forward on the Enterprise-D.
Main Engineering: A modification of the current main engineering room used in the default interior maps.
Astrometrics: Featured briefly in Star Trek Nemesis
Sickbay: Either the one featured in Nemesis, or the smaller sickbay from First Contact (a redress of the Voyager Sickbay).
Just if anyone was interested.
Consider that building interiour is very time consuming and very little time is actually spend in those interiours unfortunately. Cryptic should really come up with something players can do on the bridge or the interiour. I could only think of DOFFing EXCLUSIVELY on interiour maps, but that will naturaly upset many people. I'd like doffing missions in general only given by NPCs on specific locations, on many maps...so that you actually would need to walk around ESD, Academy, your ship to "find" doff missions. Selecting them from a list is conveniant, but not very immersive.
Except for the Origin interior as featured in the fed tutorial, the only thing we got from that was the bridge despite being told we'd get the lot. While I don't remember there being an engineering room in that one I'm sure if Taco and co were to put a week into it there could be a fitting engineering and crew decks which they could easily attach to the bridge and give to players as a finished thing, it would certainly be an upgrade on what we have now.
Actually, we were never told we'd get the entire interior. We asked for it. Brandon said there were no plans for it but he'd ask about it. No promises that we'd get the entire Origin-style interior were ever made.
But Cryptic is every much aware it is something many of us would like to have.
Ahh, okay. I stand by my estimates for how long it would take to arrange.
Not quite.
The TOS Interior was assembled just for players yes. But the assets used for the most part were made for the Devidian FE.
The Defiant interior was at least partially made for the Dominion FE. At the very least the bridge, not sure about the corridors.
My suggestion is that the timers should be ignored for those who take the time to go onto their ship or to a DOFF contact for a mission. In addition, the uncommon, rare, and very rare should always come up as well from a DOFF contact.
Exactly as seen on Star Trek Nemesis, complete with all the hallways, captain's ready-room, conference room, transporters, astrometrics, engineering, add some creative license or port over the existing intrepid ones for some personal quarters, mess hall, add some hydroponics bays, shuttle bays, cargo bays, and for me it would equal:
*Instant Sale!*
It's by far my most favorite bridge interior. Bought the Pathfinder earlier today, but without the interiors. Their designs and attention to detail are incredible, but it's the intrepid bridges style itself that personally has no appeal for various reasons.
Suggestions for Very Simple Added Interior Functionality
I imagine it can't be all that much harder to add functionality to bridge interiors with existing game dynamics. For example, more stories involving sequences on board the ship with dialogue options that branch out into various scenarios that impact mission success rate, story progression outcome, and scale of rewards. Add reputation-type missions to the interior which can be done with a team requiring cooperation and strategy. Add DOFF tree missions that can only be accessed from the interior. Make certain player ships in space randomly acquire optional scenarios, requiring other ship captains permission to board (and therefore
socialize/role play) to access those mini-missions and their rewards.
Suggestions for Complex Added Interior Functionality
For more complicated interior functionality options, if the game engine truly isn't a limiting factor, make the viewscreen, and all the windows of the ship 'see' out to where the ship happens to be parked. Bind atmosphere cycles (day/night, ship direction relative to lighting conditions), warp effects, etc., to interior lighting conditions.
Reasons to Enhance Starship Interiors
These are just some examples that provide a reason to hang out inside the ship micro-managing things (exchange, zen store, Rep, Doff, Craft, Queues, mail, fleet holdings), socialize, make the game more fun, and ultimately give very good reasons to keep supporting the game not just financially but by having players to play with.
If they also added the Borgified Enterprise-E interiors from First Contact (such as Engineering, and the assimilated halls), there are numerous players who would jump on that in a heart beat. It would be meh to me, but having them for the foundry would be quite useful.