Cryptic doesn't control the exchange...the players do
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Cryptic doesn't control the exchange...the players do
That's uh...not entirely true. While it is's not really true. CrypticExchangeGuy is not sitting there fixing the prices, but...
Cryptic "controls" the Dil Exchange with how they release things. They drop out things folks want or they drop out surplus Dil. So they very much do attempt to control it with the release schedule they have, trying to keep it within a certain range.
With them being pretty consistent on when they drop things out, one can even look ahead to where the market may be going for some speculative investment opportunities.
I hope Dil Exchanges goes higher and Exchange prices lower. It's the first step towards re-gearing my alts and making them worth playing again.
Now if they just implement allowing spec point purchasing with Zen and Dil (with restrictions such as needing one character at level 60 and a weekly limit).
Trolling is my guess, or thinking maybe a big fleet is planning on playing games, or maybe someone just hoping to start a panic. Most I've ever seen it move in one day was a 30 point drop the day that Upgrade Kits became available. To go up by any significant amount, there would either have to be a HUGE infusion of dil, a couple hundred million all at once, or a sudden run on zen by an equally large amount (ship sales or the release some something really really popular), to move in that direction by any significant amount.
Trolling is my guess, or thinking maybe a big fleet is planning on playing games, or maybe someone just hoping to start a panic. Most I've ever seen it move in one day was a 30 point drop the day that Upgrade Kits became available. To go up by any significant amount, there would either have to be a HUGE infusion of dil, a couple hundred million all at once, or a sudden run on zen by an equally large amount (ship sales or the release some something really really popular), to move in that direction by any significant amount.
We just had the Mirror Event...surplus Dil out the wahzoo that's been refining.
They just released the Pathfinder as well as Intrepid bundles.
They massively buffed the Scryer.
We're heading into a weekend, where folks that don't play during the week may not have seen some of this.
While it doesn't necessarily suggest the increase suggested, it definitely suggests an increase...
Or this is a completely predictable rise as there was a sudden massive influx of dilithium with the conclusion of the mirror event, now being mostly refined at a potential 50k block of dilithium per character.
Honestly, a change of 7 points of dili per Zen is hardly unexpected when there is a big Dilithium availability surge like that at the same time as new ships and major content purchases available.
Fail to see the hubbub, bub.
Note: also what virusdancer said.
"The only thing mankind learns from the study of history is that mankind does not learn from the study of history." ~G. Santayana
Trolling is my guess, or thinking maybe a big fleet is planning on playing games, or maybe someone just hoping to start a panic. Most I've ever seen it move in one day was a 30 point drop the day that Upgrade Kits became available. To go up by any significant amount, there would either have to be a HUGE infusion of dil, a couple hundred million all at once, or a sudden run on zen by an equally large amount (ship sales or the release some something really really popular), to move in that direction by any significant amount.
no trolling here,just watch the exchange, you will see it for your self.
We just had the Mirror Event...surplus Dil out the wahzoo that's been refining.
They just released the Pathfinder as well as Intrepid bundles.
They massively buffed the Scryer.
We're heading into a weekend, where folks that don't play during the week may not have seen some of this.
While it doesn't necessarily suggest the increase suggested, it definitely suggests an increase...
all i remember seeing is that the added a secondary deflector slot; and that you have to buy the secondary deflector from the store yourself. i don't think that's massive.
Summary: R&D Mat costs EXCLUDING Dilithium for Crafting projects will go down.
Possibility: Exchange costs of Crafted items goes down as more people are able to craft. Dilithium exchange costs go up. Material costs may go up or down.
As to the Scryer, they finally added Sensor Analysis since it was a Science Vessel. So now it can debuff even more.
We just had the Mirror Event...surplus Dil out the wahzoo that's been refining.
They just released the Pathfinder as well as Intrepid bundles.
They massively buffed the Scryer.
We're heading into a weekend, where folks that don't play during the week may not have seen some of this.
While it doesn't necessarily suggest the increase suggested, it definitely suggests an increase...
Yep, and as one of those evil speculators everyone hates, I'd expect all that combined to adjust for a market boost of about 10ish (+3 for the event, +6 for the Pathfinder, +1 for the Scryer). It was 151 at the start of the week. Right now is 161. The odd part is that normally such adjustments are either on Tuesdays when stuff is announced, or Thursdays when its released. To do so on Friday is kinda odd.
Thus making it more attractive to buy zen for the favourable conversion.
Won't last, PWE will find another way of sucking dil out of us. Market needs to be volatile to make a profit on the RL cash side. Peaks are ours troughs are yours, that's the part of the game that makes profit at its purest.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
To me it don't matter. As I won't buy when high. So when it comes down to a level I like. Then I will buy. Plus right now some of my Dil is going to Rep projects. Like weapon/gear from those.
What I'm waiting for is the EC market to drop. I rarely buy off it due to greedy players.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
To be honest, the only reason the prices go up is because other players are willing to pay more to get the Zen a little bit faster. If no one was buying it for such a high price, it would have to go back down, or the Zen just wouldn't sell.
Personally, I am not in any big hurry to get most of the stuff on the exchange when it comes out. The new stuff is usually bugged, or they go through and Nerf it after a lot of people buy it. I put my dil on the exchange at a low price, and just wait till it gets low enough to sell.
Then, when the ones that are too impatient, and buy at a higher price, running the cost up, I sell my Zen for dil. This way, I make more dil, and turn it back into Zen at a lower price. I have made up to 600 Zen this way in one month. Lol.
Because I have no income, because of health problems, this helps me a lot.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
What I'm waiting for is the EC market to drop. I rarely buy off it due to greedy players.
The EC market as a whole isn't going to "drop", in the sense of experiencing outright deflation, unless they introduce a fleet holding on Ferenginar where instead of dilithium each 20 hour holding project costs 1 billion EC and drain EC out of the game that way.
Specific items have supply/demand cycles that are sometimes predictable... But if you're holding out for buying, say, a Galor at 100,000 EC, you're going to be holding out for a long time. And if what you want is in the current lockbox... it's unlikely to get cheaper from here.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
That's uh...not entirely true. While it is's not really true. CrypticExchangeGuy is not sitting there fixing the prices, but...
Cryptic "controls" the Dil Exchange with how they release things. They drop out things folks want or they drop out surplus Dil. So they very much do attempt to control it with the release schedule they have, trying to keep it within a certain range.
With them being pretty consistent on when they drop things out, one can even look ahead to where the market may be going for some speculative investment opportunities.
Now if they just implement allowing spec point purchasing with Zen and Dil (with restrictions such as needing one character at level 60 and a weekly limit).
We just had the Mirror Event...surplus Dil out the wahzoo that's been refining.
They just released the Pathfinder as well as Intrepid bundles.
They massively buffed the Scryer.
We're heading into a weekend, where folks that don't play during the week may not have seen some of this.
While it doesn't necessarily suggest the increase suggested, it definitely suggests an increase...
Honestly, a change of 7 points of dili per Zen is hardly unexpected when there is a big Dilithium availability surge like that at the same time as new ships and major content purchases available.
Fail to see the hubbub, bub.
Note: also what virusdancer said.
no trolling here,just watch the exchange, you will see it for your self.
They did?! Hmm. Too bad it's such a fugly pancake-shaped ship.
Unless they release Scimitar 2.0 im not seeing it . the Intrepid only raised it 6 or so points
I have 13k zen waiting for such an increase.
Summary: R&D Mat costs EXCLUDING Dilithium for Crafting projects will go down.
Possibility: Exchange costs of Crafted items goes down as more people are able to craft. Dilithium exchange costs go up. Material costs may go up or down.
As to the Scryer, they finally added Sensor Analysis since it was a Science Vessel. So now it can debuff even more.
Yep, and as one of those evil speculators everyone hates, I'd expect all that combined to adjust for a market boost of about 10ish (+3 for the event, +6 for the Pathfinder, +1 for the Scryer). It was 151 at the start of the week. Right now is 161. The odd part is that normally such adjustments are either on Tuesdays when stuff is announced, or Thursdays when its released. To do so on Friday is kinda odd.
...nothin to buy.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Won't last, PWE will find another way of sucking dil out of us. Market needs to be volatile to make a profit on the RL cash side. Peaks are ours troughs are yours, that's the part of the game that makes profit at its purest.
nearing the end of the special offer for the T6+Bridge pack for 3.5k after this weekend you have to get the 5k bundle pack for the interior pack
Or you could just play the market buy zen when its cheap sell when it goes up and just wait until they bust out something you want
What I'm waiting for is the EC market to drop. I rarely buy off it due to greedy players.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Personally, I am not in any big hurry to get most of the stuff on the exchange when it comes out. The new stuff is usually bugged, or they go through and Nerf it after a lot of people buy it. I put my dil on the exchange at a low price, and just wait till it gets low enough to sell.
Then, when the ones that are too impatient, and buy at a higher price, running the cost up, I sell my Zen for dil. This way, I make more dil, and turn it back into Zen at a lower price. I have made up to 600 Zen this way in one month. Lol.
Because I have no income, because of health problems, this helps me a lot.
Ahhhh yes, those were the good ol' days!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
The EC market as a whole isn't going to "drop", in the sense of experiencing outright deflation, unless they introduce a fleet holding on Ferenginar where instead of dilithium each 20 hour holding project costs 1 billion EC and drain EC out of the game that way.
Specific items have supply/demand cycles that are sometimes predictable... But if you're holding out for buying, say, a Galor at 100,000 EC, you're going to be holding out for a long time. And if what you want is in the current lockbox... it's unlikely to get cheaper from here.