I have to say Taco I'm impressed. A very nice social zone to share with your friends and fleeties. Thank you and express the same to all those who worked on it. The music is great too! Can't wait to see you and Smirk on the live stream tomorrow.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
I must admit, at first when I read the post about club 47 I didn't particulary care... but now that I've seen it, I like it very much.
I think I'll certainly spend more time here.
Also, nice to see a bit of interaction from the waitress. It's always nice to get the idea that the actions your character performs make a difference, even small things like this.
I liked that too, even the guy hopping from one foot to the other.:D
Anything that happens, happens. Anything that in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again.
It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order though.
it certainly does look spiffy, its just a pity theres nothing much you can actually do there, maybe a daily dance compo or something for dil or choice of marks would make it more worthwhile.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
"The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."
Douglas MacArthur - Quote on the dedication plaque of the U.S.S. Ranger NCC-97332-A Armitage class Fleet Heavy Strike Wing Escort.
It is really nice. The view of Earth is spectacular.
How about a dart game? or some other minigames? Would be a lot of fun!
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Seriously.... we are going to spend 99.9% of our time in-game AWAY from this place, so what is the point of a revamp?
Aren't there more important things in the game in desperate need of a DEVs attention?
You don't want an answer to that question - you don't want the veil lifted - you want to continue playing in happy ignorance of those around you...trust me. Just move on, don't think about it...try to continue to enjoy the game in blissful oblivion without the epiphany about some of your fellow players.
Maybe step back, don't think about it, and just give an objective appreciative comment on what was done - the work put into it, in its own right - without thinking about why it was done? Cause the work is pretty damn good...just don't think about the why.
I think its a great map to look at, and as other have said having a couple of mini games going on there would really add some spice and reason to go there more often.
I admire the attention to detail there too, the little goings on...chuckled at the toilet queue, superb
I love it However a 69 yr old member of my fleet spent about 2mins there before saying it was too loud for him lol! I asked "did you get your free costume and emote?", he replied "nope I just wanted to get out of there I am too old for that!".
He's a great ol' fella but I do kind of see his point lol!
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
You don't want an answer to that question - you don't want the veil lifted - you want to continue playing in happy ignorance of those around you...trust me. Just move on, don't think about it...try to continue to enjoy the game in blissful oblivion without the epiphany about some of your fellow players.
Maybe step back, don't think about it, and just give an objective appreciative comment on what was done - the work put into it, in its own right - without thinking about why it was done? Cause the work is pretty damn good...just don't think about the why.
I do, actually, want an answer. Yes, it's fun - it's great it's eye candy, but how is any of it more important than the actual issues in-game that have still gone unresolved? Was this hours, days, weeks of programming for a party line to the toilet?
I mean, sure, great job on the aesthetics so kudos there but, seriously, why was this more important than the plethora of current issues plaguing the game?
Edit: Allow me to add I am not attempting to stir trouble or grief over the club. I am just curious as to whether or not the same attention, if not more, is being dedicated to addressing and resolving the current in-game issues as the aesthetics.
I do, actually, want an answer. Yes, it's fun - it's great it's eye candy, but how is any of it more important than the actual issues in-game that have still gone unresolved? Was this hours, days, weeks of programming for a party line to the toilet?
I mean, sure, great job on the aesthetics so kudos there but, seriously, why was this more important than the plethora of current issues plaguing the game?
You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that this project was implemented by the art dept, which probably (just guessing here!) doesn't really have much to do with fixing whatever multitude of bugs you're referring to.
Great work on this. I have to admit to not being too enthused about its return, but this is incredible work, it's gorgeous! I love how isolated it is from the rest of ESD, almost like going into a separate map.
"Just Dance" by Lady Gaga
I must admit, at first when I read the post about club 47 I didn't particulary care... but now that I've seen it, I like it very much.
I think I'll certainly spend more time here.
Also, nice to see a bit of interaction from the waitress. It's always nice to get the idea that the actions your character performs make a difference, even small things like this.
I liked that too, even the guy hopping from one foot to the other.:D
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Douglas MacArthur - Quote on the dedication plaque of the U.S.S. Ranger NCC-97332-A Armitage class Fleet Heavy Strike Wing Escort.
The Shuffle Emote was excellent as well.
The Club Costume... Not so much
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
How about a dart game? or some other minigames? Would be a lot of fun!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Seriously.... we are going to spend 99.9% of our time in-game AWAY from this place, so what is the point of a revamp?
Aren't there more important things in the game in desperate need of a DEVs attention?
I can't remember being so impressed by anything else in STO.
You don't want an answer to that question - you don't want the veil lifted - you want to continue playing in happy ignorance of those around you...trust me. Just move on, don't think about it...try to continue to enjoy the game in blissful oblivion without the epiphany about some of your fellow players.
Maybe step back, don't think about it, and just give an objective appreciative comment on what was done - the work put into it, in its own right - without thinking about why it was done? Cause the work is pretty damn good...just don't think about the why.
Every party needs a pooper thats why they invited you party pooperrrrrrr party pooperrrrrrrrrrrrr
Funny, and the amount of fluorescent knocking about in Club 47 made me think of it, but this tune is not good.
edit/ forgot the sweary bits at the start. sorry.
Brap, big up yourself, safe, big tings Taco. Needs an MC though.
I admire the attention to detail there too, the little goings on...chuckled at the toilet queue, superb
I love it
He's a great ol' fella but I do kind of see his point lol!
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
I do, actually, want an answer. Yes, it's fun - it's great it's eye candy, but how is any of it more important than the actual issues in-game that have still gone unresolved? Was this hours, days, weeks of programming for a party line to the toilet?
I mean, sure, great job on the aesthetics so kudos there but, seriously, why was this more important than the plethora of current issues plaguing the game?
Edit: Allow me to add I am not attempting to stir trouble or grief over the club. I am just curious as to whether or not the same attention, if not more, is being dedicated to addressing and resolving the current in-game issues as the aesthetics.
You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that this project was implemented by the art dept, which probably (just guessing here!) doesn't really have much to do with fixing whatever multitude of bugs you're referring to.