My favorite daily run to date has been bugged since at least Oct 15th. Infected Manus has long been my favorite run in STO due to the challenge. I was very excited about the new Bug Hunt ground run and enjoy it but frankly, Bug Hunt Elite is still easier than old Infected Manus Elite or new Advanced has ever been.
The bug in the mission is in the final room where you need to have 3 team members simultaneously activate consoles to bring down a shield. The center player then "Uploads Virus" which will keep the shield down. There lies the bug. The shield will not stay lowered. In other teams we have tried this in different orders, making sure all 5 team members were on the platform, etc. We have spent until the timer expires trying different methods all to no avail.
Here is a link to the Bug in this report with hopes it will get LaughingTrendy to take notice and at least include it as a "Known Issue" in the patch notes. You will find the error at the 17:00 mark:
I miss the challenge and teamwork that IGE(A) presents and with it gone for a month my frequency of team PvE gameplay has decreased significantly. I would come on daily looking for a team to do a nice challenging ground tour but without Infected Ground it has become boring...
Thanks in advance for the patch. I miss my IGE...;(
a smart play if it works