For some reason I have always used melee weapons with my KDF character. Not always effective but it is fun. That being said I think I can become fairly decent.
So I am looking for some guidance.
I noticed swords have a built in charge which makes them really useful. Though I do miss my batleth. I'm thinking of using the crystalline sword with the 3pc. I don't know if these items are worth upgrading however, particularly the sword. What are the upgraded stats? Should I instead try a different set of items?
For some reason I have always used melee weapons with my KDF character. Not always effective but it is fun. That being said I think I can become fairly decent.
So I am looking for some guidance.
I noticed swords have a built in charge which makes them really useful. Though I do miss my batleth. I'm thinking of using the crystalline sword with the 3pc. I don't know if these items are worth upgrading however, particularly the sword. What are the upgraded stats? Should I instead try a different set of items?
Are there certain kits that I should look into?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
First question, are you Tact? Tact gets so many options for melee its not even funny. The other two classes.. not as much.
If you're tact, I can drop you a whole pot-o-gold-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow load of info for melee.
Weapons aren't really.. overally useful if you want to melee as a tactical captain. You can shove more damage out with using Sweeping Strikes.
This is of course, pve, when I talk about all this.
Doff wise, you'd want to use 3x Security Officers. Rare/Blue at least. The security Officers with Crit Chance and Crit Severity for melee attacks. You want 3 of those. They usualyl run like.. 500k - 1mil for blues. The rest of the doffs are up to you.
Alot of people will tell you different kit ability setups. But I'd honestly say stay away from Ambush and Stealth modules unless you pvp and are into that kind of thing. For ground pve, you want consistant dps with maybe a small amount of burst. to that effect I use....
Sweeping Strikes ( Purple XI kit module version. XIII modules are bugged atm and are worse than purple/very rare XIs. And XI purple is usualyl cheap anyway. )
Biotech Siphon ( This is a lockbox module. It is insanely useful and good. Any tact that melees should have this. It ups your survivability by a TON. And its usually laughably cheap on exchange as well. Usually under 1 mil EC. A steal tbh. )
Motivation ( Another lockbox trait. But another good one. Flat damage % increase as well as a small heal. Very nice and usualyl alwaysu nder 1 million ec. )
Motion Accelerator ( Snare/Root immunity. Great for borg since they lovveee to snare and root. Flat damage % increase along with some other goodies. Can't go wrong with this. )
Last module tbh is up to you. I prefer Lunge for a small amount of burst when a target gets exposed. Other people will like different things. Try stuff and see what you like best, but for pve ( which is what I'm targetting here. ) avoid ambush and stealth module imo. You could try some of the intel kit modules, mix it up with anesthine gas mine, or trip mine, or that new elachi kit module from new episode. If you're undecided, just pop lunge in there and try some other stuff as well. Or rally cry, hard to pass up on more damage and team utility.
As for Gear. It just seems so clear cut to me.
Armor: counter command Armor. A whooping 30% physical damage. Yes please.
P.Shield: Shattering Harmonics Shield. 40% dodge bonus. Not bad.
Weapon 1: Counter Command rifle ( For if you're forced to range. )
Weapon 2: Shattering Harmonics Crystal Sword
Gear wise. You're stacking 2 pc set bonuses. CC armor and Weapon is a given. 5% crit from 2 piece and armor has 30% physical damage. Be crazy not to get that for melee. Shattering Harmonics 2 piece has some alright 2 pc bonus as well. Another 2 piece you could try would be Delta Rep shield and gun. That has over 150 HP bonus ( with at least 6 points into combat armor. ) Gear wise if you don't have tier 5 reputation in Counter Command, you can get a Advanced Fleet Physical Augmentation armor as a filler. Its cheap on fleet marks and dilithium and has a 20% physical damage increase. Not the best, but not the worst. Its good til you can get counter command armor.
Also, I use a lockbox Delta Expeditions kit. Combat Armor and.. I forgot the mod that increases physical damage, combat specialist I think it was. As a note on kits and kit modules, remember, lockbox kit modules are UNIVERSAL for kit slots. They will go in either type, strategy or assault. A big help when you need to shuffle non universal modules around ( Like sweeping strikes is assault only, etc. )
Your weapons aren't your main damage outputter. Think of them as 2 pc bonus stat sticks. you're bread and butter damage output will come from sweeping strikes. You pretty much run in, get as many borg surrounding you as possible, buff up, and sweeping strikes. Sweeping in a narrow forward cone aoe. So getting as many in front of you, close, is best. Them ore you hit, the better biotech siphon will heal you. Don't be afraid to mix it up with packs of enemies on ground maps, especially borg. Though have to be careful, carry immuno suppressants. Alot of them. You'l lbe in their face most of the time and if you aren't buzzing with a green cloud half the time in a borg stf then you're not doing your job!
Tactically, on borg ground STFs, the only one that will be annoying is Infected Manus. Watch your group. If someone crosses the trigger lines because they're trolling, or don't know any better, buff up, charge into the room and take the assimilating worker drones out in 2 - 3 sweeping strikes kicks. Run back to team. Usually I let my team pull the most visible borg packs from trigger lines, then I'll charge room and save the ensigns getting assimilated before anyone can accidently make any mistakes. Then you just clean up the room. Rinse and repeat. The most annoying part is final boss, she flies over big green pools 90% of the time. So as much as it is painful, if you're in a pug group, ignore her mosto f the time. Instead, focus on running around and killing respawning tactical drones as they pop up. This can be a HUGE help, and its something a exclusively melee tactical captain can do on this boss. People who do ground stfs alot will sometimes appreciate it and thank you for it too!
for specialization commando is obvious. Lots of goodies there to increase damage and surv.
Thank you for your post, wintiemintie. I have a KDF TAC and I really enjoy using the Rending Bat'leth. You have shown me how to use it more effectively. Much appreciated. My Handle ingame is @thunderfoot1007. If You ever need a favor ingame, please ask.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
also as a side note, however I have yet to test this nor have I read anyone has given it a test.
If Site to Site Snare works on the Rebecca boss in Manus, then theres you a filler ability to replace lunge with. as if using..
Sweeping Strikes, Biotech Siphon, Motivation, Motion Accelerator, and Site to Site Snare.
Site to Site Snare teleports targets to you, so if it works on Rebecca.... GG you just won Infected Manus as a melee tactical without her floating over green pools of death 90% of the time.
Note that if you're just after the Counter Command 2 piece set bonus, you can simply do the Kit Frame and Armor, leaving one weapon slot open. The Counter Command Kit Frame is a 2/1/2 Frame and can therefore handle all of the above Modules and still have a Universal slot (in the middle) left over for anything you'd like. If you add in the Counter Command Weapon (either) as well, you'll reach the 3 piece set bonus, which can be a nice booster for both melee (every 3 minutes) and ranged (mostly).
Set 3: Unstable Bio-Molecular Personal Shield
Targets Self 3 min recharge Absorbs 455.5 points of damage for 15 sec
On Expiration: __ Radiation Damage up to 10 enemies in a 5m radius (50% Shield Penetration)
__ Radiation Damage every 1 sec for 8 sec on affected targets (50% Shield Penetration)
+15 Repel
Bio-Molecular Instability
Increases Bio-Molecular energy weapon proc chance by 2%
... wouldn't be a bad way to go. And you'd still have the option of dropping the Counter Command Rifle in place of the KHG Pulsewave Rifle if that's your preference for ranged attacks.
Note that if you're just after the Counter Command 2 piece set bonus, you can simply do the Kit Frame and Armor, leaving one weapon slot open. The Counter Command Kit Frame is a 2/1/2 Frame and can therefore handle all of the above Modules and still have a Universal slot (in the middle) left over for anything you'd like. If you add in the Counter Command Weapon (either) as well, you'll reach the 3 piece set bonus, which can be a nice booster for both melee (every 3 minutes) and ranged (mostly).
... wouldn't be a bad way to go. And you'd still have the option of dropping the Counter Command Rifle in place of the KHG Pulsewave Rifle if that's your preference for ranged attacks.
I kinda tried to min-max on my kit a bit by stacking only bonuses for mods I wanted. I think I remember the CC Kit had some wasted bonuses that I don't use, but thats for my setup personally. Your setup works too, its mostly preference as long as you get the bare bone basic must haves. Like CC armor itself, 30% phys damage is kind of a must have to get the best out of your melee damage output.
I'm actually, at the moment, Testing CC Armor and Gun, and Delta Rep Shield and Gun. Delta Rep shield and gun for HP boost ( landing me at a whooping 978 health. Woo. ) and to give that exploit attack thing on the delta rifle a test to see if i can actually squeeze it in inbetween sweeping strikes spam. It'd have to do real good though, shattering harmonics 2 piece has soem really decent bonuses.
Also going to test site-to-site snare on Rebecca the flying borg lady sometime today. See if it works. If it does, well, I know my new favorite kit module for Infected Manus will be.
I kinda tried to min-max on my kit a bit by stacking only bonuses for mods I wanted. I think I remember the CC Kit had some wasted bonuses that I don't use
I'd hardly call a [Will]x3 mod "wasted" by any stretch of the imagination. That's your Mez Protection right there. It pretty much means that any holds, stuns, sleeps, snares, etc. etc. etc. get cleared off you really fast. Yes, you'll still suffer from status effects, but nowhere NEAR as long as you would otherwise.
Trust me ... I turned my nose up at it too ... at first. Then I saw my captain "shrugging off" control effects all the time in the Dyson Ground Battlezone while fighting Voth and became completely "sold" on the Counter Command Kit Frame. It's one of those things where once you've experienced the difference first hand you'll start wondering why you ever used anything else. This is something that doesn't yield easily to spreadsheet analysis. You just need to experience it, first hand, in order to appreciate it.
Also going to test site-to-site snare on Rebecca the flying borg lady sometime today. See if it works. If it does, well, I know my new favorite kit module for Infected Manus will be.
What is this site-to-site snare module? I've looked around and haven't found it. Please provide links and/or screenshots.
I'd hardly call a [Will]x3 mod "wasted" by any stretch of the imagination. That's your Mez Protection right there. It pretty much means that any holds, stuns, sleeps, snares, etc. etc. etc. get cleared off you really fast. Yes, you'll still suffer from status effects, but nowhere NEAR as long as you would otherwise.
Trust me ... I turned my nose up at it too ... at first. Then I saw my captain "shrugging off" control effects all the time in the Dyson Ground Battlezone while fighting Voth and became completely "sold" on the Counter Command Kit Frame. It's one of those things where once you've experienced the difference first hand you'll start wondering why you ever used anything else. This is something that doesn't yield easily to spreadsheet analysis. You just need to experience it, first hand, in order to appreciate it.
What is this site-to-site snare module? I've looked around and haven't found it. Please provide links and/or screenshots.
You don't need a screenshot. Just go ingame. Either goto a Bridge Officer trainer and look at intel ground abilities, or open up your delta reputation's store and look at intel modules. Should be this one. This is copy pasted from STO's main dev blog on intel abilities.
Site-to-Site Ensnare
Fire a long-distance tagger that will then initiate a site-to-site transport, bringing your foe to your location. Because of the sudden unexpected transport, they will be disoriented for a very short duration, but damaging them may break this effect.
As for willx3. I guess it depends on personal preference. I was maximizing as much damage as possible that i can shove out at one time. Because I live by the creed, they can't root you if they're dead. Plus when my GF logs on, she plays a full sci ground healer. So theres that. ;p
But my dps for sweeping strikes is massive. Outstrips any gun I could ever use, even the cochrane shotgun or the tr116b.
First question, are you Tact? Tact gets so many options for melee its not even funny. The other two classes.. not as much.
If you're tact, I can drop you a whole pot-o-gold-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow load of info for melee.
If you mean tact captain when you say melee...
Weapons aren't really.. overally useful if you want to melee as a tactical captain. You can shove more damage out with using Sweeping Strikes.
This is of course, pve, when I talk about all this.
Doff wise, you'd want to use 3x Security Officers. Rare/Blue at least. The security Officers with Crit Chance and Crit Severity for melee attacks. You want 3 of those. They usualyl run like.. 500k - 1mil for blues. The rest of the doffs are up to you.
Alot of people will tell you different kit ability setups. But I'd honestly say stay away from Ambush and Stealth modules unless you pvp and are into that kind of thing. For ground pve, you want consistant dps with maybe a small amount of burst. to that effect I use....
Sweeping Strikes ( Purple XI kit module version. XIII modules are bugged atm and are worse than purple/very rare XIs. And XI purple is usualyl cheap anyway. )
Biotech Siphon ( This is a lockbox module. It is insanely useful and good. Any tact that melees should have this. It ups your survivability by a TON. And its usually laughably cheap on exchange as well. Usually under 1 mil EC. A steal tbh. )
Motivation ( Another lockbox trait. But another good one. Flat damage % increase as well as a small heal. Very nice and usualyl alwaysu nder 1 million ec. )
Motion Accelerator ( Snare/Root immunity. Great for borg since they lovveee to snare and root. Flat damage % increase along with some other goodies. Can't go wrong with this. )
Last module tbh is up to you. I prefer Lunge for a small amount of burst when a target gets exposed. Other people will like different things. Try stuff and see what you like best, but for pve ( which is what I'm targetting here. ) avoid ambush and stealth module imo. You could try some of the intel kit modules, mix it up with anesthine gas mine, or trip mine, or that new elachi kit module from new episode. If you're undecided, just pop lunge in there and try some other stuff as well. Or rally cry, hard to pass up on more damage and team utility.
As for Gear. It just seems so clear cut to me.
Armor: counter command Armor. A whooping 30% physical damage. Yes please.
P.Shield: Shattering Harmonics Shield. 40% dodge bonus. Not bad.
Weapon 1: Counter Command rifle ( For if you're forced to range. )
Weapon 2: Shattering Harmonics Crystal Sword
Gear wise. You're stacking 2 pc set bonuses. CC armor and Weapon is a given. 5% crit from 2 piece and armor has 30% physical damage. Be crazy not to get that for melee. Shattering Harmonics 2 piece has some alright 2 pc bonus as well. Another 2 piece you could try would be Delta Rep shield and gun. That has over 150 HP bonus ( with at least 6 points into combat armor. ) Gear wise if you don't have tier 5 reputation in Counter Command, you can get a Advanced Fleet Physical Augmentation armor as a filler. Its cheap on fleet marks and dilithium and has a 20% physical damage increase. Not the best, but not the worst. Its good til you can get counter command armor.
Also, I use a lockbox Delta Expeditions kit. Combat Armor and.. I forgot the mod that increases physical damage, combat specialist I think it was. As a note on kits and kit modules, remember, lockbox kit modules are UNIVERSAL for kit slots. They will go in either type, strategy or assault. A big help when you need to shuffle non universal modules around ( Like sweeping strikes is assault only, etc. )
Your weapons aren't your main damage outputter. Think of them as 2 pc bonus stat sticks. you're bread and butter damage output will come from sweeping strikes. You pretty much run in, get as many borg surrounding you as possible, buff up, and sweeping strikes. Sweeping in a narrow forward cone aoe. So getting as many in front of you, close, is best. Them ore you hit, the better biotech siphon will heal you. Don't be afraid to mix it up with packs of enemies on ground maps, especially borg. Though have to be careful, carry immuno suppressants. Alot of them. You'l lbe in their face most of the time and if you aren't buzzing with a green cloud half the time in a borg stf then you're not doing your job!
Tactically, on borg ground STFs, the only one that will be annoying is Infected Manus. Watch your group. If someone crosses the trigger lines because they're trolling, or don't know any better, buff up, charge into the room and take the assimilating worker drones out in 2 - 3 sweeping strikes kicks. Run back to team. Usually I let my team pull the most visible borg packs from trigger lines, then I'll charge room and save the ensigns getting assimilated before anyone can accidently make any mistakes. Then you just clean up the room. Rinse and repeat. The most annoying part is final boss, she flies over big green pools 90% of the time. So as much as it is painful, if you're in a pug group, ignore her mosto f the time. Instead, focus on running around and killing respawning tactical drones as they pop up. This can be a HUGE help, and its something a exclusively melee tactical captain can do on this boss. People who do ground stfs alot will sometimes appreciate it and thank you for it too!
for specialization commando is obvious. Lots of goodies there to increase damage and surv.
Hope this post helps you out. :P
If Site to Site Snare works on the Rebecca boss in Manus, then theres you a filler ability to replace lunge with. as if using..
Sweeping Strikes, Biotech Siphon, Motivation, Motion Accelerator, and Site to Site Snare.
Site to Site Snare teleports targets to you, so if it works on Rebecca.... GG you just won Infected Manus as a melee tactical without her floating over green pools of death 90% of the time.
Sweeping Strikes: Assault
Biotech Siphon: Strategic
Motivation: Strategic
Note that if you're just after the Counter Command 2 piece set bonus, you can simply do the Kit Frame and Armor, leaving one weapon slot open. The Counter Command Kit Frame is a 2/1/2 Frame and can therefore handle all of the above Modules and still have a Universal slot (in the middle) left over for anything you'd like. If you add in the Counter Command Weapon (either) as well, you'll reach the 3 piece set bonus, which can be a nice booster for both melee (every 3 minutes) and ranged (mostly).
Me? I'm thinking that a mix of ...
Counter Command Tactical Kit
Counter Command Exo-Armor
Klingon Honor Guard Pulswave Rifle (STILL the Ultimate Weapon!)
Shattering Harmonics Crystalline Sword
Shattering Harmonics Personal Shield Matrix
... wouldn't be a bad way to go. And you'd still have the option of dropping the Counter Command Rifle in place of the KHG Pulsewave Rifle if that's your preference for ranged attacks.
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
I kinda tried to min-max on my kit a bit by stacking only bonuses for mods I wanted. I think I remember the CC Kit had some wasted bonuses that I don't use, but thats for my setup personally. Your setup works too, its mostly preference as long as you get the bare bone basic must haves. Like CC armor itself, 30% phys damage is kind of a must have to get the best out of your melee damage output.
I'm actually, at the moment, Testing CC Armor and Gun, and Delta Rep Shield and Gun. Delta Rep shield and gun for HP boost ( landing me at a whooping 978 health. Woo. ) and to give that exploit attack thing on the delta rifle a test to see if i can actually squeeze it in inbetween sweeping strikes spam. It'd have to do real good though, shattering harmonics 2 piece has soem really decent bonuses.
Also going to test site-to-site snare on Rebecca the flying borg lady sometime today. See if it works. If it does, well, I know my new favorite kit module for Infected Manus will be.
I'd hardly call a [Will]x3 mod "wasted" by any stretch of the imagination. That's your Mez Protection right there. It pretty much means that any holds, stuns, sleeps, snares, etc. etc. etc. get cleared off you really fast. Yes, you'll still suffer from status effects, but nowhere NEAR as long as you would otherwise.
Trust me ... I turned my nose up at it too ... at first. Then I saw my captain "shrugging off" control effects all the time in the Dyson Ground Battlezone while fighting Voth and became completely "sold" on the Counter Command Kit Frame. It's one of those things where once you've experienced the difference first hand you'll start wondering why you ever used anything else. This is something that doesn't yield easily to spreadsheet analysis. You just need to experience it, first hand, in order to appreciate it.
What is this site-to-site snare module? I've looked around and haven't found it. Please provide links and/or screenshots.
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
Looks like I was wrong. Here's a better option ...
Counter Command Tactical Kit
Counter Command Exo-Armor
Zefram Cochrane Shotgun reward from the Mirror Invasion Event <--{{{
Shattering Harmonics Crystalline Sword
Shattering Harmonics Personal Shield Matrix
Why the change? Well ... :rolleyes:
The shotgun does Physical Damage.
Read that again. Twice.
Physical Damage.
What are Borg incapable of Adapting to? Physical Damage.
/em chucks Frequency Remodulator into the Replicator for recycling
What does the Biotech Siphon Module use to power its healing functionality? Physical Damage :cool:
We come in Peace. Shoot to Heal Me. Shoot to Heal Me. Shoot to Heal Me ...
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
You don't need a screenshot. Just go ingame. Either goto a Bridge Officer trainer and look at intel ground abilities, or open up your delta reputation's store and look at intel modules. Should be this one. This is copy pasted from STO's main dev blog on intel abilities.
Site-to-Site Ensnare
Fire a long-distance tagger that will then initiate a site-to-site transport, bringing your foe to your location. Because of the sudden unexpected transport, they will be disoriented for a very short duration, but damaging them may break this effect.
As for willx3. I guess it depends on personal preference. I was maximizing as much damage as possible that i can shove out at one time. Because I live by the creed, they can't root you if they're dead. Plus when my GF logs on, she plays a full sci ground healer. So theres that. ;p
But my dps for sweeping strikes is massive. Outstrips any gun I could ever use, even the cochrane shotgun or the tr116b.