Banned for fetishising a politician (even if he is a better one than the current one - our UK leadership is ban-worthy too)...
And also banned for politics in general.
Banned because yes, they do bleed. Profusely. Nobody likes giving vaccinations to Sith because no matter how careful you are with the needle, it always makes a huge mess. More serious injuries tend to result in more blood than could possibly be contained in their bodies. I think it's party of their edgy image,
Also retrobanning all the UK politicians since I was asked to.
> @hawku001x said: > Banned because gooooooooo Raptors goooooooooooooooooooo! #sportsball
Banned for whatever that means.
Also thanks to the previous poster for banning UK politicians... It was necessary.
Also slipping in a side ban to CBS for reporting on a NASA find of what looks like the Starfleet chevron on Mars and for not saying its the planned site of Utopia Planatia Shipyard.
Retro-banned for playing baseball for some unknown reason.
My character Tsin'xing
Banned because that sounds less like Star Trek and more like 70s Doctor Who television music. Also, Hitchhikers 70s Guide television music.
Banned for not knowing the correct HHTTG music!
Also, I was speaking of the incidental music, not the theme music. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Banned for a silly hat!
Anyway banned for no reason at all, because I don't need a reason!
And also banned for politics in general.
Banned for generalising!
Also retrobanning all the UK politicians since I was asked to.
> Banned because gooooooooo Raptors goooooooooooooooooooo! #sportsball
Banned for whatever that means.
Also thanks to the previous poster for banning UK politicians... It was necessary.
Also slipping in a side ban to CBS for reporting on a NASA find of what looks like the Starfleet chevron on Mars and for not saying its the planned site of Utopia Planatia Shipyard.
Banned for having no sense of nostalgia.
They'd probably have ground and space facilities, of course.
Banned because also many reminiscing riesling.
:: glug, glug, glug ::
My character Tsin'xing