banned becaue I've no nice memorys about these decade. Challenger, Chernobyl, Bhopal, ugly clothing, more ugly hair styles.. and the worst of all: the first day at school
so: dirty dancing banned!
Banned because Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it
Banned because Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it
Banned for using euthanasia on this thread
banning myself for flux capacitor
my post # was the year of that ;p
Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshioki Yo
oh and plz now don't ban me cause of pvp. practically i'm already out of it lol ...
Banned for PvP
Banned for contributing to the delinquence of PvP abusers...SHAME ON YOU!!!
banned for.... non-pvp in an online game :eek:...
... better get off that pvp-train. it's just got too much potential and could go on for years :rolleyes:...
oh oops, so i start:
banned for blaming the iceberg. to quote nofx: "that berg attacked us!"
Banned for blaming the iceberg when it was clearly the trains fault that the PvP got abused in the first place
ok, so here we go:
banned for not being smarter. it's ok dude, enjoy :P....
double banned for having post 1995 and not mentioning Star Trek: Voyager, the series that spawned the infamous Delta Rising
banning myself for Star Trek: First Contact
Banned for posting in the year 1995
Banned because its*runs outside of ship and to the bow and exclaims*....DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURYYYY!!!!!
Edit: Dangit. Okay... 2001 posts...
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And because it won't be long until the futuuuuuuure!
Banned because the newest patch pissed me off :mad:
And retrobanning jorontomalak for eating the year of my birth on PvP stuff
And prebanning the fourth post after this one for the present day.