The last one was supposed to fix it too, and probably the one before that. I really want to be surprised that it didn't work, but honestly I think I would have been more surprised if it had.
At least it was only the batteries, my Deflector, Engines, Singularity Core and Shields disappeared along with my Subspace activation thingy (goes with the batteries!) into my inventory. Great patch...
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
yeah... well... maybe with the next patch?
im wondering if the devs actually check if their fixes are working or if they just copy/paste stuff from the last patch notes
I have not seen a fix for the load out bug in the patch notes so, no it was not "supposed to" fix the problem. Monitor this thread for posts by frost, he'll tell us when he has a fix in place:
Unfortunately, not a single person in that thread followed frosts request in the op, which is no doubt hurting his ability to find the actual cause of the issue.
yeah the last patch or the previous mentioned a fix of the loadout... but apparently it did NOT fix anything. i saved my loadout another 23 times since that patch and still (specially the newer space sets) keep missing from the ability tray.
from the original post at the november 6th patch notes
Resolved an issue where shuttle loadouts would not automatically apply when entering a queue that automatically switches the players ship to a shuttle.
Resolved an issue where items saved to a loadout would occasionally remove itself from its slot when transferring to another map.
Resolved an issue where items shared between the active ship and current shuttle do not move when swapping between them.
It is one big mesh. The reason for me is the fact that the game wants to help you, wanst to think for you. Stuff is moved on and from my action bars, equipment is removed or replaced by something else.
Notice, when you equip something, in your ship or on your character, an ability is placed on your action bar, but this can also happen when something is put into your inventory.
Example. Today I played with a newly rolled tac romulan. I had a kit with a grenade equipped. I could use the grenade by pressing key 6 on my keyboard. At some moment the icon was gone, no throwing grenades anymore. I checked the character. There was the kit. I could use two slots, only one was used by a grenade, but the grenade was gone. After careful looking I found a kit in my inventory. I equipped it et voila, the grenade was back.
So what happened? Probably I looted a tac kit and it got autoplaced on my character, replacing the original kit.
So Cryptic, get rid of these mechanics, auto-equipping, auto-placing icon on the tray etc. That would solve a whole lot of problems.
I think that Frost only verifies the bugs and passes on the work items. I doubt that he knows when something gets fixed, unless he's checking something in their bug tracker and sees that it's fixed.
Did you try re saving your loadout after setting your buttons up? I did that, beamed down to ESD, beamed back up and my bars reset. I loaded my loadout and my buttons went back to the way I wanted them. Sense then I have beamed down several times and back up. Have not had a problem sense.
Did you try re saving your loadout after setting your buttons up? I did that, beamed down to ESD, beamed back up and my bars reset. I loaded my loadout and my buttons went back to the way I wanted them. Sense then I have beamed down several times and back up. Have not had a problem sense.
yeah same here. Innitially I was bugged but when I resaved my loadout everything is fixed
I find it very hard to believe they're unable to recreate the bug. Hell, Cryptic can have a Webex or something with people who are experiencing the issue so they can see what's happening first hand if need be.
Read frosts post carefully. They are looking for a 100% guaranteed repro. They can clearly get it intermittently, as can almost everyone who experiences it. What they need is a guaranteed series of steps that will trigger the bug 100% of the time.
There's obviously a bunch of you still having issues with loadouts. Powers, Boffs and Doffs get changed or unslotted from the reports I'm seeing. We need your help to track this down.
We need characters that consistently experience this issue. Not "most of the time" or "sometimes", but "all of the time" or as close thereto as possible.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
im wondering if the devs actually check if their fixes are working or if they just copy/paste stuff from the last patch notes
Why, O, why do I always fall for it again?!
Unfortunately, not a single person in that thread followed frosts request in the op, which is no doubt hurting his ability to find the actual cause of the issue.
from the original post at the november 6th patch notes
Resolved an issue where shuttle loadouts would not automatically apply when entering a queue that automatically switches the players ship to a shuttle.
Resolved an issue where items saved to a loadout would occasionally remove itself from its slot when transferring to another map.
Resolved an issue where items shared between the active ship and current shuttle do not move when swapping between them.
Notice, when you equip something, in your ship or on your character, an ability is placed on your action bar, but this can also happen when something is put into your inventory.
Example. Today I played with a newly rolled tac romulan. I had a kit with a grenade equipped. I could use the grenade by pressing key 6 on my keyboard. At some moment the icon was gone, no throwing grenades anymore. I checked the character. There was the kit. I could use two slots, only one was used by a grenade, but the grenade was gone. After careful looking I found a kit in my inventory. I equipped it et voila, the grenade was back.
So what happened? Probably I looted a tac kit and it got autoplaced on my character, replacing the original kit.
So Cryptic, get rid of these mechanics, auto-equipping, auto-placing icon on the tray etc. That would solve a whole lot of problems.
yeah same here. Innitially I was bugged but when I resaved my loadout everything is fixed
Read frosts post carefully. They are looking for a 100% guaranteed repro. They can clearly get it intermittently, as can almost everyone who experiences it. What they need is a guaranteed series of steps that will trigger the bug 100% of the time.