Earlier today I saw a Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier spawning multiple(4 or 5) additional Romulan T'liss war birds, besides its own frigates. I guess they were not from the Romulan reputation system because that only warps in one. The fleet ones you can only use in a fleet action, like starbase defence, this happened in a patrol mission in the Delta quadrant. Does anyone know what power this is? and how to get it
Hey thanks for your reply, but this was limited to only T'liss warbirds(like hanger pets), the ship was t5u so its photonic fleet would have probably been a bit more then that that, I tried to ask but didn't got a straight answer from the player.
Hey thanks for your reply, but this was limited to only T'liss warbirds(like hanger pets), the ship was t5u so its photonic fleet would have probably been a bit more then that that, I tried to ask but didn't got a straight answer from the player.
The Photonic Fleet that comes out is random and, while quite weighted to spawn Dreadnoughts, can spawn entirely lower sized ships. Not seen an entirely one ship before from the power personally, but it should be possible, and the 4 or 5 estimate is right in line with an all small ship roll. I've had a fair number of T'Liss spawn from it, but usually with at least one D'D besides. I'd go with that being the power invoked, unless the faction shown on the player wasn't Romulan or wasn't Science Career.
I've had this issue too in my Narcine as a Romulan. And i am tactical so i don't actually have photonic fleet.
It always spawns T'liss light warbirds, never anything else. Also for me it wasn't just 4 or 5 warbirds. it was millions (well maybe not millions, but quite a few).
Thank you! this is what I saw!, I thought it was a power. My initial theory was that, that new tier 6 starship mastery from the new Romulan ship was responsible; ~create warp shadow or something and that pets would use this mastery trait too
hmm that is new to me.
I thought you were talking about the pet skin bug (scimitar has this BAD) where the pets come out as something odd (borg drones often for scimitar).
and they fight? LOL. Why can't they do that for all carriers...
Well those pets have an ability that allow them to make them look as another ship, to ''confuse'' watch Enterprise episodes "Babel One" "United" "The Aenar" to see them in action. The many T'liss warbirds showing up however is something weird.
Thank you! this is what I saw!, I thought it was a power. My initial theory was that, that new tier 6 starship mastery from the new Romulan ship was responsible; ~create warp shadow or something and that pets would use this mastery trait too
Yea i'm sort of suspecting it's something buggy with either the Faeht or Aelahl traits when using Narcine.
It doesn't happen with the scimitar, nor with the Ar'Kif.
Havn't tried another "neutral" carrier tho.
Or more specifically, is it possible the frigates are spawning T'varos instead of.. mines? (Or, if the mines are cloaking, do they trigger the Aelahl Mastery Trait somehow?)
Or more specifically, is it possible the frigates are spawning T'varos instead of.. mines? (Or, if the mines are cloaking, do they trigger the Aelahl Mastery Trait somehow?)
Omg, frigates launching infinite tvaros would be a hilarious bug!
As a followup, I finally got around to messing with my Aelahl.
It's definitely related to the Aelahl's mastery trait and cloaking. Anything under your control/considered a pet will spawn a decoy when it cloaks. This includes yourself, your mines, your pets, your pet's mines, etc. I haven't field tested it yet, but I'm fairly confident using Dispersal Pattern Beta 3 with Tractor Beam Mines would spawn a massive screen of T'liss Warbirds as soon as they activate/cloak.
I doubt it's intended, but to be honest, I find it a rather interesting gameplay mechanic that I wouldn't mind staying as a part of the game. It feels kind of like a summoner/pet class of sorts; almost makes you feel like a proper 'admiral'.. especially when you throw down Warp Shadow and Photonic Fleet..
From my tests, QSM doesn't trigger a decoy.. but it's possible the decoy was still on cooldown every time I used it(simply flashing your battlecloak real quick is enough to spawn a decoy of your own ship).
As a side note, I haven't seen any of the T'liss actually fire at anything... and it does work with tractor mines using dispersal patterns(was zipping around the Undine BZ spawning a bunch of them a few minutes ago).
Mine spawn when I use Rock and Roll or Quantum Singularity Manipulation. I'm currently in a T5U Breen Chel Gret and they are still spawning. But I do have Mastery in both T6 Romulan ships.
everything of your pets or weapons using a cloak/cloaklike ability spawn a warpshadow (tier 6 mastery). mines get invisible after a few sec, and if you or your pets laying mines they all spawn wardshadows as a decoy, the dcoy doenst attack, instead they just make themself a good target to disstrackt the fire (aggroing everything to shot at them)
very nice esp on escorts (even without cloak u can just lay a pair of mines and have some decent dummys preventing dmg from you
more mine = more decoys .... transphasic clustertorp is very nice^^ and every hangarpet using mines and patterns like the aquatic frigates (elite version)
The Photonic Fleet that comes out is random and, while quite weighted to spawn Dreadnoughts, can spawn entirely lower sized ships. Not seen an entirely one ship before from the power personally, but it should be possible, and the 4 or 5 estimate is right in line with an all small ship roll. I've had a fair number of T'Liss spawn from it, but usually with at least one D'D besides. I'd go with that being the power invoked, unless the faction shown on the player wasn't Romulan or wasn't Science Career.
It always spawns T'liss light warbirds, never anything else. Also for me it wasn't just 4 or 5 warbirds. it was millions (well maybe not millions, but quite a few).
See screenshot: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/26220345627565237/4B5C8355A89B7D5CDCAB0AD8AC6AC910985B73EB/
From combatlog they all counted as my pets too.
Edit: It happened in all STFs and such, but the most prominent one is Borg Disconnected where i always spawned a ton of the T'liss light warbirds.
I thought you were talking about the pet skin bug (scimitar has this BAD) where the pets come out as something odd (borg drones often for scimitar).
and they fight? LOL. Why can't they do that for all carriers...
It's a glitch. And a cool one.
Kind of like my now indestructible Scimidar, which has random quantum absorption(s) running 80% of the mission.
Yea i'm sort of suspecting it's something buggy with either the Faeht or Aelahl traits when using Narcine.
It doesn't happen with the scimitar, nor with the Ar'Kif.
Havn't tried another "neutral" carrier tho.
Or more specifically, is it possible the frigates are spawning T'varos instead of.. mines? (Or, if the mines are cloaking, do they trigger the Aelahl Mastery Trait somehow?)
Omg, frigates launching infinite tvaros would be a hilarious bug!
They are actual live warbirds tho, shooting and getting blown up.
It's definitely related to the Aelahl's mastery trait and cloaking. Anything under your control/considered a pet will spawn a decoy when it cloaks. This includes yourself, your mines, your pets, your pet's mines, etc. I haven't field tested it yet, but I'm fairly confident using Dispersal Pattern Beta 3 with Tractor Beam Mines would spawn a massive screen of T'liss Warbirds as soon as they activate/cloak.
I doubt it's intended, but to be honest, I find it a rather interesting gameplay mechanic that I wouldn't mind staying as a part of the game. It feels kind of like a summoner/pet class of sorts; almost makes you feel like a proper 'admiral'.. especially when you throw down Warp Shadow and Photonic Fleet..
Are you sure that's not attack pattern expertise on your Scimitar?
Really wondering if the T'liss spawns on mine deployment are intentional or not.
As a side note, I haven't seen any of the T'liss actually fire at anything... and it does work with tractor mines using dispersal patterns(was zipping around the Undine BZ spawning a bunch of them a few minutes ago).
very nice esp on escorts (even without cloak u can just lay a pair of mines and have some decent dummys preventing dmg from you
more mine = more decoys .... transphasic clustertorp is very nice^^ and every hangarpet using mines and patterns like the aquatic frigates (elite version)