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Where can I be a "dungeon master?"

alexmakepeacealexmakepeace Member Posts: 10,633 Arc User
edited November 2014 in Ten Forward
Kind of building off of my thread last week, I recently played Arma III on its free Steam weekend, and one of the things I noticed was that it has an unusual multiplayer mode: most players play as normal, but one play takes the role of "Zeus," creating and directing enemy AI in order to create an original scenario for his players in real time as they play, like the dungeon master/game master of a tabletop RPG.

I want to play a game like that, but I don't have the dough to buy Arma III, so I thought I would reach out to the font of internet knowledge: are there any other games like that, there one player takes the role of the dungeon master, spawning structures and AI for his players as they progress? My own searches have sadly come up empty.
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  • steamwrightsteamwright Member Posts: 2,820
    edited November 2014
    The closest thing I can think of (one taking on all) is not a video game (well, there is an app version apparently) but a board game, Scotland Yard, and the one opponent has limited functionality, nowhere near the levels of control you describe, though a good player can make the most of it. Probably not what you want, since it is not a video game (except the app, which I know nothing about), but I'll include a description should any have an interest.

    It is a pursuit game. All players but one take on the roll of detectives tracking down a suspect. Each are issued a limited number of underground, bus and taxi passes. The remaining player is Mr. X, the suspect. He is given an unlimited number of passes and a writing board to chart his moves each turn. This is kept from others, except for key moments in the game when he "surfaces" and must reveal his current location for one turn. The board is a simplified map of London, with routes and stops marked for the Underground, bus, and taxi. The object is to catch him before the detectives' passes run out.

    The game is actually sold by a company that develops products for the young, but it is a game of logic and some deduction, making it challenging for adults, too. I can tell you that my adult friends love the game, and we've spent many long nights and weekends playing. A skilled Mister X can keep a game going for 2 or 3 hours
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well, one thing you could try is a roleplaying map in StarCraft 2. I don't remember the exact name, though - but players can choose to be 'heroes' or 'dungeon masters', as you asked.

    Alternatively, Cortex Roleplay maps (also in SC2) basically make every player a DM - all the players can do a lot of the same stuff if they please, and I rather enjoyed some of it. (It was the first time I roleplayed online, too - made a whole universe based on the StarCraft one out of it...)

    Edit: Mind you, I'm not sure if you have to buy SC2 to have access to the Arcade. I know the Heart of the Swarm Starter Edition has full access if you have Wings of Liberty, but I have yet to try doing stuff on an account that has neither Wings of Liberty nor Heart of the Swarm.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Neverwinter Nights (not the Online game) 1 and 2 had such modes and features, IIRC.

    Or you go back to the basics - There is a new edition of Dungeons & Dragons out. You just need a few players, and these days, you can use online tools like MapTools and Google Hangout or Skype to play the game. Use a popular roleplaying game website like EN World to find players if you don't have any other people nearby or available online. ;)

    And if you're not into fantasy games - there are Sci-Fi based and Modern RPGs out there, too.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • alexmakepeacealexmakepeace Member Posts: 10,633 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Oddly slim pickings. You'd think there would be more games like this.

    Thanks, though.
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