I was just browsing the forums last night (at work, so I don't remember the thread) and someone brought up that you could now use three omni-beams on a single ship.
It was my understanding that you could only use one "standard" omni beam and one "ancient" omni beam.
1) "Ancient" Omni
2) "Craftable" Omni
3) Kinetic Cutting Beam (which acts like an omni and uses a similair icon):D
Thanks guys. Reason I was asking was because I run a beam boat now and miss the three turrets and the added front end fire power.
Really wish that they would allow using omni's the way you can turrets...
There is Phaser Omni Beam too.
Time will only tell!
yeah, but not a "ancient" one. to run three you have to run AP.
True there is another one in the Delta Rep System blue in color. I have 3 of them, AP ancient one, the Omega one Shuttle Phaser Omni one.
Time will only tell!