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Something positive for a change: Intel counters

heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
edited November 2014 in PvP Gameplay
Right, so, we've all had a bit of a sourpuss week. To change the tone in this forum, I thought I'd go over some of the means I've discovered to counter the new intel and rep powers that might be preventing some PVPers from enjoying their shooty-shooty. Some might be obvious, some not so much.

Viral Torpedoes

This is the trait from the T6 Benthan cruiser that dispenses all those annoying disables. Rumor has it that having a bunch of points in Inertial Dampers renders this disable a non-factor.

Ionic Turbulence

Countering this power is a little tricky. You have to understand its mechanics, as it has two components - the wobble cloud, and the effect applied to your ship. As long as you're in the cloud, the effect on your ship is continuously re-applied - so your first priority is to escape the cloud. You can do this by getting the tier 1 Pilot specialization perk "Reckless Abandon" - this will upgrade your Evasive Maneuvers to grant 2 seconds of movement debuff immunity. Pop evasive, escape the cloud, and once clear, pop hazard emitters (or any debuff cleanse that works) to remove the lingering effect on your ship. If you're being hit by multiple Ionic Turbulence powers, having the Emergency Conn Hologram doff and EPTE will permit you to cycle your Evasive Maneuvers much more frequently. (The Helmsman trait can help a bit if you don't have this doff, but not as much.)

Surgical Strikes

This one's a bit of a "duh" but any damage reflect power (Feedback Pulse, Haywire from the Elachi 3-pc set, Nanoprobe Feedback trait, Nukara shields, or reflect-doffed Polarize Hull) totally ruins users of Surgical Strikes.

Isokinetic Cannon

This lovely instapop gun is rendered harmless by simply tanking kinetic. Another "duh" but figured I should add it nonetheless.

Feel free to add any countering methods you've discovered!
Post edited by heckgoblin on


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